Xingu Mission Field Report July 2024

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Church planting in Palmas

What do we mean when we say we are planting churches? 

In many minds, planting a church brings the idea of putting up or renting a building, slapping a name on it, and opening the doors as we wait for people to come. The Xingu Mission plants by relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to go out into the communities and make connections with people, living an evangelistic lifestyle so people see Jesus in us as we nurture the sprouting relationships and express the good news about Jesus.  Although we get to participate through sowing and nurturing, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that grows a church plant.

This is what Keith and Marsha Wilson have done for 20 years on the field and are doing in Palmas, Tocantins, for over 2 years now. Their attempts to interact and make connections within their community have included hospital visits, cycling, running, walking, voluntary English conversation, cookouts, and Uber driving.  The process is slow, especially with a team of two, and at times discouraging.  However, they’ve been able to see small acts of God moving.  The small church meets in their home on Sunday evenings and has a few faithful attendees.  A little over a month ago, Abilene, a Brazilian from Belo Horizonte, joined them in their planting efforts.  God has been aligning things in his time so that the church plant will grow strong and healthy. 

How can you help plant churches in Brazil from North America?

  1. Maintain contact and support – keep up with the missionary’s challenges and provide moral, prayer, and financial support.  Use this information to find ways to care for the missionary in tangible ways as well. 
  2. Visit them on the field – it encourages the missionary when you have an interest in understanding where they are working, and a desire to help them in their efforts. 
  3. Network with potential prayer and financial supporters – this task is hard for them to do while on the field and with such little time during home assignments.  Your demonstration of partnership adds credibility to the missionary’s efforts.

Pray about how the Lord would like to use you as part of their team.

Pray for the Wilsons and the emerging church in Palmas.

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