Xingu Mission Field Report September 2024

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Sense a call to be a missionary?  Consider how you would fit with a church planting team in Brazil.

Have you sensed a call to missions and for one reason or another disqualified yourself?  Have apparent obstacles barred your way? 

Let me start by sharing with you what some of our missionaries did before joining the mission, their ages, family status, and what they thought were potential obstacles or disqualifying matters.

Age 58, widowed, excavating construction, personal difficulties; 
ages 39, married, 4 young children, teacher and manager for international company, feelings of being too introverted and intimidated about raising funds;
age 64, single, banking and insurance, too old, God wouldn’t call me; 
age 35, IT manager, DUI on record, not a theologian;
ages 34, married, 2 young children, accounting , auditor, a resume for being a missionary would be blank.

This is just a small variety of former and current long-term field missionaries.  We have had young singles, older singles, young marrieds who’ve had their children while on the field, marrieds that came with their children of varying ages, older marrieds whose children were already grown.  We’ve had people from various backgrounds and varying ministry experience.  Some felt called to missions and waited years to go.  Others felt called and went with little prep time. 

So what then are traits that make a long-term missionary? 

The first and foremost is certainty in God’s call for you.  Other traits are intimacy with God, servant mentality, persistence, humility, flexibility, teachable, faithfulness, collaborative, courage and an entrepreneurial spirit. 
God uses ordinary people who love Him and are completely surrendered to His will.

Do not disqualify yourself.  If you sense a calling to overseas mission, let’s talk to see if church planting in Brazil is where God is directing you.

Please feel free to contact me (Marsha):
by email:
by phone:  614-259-5464

You are blessed to be a blessing!

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