July 2018 Amazon Update!
We just started another small group in the last 3 weeks. Promoting small groups has always been a priority of the church because we believe that this is where we see spiritual growth, learning, fellowship, and serving. Our small groups are usually a group of 4 or more people that meet on a weekly basis. Small groups are a place where you can study the Word of God, develop deeper friendships, and pray for one another. It is during small groups where we can see lives being transformed and leaders developed. Pray for a multiplication of more small groups through the churches.
The church had its annual country themed celebration to help raise money for projects at the church. With the economy not being good the church has seen a significant reduction in giving. It is barely paying its bills and workers. These events help fund projects that the leadership feels are necessary. In this case, it helped build a woman’s restroom. The event was successful and earned just enough to get it built. The event had a bizarre of donated clothing, many games, food, and live entertainment. Please pray for our church.
We have other challenges at the church. For example, when trying to mix the sound for the worship band during church service we try not to let the HUGE tarantula get us!!!
On a personal note, we celebrated two birthdays in July. Alyssa on July 4th, and Elba on the18th. Alyssa had a sleep over with a bunch of her friends, and they burnt the midnight oil having fun together. Elba (and her twin sister, Nira) turned 40 years old and the church put together a big party. They had a lot of fun and they were both treated to a beauty skin treatment. Personally, I thought it was unnecessary as Elba already looks so beautiful and young. Not to be left out, Camilly participated in her school Olympics. She played soccer, handball, and dodgeball. They came in 2nd place.
Prayer update: We took the leap of faith and put our house up for sale. No offers as of yet. If it God’s will for us to sell, then it will happen. We are placing it at His feet. If you should remember, please pray for God’s will.
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
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Camilly and her friend trying on a pair of pants.
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