ZDolan Steve, Author at Xingu Mission | Page 4 of 9

Dolan August 2022 Amazon Update!



Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.  They are so important for us.  We pray you are blessed with this month’s update.


Elba started a new preaching series called “Resetting your life” at the church.  The series tries to help people reorient their life back to Christ.  With everything happening in the world, it is easy to get distracted and get caught up in everything that the world offers.  I know that you are constantly bombarded in the States with mixed messaging, click-baiting, and super-energizing headlines, and the distractions go on and on.  That problem is not just a problem in the first world countries.  It is a problem here as well.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in all these things that your attention fades away from God.  It is a battle, and we must constantly reset our thoughts to Christ.  We had three people come up to receive Christ after her sermon, praise the Lord.  Elba will preach “Why is it so hard to change” in this week’s message, and our dear friend Midge Shaw, who is visiting from the USA, will preach “Changing your life by changing your thinking.”  The focus will be on how to conquer the battle of the mind.  Please keep us in your prayers. 




The team of dentists from various places in Brazil came again to serve the poor in the communities.  Since the inception of this project, the leadership felt God calling them to help others to share Christ through acts of love by taking care of people’s teeth.  The team’s t-shirts read, “Because Jesus sent me.” They have had several busy weeks serving the needy by providing dental services for 549 people along the river communities of the Tapajós, doing cleanings, repairing cavities, and pulling teeth




Then they came to Altamira, and we converted an English classroom at CDR into a large dent
al office.  We set up four working dentist chairs, and the dentists worked almost non-stop daily.  They served 86 people in the community with many various dental services.  It was a huge blessing and success.  After their time in Altamira, they returned to Santarém and are still serving people in the community.   




They have provided the following:

Provided 600 children with dental kits and performed 3029 procedures

We are so grateful for everyone’s participation in helping promote the Kingdom of God and give good dental care. 


Guess who we saw while we were visiting Belém?  Elvis Presley.  Who would have thought?  He gave a show at a restaurant and did an excellent job.  Elba and the girls essentially had no idea who Elvis was, so it was a lot of fun getting them caught up on his life.  I think they are now Elvis fans.  Viva Belém!  😁



Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

  • Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

  • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

  • Please pray for the rejection of this virus from your loved ones and its eradication.

  • Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

  • Please pray for our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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Dolan July Amazon Update!



Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.  We pray you are blessed with this month’s update.


This month was super busy with our annual National Vineyard church conference.  To help increase more people participating, we have two conferences.  We have two conferences because it helps minimize the cost for the participants coming to the conference.  The first conference was in Sao Paulo, and then we had it in Altamira the following week.  Elba went to both and spoke at each one.  Joel Seymour, a regional leader from the USA, was the guest speaker.  Joel talked about our core beliefs, Vineyard values, distinctive, theology, and who we are as a church.  It was nothing new but powerful and a great reminder of what, why, and how we do things as a church.  


I took this excerpt from our last XM field report.  It was powerful.  “The last night of the conference ended with a call to pass the baton well.  Passing on the baton is most often when things get tripped up.  The good news of Jesus doesn’t belong in our hands alone.  Loving people means passing it on.  The churches we plant are not ours.  We are not building a kingdom for ourselves; we are working with God to build something that brings Him all the glory and honor and builds His Kingdom here as it is in heaven.  It was incredibly beautiful to see how many at the conference went for prayer about being the next generation of church planters and pastors.  The pastors with years of experience prayed for them.  So many people were touched by the move of the Spirit.  As you continue on your journey with God take some time to reflect on the legacy you are participating with Him in leaving.  We thank you for helping us through your prayers and support as we participate with what God is doing here in Brazil.  God bless you!”




The Xingu Mission is also so blessed to receive a new missionary family to Brazil.  The Blaylock will be serving with Christopher and Denise Meyer in Macapá.  The Blaylocks have four children, and this move to come to serve in Brazil has been long in the making.  We are excited about them coming and being a part of the team.  They get in Macapa today.  Please pray for them for a successful and easy transition.  We want more missionaries to come and serve, and we pray the Lord taught us in Matthew 9:38, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”



We celebrated Alyssa’s 15th birthday.  The 15th birthday for girls is a BIG deal in Brazil.  I guess it would be similar to a girl’s sweet 16 in the USA.  We are very happy for Alyssa and are excited to see what the Lord has in store for her in her life.  The Lord has gifted her with many talents, and the Lord has used her to minister to many people.  We pray that she will continue to be used by the Lord and that her walk with Him will deepen daily.  During her birthday, I got the privilege to do a Father-Daughter dance.  It was great, and thankfully she carried the show. 




Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

·         Please pray for the rejection of this virus from your loved ones and its eradication.

·         Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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Dolan June Amazon Update!



Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.  We pray you are blessed with this month’s update.


CDR, our community center, has been reaching out to the community to help the underprivileged with affordable education in English and tutoring services for over 20 years.  In addition to providing affordable education, CDR did an outreach to the community this month by providing doctor consultations, physical therapy, fluoride treatments, diabetes, and high blood pressure testing, medical consults, physical therapy, documentation, legal counseling, and haircuts.  CDR did these activities in combination with the church to create more of a bridge of friendship to our neighbors to spread the Gospel. Lots of people volunteered their services and resources, and it was successful. In addition, our service to the community got the attention of local news, which shed a very positive light on the church, and CDR. 






The church is very committed to missions, and every month makes the long journey through rough roads to visit a community called Suribim. It is remote and challenging to arrive, and it takes about 4 hours to get there. The first 100 kilometers are good, but the last 50 can be tough.   We have been going for many years, and the congregation is very faithful. We use our mission vehicle for most of the trips, and when it comes back, it looks like it was in a war with lots of mud and rugged terrain. Praise the Lord, He makes it all work out, and Jesus is the One glorified. 




The community cup. HMMM??? When I first arrived in Altamira, this was common in many public places. It was a culture shock to me and one I thought was disgusting. I thought those days were over, given everything we have been experiencing. However, we had a person who drank some water and kindly placed it on the water jug for the next person to use. I guess old habits are hard to kill. Thankfully, for the most part, that practice has wained considerably. 



Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

·         Please pray for the rejection of this virus from your loved ones and its eradication.

·         Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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Dolan May Amazon Update!



Thank you so much for your continued prayers.  They are working and we feel them.  We pray you are blessed with this month’s update.


The church recently had a baptism, and it was a grand celebration in the church and heaven. There was so much joy and the touching of the Holy Spirit. During the baptism, the church sang and worshiped God.  The symbolism of letting the person be wholly immersed in water, being baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross, and no longer being slaves to self or sin.  When they are raised out of the water, they are raised into a new life in Christ and are with Him forever.  Praise the Lord, and may His transforming power be upon them and us daily.   Alyssa took the photos, we love the picture of Elzira with her arms raised, filled with joy and freedom. What an expression of baptism. 




Our children’s ministry, in my opinion, gets the most courageous award this month. They had over 30 children come to the church and sleepover. The time together was filled with many games, swimming, watching a film, eating hot dogs over an open fire, and very little sleep. My hat goes off to them. I do not think I would have had the energy and patience. Praise God they did, and it was beyond a big hit. 




Look who turned 17 on April 18th, Camilly. The time goes by quickly. Many years ago, a very good friend told me to slow down and enjoy every moment with my kids because time goes by so quickly. I have tried my best to practice that advice, and you know what, the time still goes by so quickly. We are very proud of Camilly and the beautiful woman she is becoming inside and out. The girls took this picture just before going to church on Mother’s day. I have some stunning women in my life. 




Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, and friends and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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For He has Risen! Thank you Jesus! – Dolan Update April 2022



Happy Easter!  Praise the Lord for He has risen!


Finally!!!  After a two-year hiatus, we had our traditional Easter early morning church service by celebrating the Lord’s resurrection, and serving breakfast.  It takes a lot of work to pull this off, and it is essentially a whole church effort.  Each of the home groups was responsible for bringing an item that would be enough to feed 200 people.  Everyone chipped in and made it a great and inviting time for all guests.


We started by worshipping the Lord, and then Elba shared a short message about the resurrection of Christ.  Then we celebrated the good news that Jesus is alive by eating breakfast together.  Members of the church prepared food at their house and then brought it to the church for all to enjoy.  Elba, Camilly and Alyssa were pancake duty.   A member of our church made a watermelon cake…pretty impressive. 




Also, the day before, some of the children went to the church and painted eggs. 




CDR, our non-profit organization, just had a graduation for 27 students from our English program.  It was an exciting night, and the students worked hard to get to this point to graduate.  It was so nice to have a graduation in person.  We had two students address the audience in English.  CDR’s goal is not only to help empower the impoverished by providing English at an affordable price but to help bridge the gap between the community and the church.  So when I heard the two students speak at the graduation and give glory to God for all of His help, I felt good that it was happening. 


Did you know Brazilians who speak other languages tend to have better opportunities and higher monthly salaries than people who have only a basic knowledge of another language or who only speak Portuguese?  For example, a recent study of 2,400 job positions in 19 thousand companies in Brazil compared different English and Spanish levels.  They found that fluency in another language could increase the monthly employee’s salary by 51%.  WOW!



Here are some pictures of the celebration.  We were surprised by the great turnout. 






Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

  • Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

  • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

  • The rejection of this virus from you, your family, and friends and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

  • Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

  • Please pray for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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Amazon Update – March 2022!



Thank you for your support and continued prayers.  If I can pray for you in any way, please let me know.  Be blessed with this month update.


As I have written in years past, Carnival is Brazil’s annual “Celebration of the flesh” before the initiation of Lent on the Catholic calendar.  It’s a week-long party where “anything goes,” and every city in the country shuts down, allowing full participation by the people.  The Vineyard churches began “Cristoval,” a retreat for youth, away from the city, with a focus on Jesus and having a lot of good clean fun.  It has been a great success throughout the years, drawing kids toward Jesus and allowing an alternative during Carnival.  I do not know the exact numbers, but around 200 participants from various churches were present. 




Elba got to share one of the nights, and we got to experience more than 20 youth come to Christ.  We understand that many people before us were working in the lives of these youths to bring them into a complete and loving relationship with Christ.  As John 4:37-38 states, “Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.  I sent you to reap what you have not worked for.  Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”  That is true.  We got the fantastic opportunity to see the heavens open wide and hear the cheers…HALLELUJAH!!!




As a part of the entertainment during the Cristoval, Alyssa participated in an obstacle course.  She did really well.  However, she forgot to wear pants, and she was all scraped up from crawling through the mud pits.  OUCH!




The girls are trying to earn some extra money, and an opportunity to teach English at our school opened up.  So they jumped on the chance, and they are now teaching ten children basic English.  They love it and want to do a great job.  The students love them as well, and they are always coming home with a small gift or something nice that the kids said to them. 



Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, and friends and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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We saw this Toucon while in Tocantis.  They are beautiful. 




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March 2022 Newsletter

March 2022 Newsletter 
from Christopher & Denise Meyer

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks you so much for your prayers and support. Please let me know if there is any way we can be praying for you!

We are excited to give a quick update on some of the things that have been going on. Life has been going well in Macapá. Both Liam and Jonas are healthy, happy, growing and changing everyday.

Both of our churches are also doing well. Slowly but surely, people have been returning since we returned to our in-person activities six months ago. It’s nice to feel like we are starting to get a rhythm in the two churches.

Here are some of the highlights from the last few months.

Jonas enjoying the view on our way to Altamira – We traveled by boat to Altamira for a Pastor’s Retreat.

Vineyard Pastors and Leaders from Northern Brazil

Derek and Amanda with Jonas and Liam – We had visitors in Macapá. Derek and Amanda Blaylock are new missionaries with the Xingu Mission. They and their four kids will be joining us here in Macapá sometime this year.

Our New Neighborhood Small Group – We started a new small group with our neighbors.

Two pics from Vineyard Viva

Vineyard Macapá

Prayer Requests:

1) Please pray for momentum and continued growth in our churches and for our leaders.

2) Pray daily continued grace for our household of four as well.

We appreciate your prayers and support, and love hearing from you. 

In His Service,
Christopher & Denise


Amazon Update – February 2022!



Thank you for your continued prayers.  If I can pray for you in anyway, please let me know.  Be blessed with this month update.


Last Sunday, we told the church our plans to move to Belém / Ananideiua to plant a new church.  It did not seem like the news came as a surprise except for a small group of people.  We believe that word must have spread about the Lord’s intentions for our lives.  In addition, Elba often said on the pulpit that if the Lord calls us to another place, we are going.  We were joking around and said that we were relieved that the congregation did not give a big cheer with the words “good riddance.”  LOL.  We are grateful for your prayers and continue to ask for more as we start the process of transition out of the Mirante and into Belém / Ananideiua.  Another exceptional thing that happened at the service was this lady raised her hand to receive Christ as her Savior. 


https://xingu.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/image001.jpghttps://xingu.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/image002.jpg https://xingu.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/image003.jpg


After our travels to our future church plant in Belém / Ananideiua.  We arrived back in Altamira and went directly into a regional pastors conference.  We invited all the pastors in the Northern part of Brazil to participate.  We had over 110 pastors and leaders come and participate.  Over half of them were new leaders, which we think is fantastic! 
Our National leaders, Milton, Elba, and Clenildo, were the main speakers.   It has been a long time since we have all gathered together.  The focus of the meeting was to reinforce our values and DNA as a church.  The other focus was to talk about leadership and ministerial structure.  This time proved to be very helpful for our new leaders/pastors and us old-timers. 






The girls are doing their best to embrace this move to Belém / Ananideiua, but I will not make light of it.  It is challenging, especially for Camilly.  We would be planning to move at the start of her senior year of high school.  However, we are trying to think of alternatives for Camilly to graduate with her class.  Please pray for our girls and a workable solution.  Below are some pictures of us in Belém.  One is in the city, and another in a state reserve. 




We will keep you updated on our progress. 


Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


We appreciate your continued prayers:

  • Please pray that we will identify the new senior pastor of the Belém / Ananideiua church plant.
  • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation to help people draw close to God as we navigate this time and leadership transition. 
  • The rejection of this virus from you, your family, and friends and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 
  • Please pray for our family, especially our girls, in this next phase of our lives.  
  • Please pray for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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New Places

Hello to my Wonderful Friends, Supporters, and Family!

Boy, do I have a lot of news for you these days. Life in Brazil can faithfully be compared to what it might be like to live on a rollercoaster. There is always something new around the corner, filled with both excitement and terror! I told God I wanted my life to be an adventure, and He did not disappointment!

I will start by telling you what an amazing time we had recently on our trip to Brasília, which is the capital of Brazil. Brasília is a planned city, and is certainly the most organized place I have ever visited. It is a shocking contrast to the rest of Brazil, especially in relationship to the northern region, which is where I live.We were very privileged to stay with a lovely couple and their daughters for the first few days of the trip. They were gracious enough to show us around the city to do some sightseeing. They also invited me to teach at the women’s group they have at their house every week, which was a lot of fun. We had a wonderful time with Túlio and Diana (the couple), and we know that we will remain great friends with them into the future. 

Sightseeing in Brasília


Sharing at the Women’s Group

As you know, one of the reasons we went there was to attempt to get a USA visa for Ronã so we could visit the States. Unfortunately, Ronã was turned down for the visa. We are only able to try again in another 6 months. The difficultly is in proving that we will not try to live in the States illegally. We have to prove that we have significant ties to Brazil such as jobs or property. We are still in the process of trying to get a visa for Canada. Please, pray for us about this situation. The idea of not being able to go home and introduce you all to my new husband really makes me sad. Please, pray that God will make a way for us. 
The other half of our trip was spent at the National InterVinha Conference. This was an amazing time with many people from Vineyard churches all over Brazil coming together. John and Eleanor Mumford (United Kingdom) , Phil and Jan Strout (USA), and David Ruis (Canada) all joined us to celebrate Brazil becoming an official association of Vineyard churches. Milton and Erika Lucas were ordained as the national leaders. It felt like a historical moment for the Vineyard in Brazil as it brought together both the northern and southern churches under one head. I personally look forward to watching churches being planted all over Brazil in the years to come, and the Kingdom of Heaven continuing to expand!

Milton Lucas teaching at InterVinha

As I said before, we are living on a rollercoaster, and soon, our lives will be taking another big turn. Ronã and I, along with our leaders, have decided to leave Portel. In July, after all the CDR classes have finished up, we will be moving back to Altamira. As you can imagine, this was a difficult decision for us. We are leaving behind the work we have started. The English school will not continue. We will be saying goodbye to the relationships we have built in the church and in the community of Portelinha. However in the end, we have concluded that Portel is not the right fit for us. I personally have been here for almost 2 years now and have put all of my strength into making it work. We believe God is simply leading us in another direction. 
What we hope to do in the future is stay in Altamira for around a year or so. After that, we would like to head out again in order to find another mission base in which to become apart of. We have no idea where that might be at the moment, but we will be spending the next year praying about it, as well as visiting the other bases. While we are in Altamira, we hope to focus on a few things. Ronã will be spending most of his time working at CDR and helping with the worship team. I will also be helping with CDR, but I also plan to focus on helping my colleges, Art and Cyndi Rae, with leading both Living Waters and Celebrate Recovery groups. Because of my background, I have a special heart for those who struggle with addictions and emotional trauma. I am really excited about getting involved with these groups. Ronã is also very excited about helping CDR again and being involved with the worship team. We believe being in Altamira will also be a good time for us to transition into our first year our marriage without the added pressure of church planting.  
Letting go of the school has been the most difficult part about this. It was a challenge to feel like we were letting down our students. As you know, the journey of the school has been a rollercoaster in itself, but there have been some really great moments along the way. It has been an honor to watch our students grow and learn. It has been an honor to know that we were giving them an opportunity that they wouldn’t otherwise have. It was sad to tell them the news of our leaving. We gave each of them a certificate showing that they had completed at least a portion of the course. Though it is not everything, the certificate should help them as they try to get jobs in the future. 

Our class receiving their certificates.

Thank you all again for your generosity and concern for us here in Brazil. I know that all of you are on this journey with us. Please, keep us in your prayers as we go on this long and winding road. God is always leading us, even when we don’t know where. We trust in his infinite wisdom in our lives. Things often don’t make sense, but his redemption can make sense of them. He can take the pieces and make a work of art. He is our redeemer and hope in all things. I pray that you know His loving-kindness for you even in the midst of confusion and deep mystery. God bless you! 
I will make a link for all our pictures below. Also, I love all your comments or questions, so please feel free to post. Thanks!

Love, Allison and Ronã

Brasília Pictures


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