October Thanks and Amazon update!
Thank you so much for your prayers for us as we traveled to South Africa to participate in their National Vineyard Conference.
Because of cost savings it was a long journey to get there with driving 530 km on very rough dirt roads to get to the Santarem airport, and then traveling another 24 hours with layovers by plane to arrive in South Africa. We arrived very tired but it was worth it as Elba was one of the main speakers and it was an awesome privilege to be with our African brothers and sisters. There were so many good things that happened during our trip. The biggest highlights were meeting our Portuguese speaking African family from Mozambique and Zambia. It was really special and we are looking forward to seeing how God will expand our friendships, and lead us to work closer together. Brazil is committed to sharing teaching material that we already have in Portuguese. In addition, God really used a servant named André to speak prophetically to everyone from our Brazilian group. We were all touched in a deep and profound way. It was also an honor to be able to go to the Apartheid museum and learn more about Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela and the amazing adversities that they overcame to defeat apartheid. Unfortunately, change is slow but as long as we continue to engage the conversation in productive and healthy ways, and leadership continues to dream for equality and freedom, I believe it will be achieved.
A great reminder.
At the church, we had a baptism and as always it was a great celebration at the church. Needless to say, it was also a great celebration in heaven as well. Praise the Lord! We are so happy for this public decision that they made in their lives and the great adventure that the Lord will lead them going forward. Please keep these new believers in your prayers.
The girls are doing well and to tell you the truth I am not sure if they really missed us while we traveled to South Africa. 🙂 Upon arriving back home we found and caught this snake. We took it down to our local EPA for them to set free. Before giving it to them, Alyssa mustered up the courage to hold the snake. Pretty courageous. Camilly is pictured with her cousin Apolana at one of our church events. They are growing up so fast and turning into more beautiful women of God every day. Also pictured, is just one of the many animals that we saw in Africa.
Please pray for our city. As I mentioned in an earlier email, it is now the number one city in Brazil for murders. Unfortunately, things have not cooled down. It continues and in just 2 days last week there were 7 murders, some execution style. On top of all the other crime, it takes the level of fear to new heights for the people of Altamira. We need your prayers that the Lord’s Kingdom will reign in this city and we will start to experience heaven on earth.
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
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On our long journey to get to South Africa we stopped at a restaurant in a small city. I went to use the bathroom and I saw this “in case of emergency break glass”, with two shucked corn cobs. I had no idea what it meant until I asked Elba. OMG!!! Praise the Lord for toilet paper! Cannot believe that people actually used this as a method to get clean. I lived such a sheltered life….in this case…..I am happy. 🙂
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