January 2016 Newsletter
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. They have been greatly appreciated.
Denise and I have been in Macapá for almost 3 months now. Living here has been a completely different experience than our time in Altamira. For one thing, in Altamira we had a huge safety net of other missionaries, multiple Vineyard churches, and the home base of the Xingu Mission. Here in Macapá, although we have been developing new and special relationships, we are a bit more isolated and feel that sense of being on our own. Denise and I were brought here to help a small struggling church. Prior to coming here, we talked a lot about ideas for the church, but I don’t think anything could quite prepare us for our experience here so far. Since we arrived, putting our ideas into action has been scary and exciting all at the same time.
Shortly after arriving, Denise and I were ordained as pastors in the church. This was suggested by the two Northern Brazil Directors, Clenildo and Elba. They wanted the church to see us as people of authority from the get-go. The Senior Pastor, Felipe, agreed with this decision.
We are falling in love with the church and the people here, but the Macapá Vineyard needs support in many areas including training for the worship team, discipleship and small group development, and help with finances and with organization in general. Denise and I made the conscious decision that our main focus initially would be to speak vision into the church and help the church develop a mission which we believe is a primary need here.
After a month of meetings and discussions, Denise and I became a bit disheartened. We knew that this process was going to be long and slow at times, but it was discouraging to see no movement whatsoever. To be honest, the church as a whole seemed disenchanted, bored and dry. Denise and I decided to spend a week fasting, praying and intentionally seeking God. The next week I was scheduled to preach at church. Denise and I both went to church experiencing something different in our hearts – a feeling of hopeful expectation. On this week the church was packed with new people and we could sense something different in the church as well. As I spoke about the Great Commission and how we as the Church all have a part in this, I could sense an excitement in the air. The whole church stepped forward for prayer at ministry time! We also had 3 visitors make decisions to follow Jesus for the first time!
Denise and I left church that night with overwhelming excitement. We realize that this process is going to be a difficult one with many twists and turns, but we believe that God gave us a glimpse of what is to come. Since then Denise and I have continued to speak vision into the church, we have started a discipleship program, but most of all have tried to lead by example. We are seeing our numbers rise, more new conversions and a tangible excitement growing in the church.
Going to see the new Star Wars with friends in Macapá
Last month Denise and I were also able to visit Denise’s parents for Christmas. Although I missed my family in Ohio tremendously, being with Denise’s family eased this longing. We had a great time with her parents and brothers! It was also nice being able to sit down with Denise’s father Clenildo and discuss ideas for the Macapá Vineyard. Clenildo has been doing ministry for many years here in Northern Brazil and is very good at it. He had great ideas that Denise and I have already started to incorporate into our work in Macapá.
Denise and I speaking at the Santarem Vineyard while visiting her family
Please continue to pray for us. Although things are going well at the moment, we are well aware that there are many difficult chapters ahead.
Pray for continued relational connections.
Pray for spiritual breakthroughs.
Pray for financial provision.
Please write us if you have any questions or comments. It means so much to have that connection. Thanks again for your prayers and support.
In His Service,
Christopher and Denise
Link for contributions: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/
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