
Amazon Update on Teams!



Pray this update receives you well.  We had 2 teams come and participate in the Lord’s work.  We have 3 more coming in the next couple of months.  Please pray for expansion and great experiences.


As promised in the last update, we will share more about two recently visited teams.  We had a team from Vineyard Community Church led by Chip Richardson.  Then we had Midge Shaw and Renee.  We will have three more teams joining us in October and November.  This update will be more pictures than words. 


The Vineyard Community Church has been bringing a team for many years, and they have supported the water filter project.  The team came to Belem for several days, and then we went to Portel.  We had an English pizza night at two locations during their time in Belem.  It was a big hit as Brazilians wanted to learn and reinforce their English.  It was also great for the church to get to know more people. 




The team then went to Portel.  We had the opportunity to share the Word at the church and to a community along the river.  Alyssa translated for Chip and some team members as they gave their testimonies.  We love the picture of the little girl who was praying for Douglas. 




In addition, we built some filters and delivered them to some houses along the river that did not have them yet.  The water filter project moved to Belem, and we will distribute filters soon after we get established. 




Midge Shaw has been coming to the Amazon region for over 25 years.  She is a pioneer dedicated to serving the Brazilians and spreading the Gospel.  It is always great to have her in Brazil with us.  She was accompanied by Renee, who had also been coming to Amazon for many years.  During their time here in Belem, they lead another English night.  However, we did it at the church this time and had a good turnout. 


The other nights, Midge preached at the church, and we visited individual homes to have church.  Midge shared about the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit was active, and we saw people receive healing and salvation.  It was awesome, and everyone felt so blessed.  We can see us doing more home visits with other teams. 




Then Midge, Renee, and Elba flew to Altamira for a Holy Spirit conference at the Mirante Church.  It was excellent, and the Spirit moved among the participants. 


Our biggest struggle was to keep up with both Midge and Renee!  Smile!!!




We appreciate your continued prayers:


Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém church plant and a permanent place to meet. 

Please pray that the Lord will continue to reveal His plans to the church and us.

Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God. 

Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this phase of our lives.  

Please pray for our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.  

Please pray for the rejection of this virus from your loved ones and its eradication.


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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