July Amazon Update! Steve and Elba
Thank you so much for your prayers for us and the team from Columbus and Madison County Vineyard. We had a wonderful and full week with the team and it was a blessing. When the team landed on Sunday afternoon they got directly into a few vehicles and they were off to Pacaja with Keith and Marsha Wilson which is about 250 kilometers away from Altamira. The team made it just before the church service and they were able to minister to the church congregation. They did various activities throughout the week to bless the community and encourage the workers. They participated in an English get together at CDR, home groups, an oral hygiene clinic at one of the local schools to which they passed out toothbrushes and toothpaste, they helped with a big church outreach to the community where the church provided free haircuts, health checkups, counseling service with a lawyer, documentation, and a lot of prayers. During the prayer time we had testimonies of people being healed of headaches, toothaches, emotional healing and the confirmation of God’s unlimited love for them.
After the week in Pacaja, the team came back to Altamira and they went to the Mirante church. Cindy Taylor preached to the congregation about returning to our first love in Jesus and to regain that enthusiasm that we once had in the Lord. The message appeared to touch many in the congregation and the Holy Spirit was active during ministry time. All in all it was a great time with the team and I believe that the Lord used them to minister to us and the Brazilian people. For all the team did and help participate in it would appear that it would have taken a whole month. However, they were able to squeeze all of it in a 1 week timeline.
After the team left, our whole family was back in the truck on the road again to visit the church in Marabá. The Marabá church is about 530 km away. We had a really nice time with Ivanildo and Monica who are the pastors. Elba got to preach at the church and she shared about the importance of being committed to the church, and ultimately to Christ. The church is comprised of a lot of young adults and it was encouraging to see them hungry for Christ and wanting more of Him in their lives. Praise the Lord. Please pray for the church in Marabá and its leadership.
On July 4th, Alyssa turned 9 years old. She is growing up so fast and is a real sweetheart. For her birthday she got a secret diary and a coloring set. She loves to color and beatbox. Beatboxing is one of her hobbies that she is crafting and we are always amazed at the different sounds she is able to generate. The team brought down this pie in the face game. It was a big hit at her birthday party. Camilly got a new skateboard and she is really picking it up quickly.
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio 43234
Or On-line donations at:
One of the nights we went outside the city to look at the stars. They sky was filled and we saw many shooting stars. It was really nice. Leonard Taylor took these shots by keeping the exposure open for a long time. Then I turned on a flashlight so that we could see Alyssa and the team.
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