Hello from the Xingu Mission! This monthly Field Report is highlighting the joy of walking out vision. May you feel the presence of God today!
Extend the Kingdom of God throughout Brazil by training and empowering nationals and facilitating the planting of Vineyard churches. This is our vision. Our senior leadership team met to be strategic in our planning of use of resources in moving forward with our vision.
Currently we have a missionary couple (Keith and Marsha Wilson) leaving a healthy church in the hands of nationals and moving to a different city this month to start a new city center church plant. We have a missionary family (Steve and Elba Dolan) in transition to move to a different city by year end to start a new city center church plant. We also have a new missionary family (Derek and Amanda Blaylock) joining the mission. They will be working with Christopher and Denise Meyer and Bob Lesher in Macapá to learn the language and culture before diving into church planting.
This is all very positive and healthy growth as we strive to extend the Kingdom of God. As you can imagine with so many changes, the need for strategic planning is essential.
As we met, we continued to press into our priorities. As the pandemic dwindles and getting together is possible, we as a mission would like to see more in the formation and training of pastors and national missionaries, much like the training we wrote about last month.
We also see resource needs on the horizon with these current and new city center church plants. We are very excited for these moves as we and the National Vineyard movement see them as strategic for the church planting movement as a whole. As we grow these city center churches in the north, our vision is for them to be healthy, thriving churches with a vision to reach out even further into areas still in need of the hope of Christ.
We also fortified our continued desire to care for our missionaries in order to cultivate healthy long term workers. We also pray for more!
As with all living things, what we nurture is what grows. We’re encouraged by all that is happening in the mission that are positive steps in our vision and hope you find it encouraging as well. Even more encouraging than these changes are the personal relationships and the resulting impact on individual lives that we’ve seen and experienced that keeps us moving forward. This is our vision and what we will continue to nurture.
It’s a team effort and we need your prayers, encouragement and financial support to continue in our efforts here. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!