January Amazon Update!
Thank you so much for your support and prayers. We usually like to send our updates in the middle of the month but we have been traveling for the last 21 days and just got back. It was a great time and adventure. Bless you and pray that you enjoy the below update!
As I mentioned above we just got back from traveling for 3 weeks and it was an adventure as we slept in many different places and traveled via boat, planes, and automobile. I did not do so well with the driving part. OPPS. Thankfully no damage….except to my ego.
We spent about 2 week in Santarem and Jacarim. During our stay there we spent time with their leadership and talked about current things that are happening within the church, and the future. We also participated in ordaining 2 couples to be senior pastors. The first picture is of Inilson and Enilda to be the senior pastors of Santarem. The second pictures is of Ricardo and Cleury to be the senior pastors of Jacarim church. Both of these couples are passionate for the Lord, and the lost. Please keep them in your prayers.
We also had the pleasure of being with Richie Bouthillier and his family in Portel. We went to officially inaugurate their church building, and participate in ordaining Geise to be the pastor in Portel. The Bouthilliers are doing a great job in Portel and it was a great thing to celebrate. The mission is all about planting churches, and training leaders. This moment was what we are called here to do. Help plant Vineyard churches, and train local leaders to lead into the future. Praise the Lord!
The girls are doing well. They just started school on the 1st of February. Actually school started a few days ago but since the girls were with us during our travels they were unable to attend. During our trip, we had a chance to go to Elba’s hometown. Camilly and Alyssa were trying to learn how to fly a kite. It somewhat worked. Elba also showed us the place that she used to get water every morning by bucket and then carry on their heads back to their house. I was fortunate enough to be able to turn on a Fawcett and water came out.
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
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I found this English school in Santarem with this name. A lot of my friends in Ohio would argue that this could not be a good English school with the name of Michigan. J
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