Planting Churches | Xingu Mission

One of our primary missions is to plant churches. The strategies for church planting vary based on the location and proximity to the area we aim to reach. The strategies are individualized to be relevant and effective. However, our general approach to church planting is the following steps: make connections, train and equip, release, and repeat.

Church Planting

When we enter a new area, whether moving there or just visiting, our goal is to connect with the local community. We aim to build positive relationships, and while we do not hide our Christian beliefs, we also do not impose them on others. We strive to be authentic, relevant, simple, and honest. As we form these connections, we stay attentive to those seeking answers about life, questioning their faith, or interested in joining us. We gather those interested and aim to hold regular worship sessions — including worship music, prayer, and teaching — starting in our home or any space offered. We encourage everyone in the group to participate and to reach out within their community. Together, we look for opportunities to interact with and serve the community so that they can see Jesus in us, allowing us to invite others into a loving relationship with God.

As a group forms, we focus on investing in and mentoring new members. Sometimes, we plant collaboratively with a Brazilian team and support their leadership and pastoral development. Other times, we operate independently, seeking to identify potential leaders and investing in their growth and maturity. Developing strong national leadership is crucial to our church planting efforts.

As the new church plant matures, so does our relationship with it. We work with the church plant to help it become self-sufficient. Our goal is to empower the leadership and then support these new leaders and believers as they begin to plant new churches. Following that, we can start the process anew by branching out into other areas.

A church plant is a place of connection with God and with others. It provides an opportunity to share the love of God, learn about Him, grow spiritually and emotionally, cultivate godly characteristics, and act as ambassadors of God’s Kingdom for His glory. Each time a new church is established, we witness positive changes in people’s lives, including:

* Freedom from vices

* Healing from traumas

* Reduced instances of spousal and child abuse (sexual and physical)

* Increased formal education, leading to better employment opportunities

* A renewed sense of joy, hope, and purpose in life

Some changes are subtle, while others are obvious and undeniable. Regardless, church plants contribute positively to communities. The process of growing and launching a church plant can take several years to complete. We feel called and are committed to being part of the church planting efforts and what God is doing in Brazil.