March Amazon Update – Steve and Elba

The church is continuing to do well and by the grace of God we are still seeing people come to know Christ.  However, the last few weeks we have seen attendance down.  Pray that we continue to be relevant to the unreached around us.  Elba preached at one of our churches in Brasil Novo.  The Brasil Novo church is still in its infancy but Pastor Ademir has been doing a great job pastoring this church, gathering people and teaching the Word of God.  Sorry that the picture is real fuzzy.  Please continue to keep the church and its members in your prayers, as well as all the other churches. 
CDR, our community center has been reaching out to the community to help the underprivileged with affordable education in English and computers.  This semester alone, we have around 400 students participating in our programs which is considerable more students than we had last year.  We are also providing the community with free internet access and free computer classes to the local schools.  Below are some pictures of an English class playing a game to figure out what word was on their forehead.  It is nice when you can make learning fun.  Continue to pray for more favor upon CDR, and that it will be a greater influence in the surrounding community to help people come to know Jesus as their Savior.      
Here is a picture of Camilly and Alyssa playing a dance game at our new mall in Altamira and the girls got dressed up for the occasion.  Yes, you read this correctly, we have a mall in Altamira.  Granted, it probably only takes 5 minutes to walk through its entirety, but hey, we had a good time. J  I took the next picture on international women’s day.  It is a picture of Elba’s Mom and sisters, as well as her niece Apolana, and our girls.  Elba was quite sick but struggled through (read below).  We prepared a nice breakfast on the lawn with all kinds of goodies and Apolana sang them a song.  It was really special for them. 
Please pray for Elba.  She had dengue fever, which is a mosquito born disease that has no treatment, only symptom relievers.  They call dengue “breakbone fever” because of the severe joint and muscle pain that is causes.  She is still not feeling well and now has a severe ear ache.  Please pray the Lord will heal her. 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  We need it. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
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Columbus, Ohio  43234
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