Wilson’s March 2025 Update

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Church Growth 

We are blessed by your prayers and support!  Here is how the church is growing:

Within the last month, we held a class where we shared our vision, values, and ministry practices.  Most of our community attended, even those who have been coming awhile.  Sharing our purpose and direction provided an opportunity to discern whether this community of faith is where they want to serve.  It was an encouraging time as they formally shared their desire to be a part of what we are doing here in Palmas.  

During this class, a few people shared their desire to serve musically in the area of worship.  So, we held a follow-up short training specifically focused on our vision, values, and ministry practices for worship.  We are excited to be integrating three talented musicians into our worship team.

We have also started small groups, one for women and one for men.  Small groups provide the context to build community and develop spiritual and personal growth through a more intimate setting.  

It is a joy to watch the growth happening and we pray for God to bring more people into our sphere so we can continue to share God’s love!


Outside the Walls 

In February, we participated in an outreach with our sister church in Taquaralto (southern part of our city) to serve that community. Together we hosted and provided support to a dental team from Brasilia.  This team, Projeto Semear Sorrisos (Project Seeding Smiles), is a group of dentists and assistants that donate their time and services to give free dental care to needy areas. The project is organized and led by members of our sister church in Brasilia.  In four and a half days 174 patients were treated including 362 restorations, 52 extractions, and 121 other procedures.  It was a heavy schedule but a joyous time serving together and helping many people.

Please, pray that God will direct the right people towards us, and that we will be have the discernment to receive and care for them well.


Missionary Care Retreat 

In February we participated in a missionary retreat. Once a year, the Xingu Mission holds a retreat to be proactive in caring spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for the missionaries and families.  With an increase in the geographical distance between missionaries, this retreat was focused on unity.  We were blessed by our speaker Joel, and it was a time of connection with God and each other, rest, and fun.  We love our mission family.



Please continue praying that God will connect us with key people and give us direction as we seek to guide this group and form a community of Christ followers.

Pray for divine encounters for us to demonstrate the love of God.

Pray for God’s provision and discernment as we work through some document issues and adapt our new meeting space to meet the needs of the church.

Blessings in Christ,

Keith and Marsha Wilson


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