August Amazon Update! Steve and Elba
I (Steve) first came to Brazil in June of 2001 to help build a church at Belo Monte. The first picture is of our team and we had a great time. We got the shell of the church completed and then went home. During that time from then to now, the church has experienced many leadership changes and the church reopened and closed many times. Now, there is new leadership and things have been changing. They renovated the church, the congregation is increasing in size and leadership seems more stable. Last month I was asked to share a few words at the church inauguration which was a fun and nervous time, but thankfully everyone thought I did a good job. We also got the opportunity to bless the new leadership team and the new pastor. I feel more encouraged for the future of this church. Please pray for this church, the congregation and leadership team.
Wow, we were so blessed to have 13 people get baptized during the church service. It was a really exciting time and the Holy Spirit was touching each of their lives. I really love watching people getting baptized. First, I like the public testimony that it gives to people in the community. Second, I love that during the baptism the church is singing and worshiping God. Lastly, the symbolism of letting the person be completely immersed in water being baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross and no longer being slaves to self or sin. When they are raised out of the water they are raised into a new life in Christ and are with Him forever. Praise the Lord and may His transforming power be upon each of them and us daily. I think these pictures below show that happening.
Elba and her twin sister, Nira celebrated their birthdays in July. I am so thankful that God brought Elba into my life. She is such a beautiful person inside and out and I love her dearly. She is such great wife, best friend and mother. I bought this cake in celebration of her birthday and brought it home on my dirt bike. The cake did not do too well on the way back. Obviously, I did not think that one through.
We are so proud of Camilly and Alyssa as they continue to excel in school. They both won the gold medal and they got very high marks. Good job girls!!!
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio 43234
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We went to Santarem so Elba could perform her nephew’s wedding. During that time we went to the mall and they had these giant balls that you can get into and roll around. The girls, along with Apollo loved it. Camilly liked pushing the ball. However, when she got inside she freaked out.
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