Hello from the Xingu Mission! This monthly Field Report highlights our missionary kids. May you be blessed to be a blessing!
There are a few different philosophies about raising children on the mission field overseas. Of course, the circumstances of the safety of a particular location play a large part. Here in Brazil, the country is open to sharing the gospel. The dangers here come in the form of societal violence, dangerous creatures, and logistical hazards. Those who have been missionaries with the Xingu Mission have, for the most part, chosen to include our children in doing missions in Brazil alongside us.
Before even speaking the language, a missionary family taking part in advancing the Kingdom of God is a testimony to Christ. The interaction between family members, the idea that everyone gets to participate regardless of age, their values, and care for each other and neighbors speak volumes. It sets a good foundation for an indigenous church even before the church plant has begun.
From playing with friends, to praying, to worshipping, to witnessing, our children play a vital role in church planting. At the same time, their participation is working in their lives in incredible ways: they see ministry as a normal part of living; they have a broader world view and interact easier with people from different cultures and a variety of age differences; they are fluent in more than one language as they tend to pick it up easier and faster than their parents; and they gain life experiences atypical of the average child to name a few of the benefits.
It isn’t always an easy path with schooling hurdles, the curiosity of being different that draws attention can also be difficult in always “standing out”, and the distance from family and other missionaries. The simplest task of answering the question “Where are you from?” becomes a long difficult answer. However, for those that have truly been participants in ministering as a family, the positive experiences for themselves personally and for the Kingdom of God have made great impacts.
A missionary family ministering together can model what Christ can do in and through a family. This brings hope to so many with such brokenness in their personal and family lives. We love to see our kids participating in the Kingdom of God!
Please pray for the missionary kids of the Xingu Mission: 1. those that currently are on the field: Camilly, Alyssa, Jonas and Liam; 2. those that grew up on the field, returning to their home country as their parents remain on the field: Logan and Justin; and 3. those that will be entering the field: Selah, Amaris, Josiah and Adalee. Feel free to reach out and encourage or bless them in their MK lives. We appreciate your support for our Xingu Mission families! Thank you! |