Letting Him Lead-Finding Our Home
One Saturday morning in Canada shortly before we came back to Brazil, I was leafing through flyers minding my own business when I saw a picture of a golden retriever. For those who know us well, wed are often comparing ourselves to those overly friendly extroverted dogs.
But we also really want one and it represents home to me and to my kids who’s only ever house that felt like home had a golden retriever in it.
At that moment as I looked at the golden retriever in front of a cage I felt the Lord say, ‘so when you get to Joao Pessoa, you’re going to find a house that looks pretty great early on. But, it’s not the house I have for you so don’t rush it, wait on me’.
I told Phil and then forgot all about it.
Two weeks into our time here, and the fourth house we looked at-we were in love! It was clean, bright, had an extra bedroom for visitors, a bit of space outside, great location. We were ready to rent it.
The next morning we had an appointment to see it again. I woke up feeling uneasy and couldn’t figure out why. So, I said, ‘what’s up Jesus, why do I feel like this?’
That’s when he reminded me what he had told me when I was looking at the flyer.
Seriously? But this house is PERFECT. It has EVERYTHING!
But I have something better.
I told Phil, his shoulders sloped and he sighed, ‘Really?’
So, we didn’t rent it. For the next week or so there was NOTHING new on the market. We started to panic a little, what if I heard wrong?
But, everything in me told me not to rent it. Trust, wait, He has something better.
Finally, one day as I was obsessively looking on the Brazilian version of Kijiji a house appeared I hadn’t seen before, a new listing.
The initial picture had two large dogs that looked like golden retrievers in the drive way.
IT’S A SIGN! I joked, sort of.
I read the description, 3 bedrooms, and an ‘annex’. I made an appointment to see it at the earliest opportunity.
The minute we walked through the gates and into the house we were all sold on it. It had so much outside space, which is nearly impossible find here. There was also the annex, which had a garage below for all of Phil’s fiddlings, and above a full bedroom with ensuite for visitors. Separate from our own house for the visitors privacy and ours.
We really want our house to somewhere that pastors, missionaries and family and friends can come to find rest.
This place was just that.
Now that we are moved in, I am reminded every day that waiting on what God has for us is ALWAYS better. Jesus always has what’s best for us, even when it doesn’t look like it.
We just have to be willing to wait…..and that my friends is the hardest part.
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