Disciple Making Movements Update
The Marabá Church had a training event about Discovery Groups. This group is wiser now. They have tried some things that worked a bit, and other things that didn’t work out as they hoped.
Two things I especially love about Discovery Group training:
1. It is easier for the trainer, because rather than prepare lessons, you ask the group to study a certain Bible text.
* What does it say?
* What does it mean?
* How will I respond?
* Who will I talk to about this?
2. It is easier for the group. When someone talks too long (yawn) the group gets restless. Soon there are several secret conversations going on in the background and their social media friends continue to lure them away. When individuals are engaged discovering truth from the Bible with a few friends, the study is much more enjoyable. And there is life-giving energy in the room.
Win / Win.
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