
Dolan Amazon Update!



We pray this update finds you well.  We have three more teams coming soon to help with the work.  Please pray for the expansion of the Kingdom and great experiences.   Please enjoy the update below.


We have been at our new location for over two months, and watching the Lord draw people to the church has been exciting.  People have come because of our exposure on a busy street, word of mouth, and online videos.  We have experienced people receiving salvations and healings.  Our new place has 70 chairs, and we have experienced the church being almost full.  It is excellent, and I pray that it will continue.  Thanks for your prayers. 




We are also starting to train the church on how to pray for people and how to pray for healing.  Elba taught them and then walked them through the general practices of praying for someone.  Interestingly, while we were training, people were healed of headaches, pains, and someone having an allergic reaction.




After a successful time in a more remote city called Portel, the water filter and the boat arrived in Belem.  As a group, we decided that the water filter project would serve the Brazilian well in Belem.  There are many Islands surrounding Belem.  We are told that 50k families living along the river and bay would benefit from clean drinking water.  I will keep you posted as we move into this great work to share the Gospel and clean drinking water.  The other picture is water that comes to our house.  We have to clean our filter every week.  It looks like this every time.  Gross!  As you can imagine, we do not drink water from the tap. 




Alyssa and Camilly are doing well.  They are nearing their school year, which ends in December.  In January, Camilly will start her sophomore year in College, and Alyssa will start her senior year in high school.  Camilly has been putting together the social media videos for the church, and Alyssa has been teaching the kids.  Whoops, I do not have a picture of Camilly.  I guess that is what happens when you are behind the camera.  Smile. 



We appreciate your continued prayers:


Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém church plant. 

Please pray that the Lord will continue to reveal His plans to the church and us.

Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God. 

Please pray as we have a teams coming these next couple of weeks.  Pray all goes well and the Spirit uses us to expand His Kingdom and that we work as a team connected to Him and us all.

Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this phase of our lives.  

Please pray for our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.  

Please pray for the rejection of this virus from your loved ones and its eradication.


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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