XM, Author at Xingu Mission | Page 30 of 40

The Praise Test

Proverbs says praise is a difficult test. I am naturally motivated to want everyone around me to be my friend. This is not always good. Do you have any experience with praise being a difficult test?

Bella Bergen 2015

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March 2015 Baptisms

Belem Sunset
Twelve people were baptized last Sunday, at the river at the foot of our property.

Many people from the church showed up to suppport those being baptized.

This couple was baptized. They have 5 small children.

Five girls from the Wednesday night “Girl’s Group”  were baptized.

The twelve who were baptized, plus the four who baptized them.

Most of these people have been coming to church for years, and decided to take this next step.

The Wednesday Night Girls Group.

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Complexity Theory

This week-end (in March 2015) we had our first TLC (Training Leaders of Communities) week-end. We have not done an event like this before so we decided to make it simple and to monitor the results. After identifying eight topics that center around church leadership we decided to make the meetings as interactive as possible, that each leader should make sure there were lots of good snacks, and to finish the week-end with a meal. Mostly, within this Complex Framework, things went really well.

In a Complex Framework there is a link between the cause and effect, but it can only be known after the fact because there are so many variables. Afterwards, when we evaluate what we did, we will identify what went well, and do more of that, and what did not go so well, and do less of that.

There are three other organizational frameworks. Each one is right for a certain setting, and each one requires a different type of leadership. And then there is the fifth area, known as the Difficult Framework. This is where we are most of our time as we are trying to identify which of the other four will best help us solve our current leadership challenges. (Our professor posted a Prezi, a type of slideshow, that explains the four organizational categories known as the Cynefin Framework. If you are a leader, you may find this helpful when your group encounters challenges. Click here to start the Prezi.)

The Worship Team Ministry

The Greeters and Servers Ministry

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Planning Ahead

This fellow wanted to buy our old car but he did not have enough cash. We traded for paint for the inside of the church and hours with his loader. Here we are moving dirt from one sloping area of our property to put beside our existing church building. We are preparing our nets for a bigger catch. As the group grows, we want to double the size of this building, and go to multiple services. One of the principles we follow is the principle of good restaurants, “If the food is good, the people will come.” While we are mostly thinking of spiritual food, we like celebrating too, as often as possible.

I call this section Inching Forward because we are planning for the years to come, one small step at a time.

I love the smell of freshly moved earth, and of freshly cut grass.

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May Amazon Update! – Steve and Elba

This month we had our annual pastor’s retreat.  We were fortunate to be able to bring in Jerry Reddix and Penny Meyer to help minister to the pastors.  The objective of this retreat was to get the pastors to stop and get re-centered back to the Lord.  The pastors lives are mostly give, give, and give some more. It is easy to neglect their own needs and their soul.  Jerry and Penny helped bring some more tools for these pastors so that they can go forward working in a more balanced way and not get burned out.  We are so fortunate to be working with and serving these pastors.  They have such great relationships with the Lord, and they are very faithful and dedicated to His call. 

The church also had the opportunity to go to one of the local schools and share about Jesus.  Such an amazing privilege to be able to go to a public school for the express purpose of sharing the love of Christ.  Elba used a visual display to help the students understand Christ and sin in this world.  She had three containers, one represented Jesus, the other sin, and the other us.  The sin container contained dark colored liquid and she poured it into the “us” container and we became sinful.  Then Christ enters our life.  She then took the Christ container and pour it into the “us” container and then we became clean again.  Here is a youtube video of the demonstration.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZN0DzWLthU. The children were in awe and loved their time.  Camilly and their dance group also danced for the kids.

Camilly turned 10 years old on April 10th.  She is now in the double digits.  Time goes by so quickly.  We had a birthday party with some of her friends.  The girls also got the opportunity to go horseback riding at a local farm.  They really had a lot of fun.  The only problem now is that they want us to buy them a horse. 

Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  Thanks!

Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa


Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:

The Xingu Mission

P.O Box 340785

Columbus, Ohio  43234

Or On-line donations at:

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Very Exciting News!

Hello to all my Gracious Friends and Supporters!

I have some news for you all that I have wanted to tell you for a long time. But first, I want to give you all the back story.
As you already know, when I first moved to Brazil, I quickly started teaching English at CDR. I decided to offer my students an extra class if any of them would be interested in more help. A few of my students came, but not many, expect for one. His name was Ronã Moura (pronounced in english Ronan), and he already spoke English very well. Twice a week for almost a year, we met together as I gave him stuff to read in English and then we would discuss it.
Over that time, we developed a friendship that continued as he went on to finish the 4-year program with other teachers. He has since gone on to continue to be apart of CDR in Altamira as a class assistant and teacher.
A little before I came here to Portel, we decided that we would like to know if there was a possibility for our relationship to grow farther than just friendship. Ronã and I discussed this possibility with our leaders and friends, and they suggested that we start a specific process that goes as such. Ronã was a member of a different church at the time, and my leaders didn’t know personally where he was at spiritually. They suggested that he agree to start coming to the Vineyard in Altamira, and start building relationships with the people there. They wanted to discover if he would fit well in the church and in our community. They asked that we would not date during this time to give Ronã a chance to grow.
Over that time, they saw Ronã grow substantially as he involved himself with a home group and practiced with the worship team. They began to see in him what I had seen. That he was kind, vulnerable, and had a very open heart to know and follow God.
Ronã is very unique to me. He reveals a tenderness that I find rare. He is funny and smart. As I said before, his English is very good and he is a teacher at CDR. He recently graduated from the Federal University with a bachelors in Science Education. He has a hunger for learning and excels at whatever he puts his mind to. I have so much respect for him and his attitude toward life. And of course, I think he is cute!
After having completed this process of allowing Ronã to become familair with our church, I sat down and had a conversation with Richie who is the Base Leader here in Portel. Richie said that he was pleased with how Ronã had progressed and with his connection to our community. Richie agreed that he and I could finally start dating. As you can imagine, Ronã and I are very excited about this as we have waited for this opportunity for a long time.
At this time, we don’t know what the future will look like, but I will gladly let you know more as things change.
I ask that you would pray for us that God would continue to direct our relationship and our future. Thank you again for all your support and love and concern for me.
I also want to personally thank all those who played an intricate part in this process. Their support and advice have been a true blessing: Christopher and Denise Meyer, Danny and Penny Meyer, Steve and Elba Dolan, Richie and Christie Bouthillier, John and Cathy Lieb, and Cleide Oliveira. I love you all and I thank you!

Love, Allison

Ronã with his mother

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Baked Bean Recipe

If you come to visit us, and if you like hot food, I will make a batch of these baked beans. Here is how I cook them, and how you can make them where you are too. Note: I use our pizza oven, but I think this recipe will work with a slow cooker too.

1. Wash a kilo of black beans, and pull out all the not-good ones, and check for little rocks and pull them out too.


2. Add a package of chili peppers, hot paprika, and half a package of pepper corns.

3. Look in the cupboard to see what else you have, and add a generous amount.

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4. Add sausage or bacon.


5. Mix it all up and add water.

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6. Let it bake by the fire all day, about eight hours or so. Add more water every couple of hours, when you add more firewood. Near the end of the day, do a taste check for salt. It is kind of hard to predict how much will come out of the bacon or sausage, so if it needs a bit more you can add it near the last hours of cooking.


7. For supper, you can have a bowl of the best baked beans you have ever tasted.


8. The next morning you can have refried beans, fried tomatos, and fried eggs. It’s a meal that will keep you going all the way till lunch time.


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April 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers, support and notes over the last month. They are so encouraging!

It has been an eventful few months for us. As I’ve shared in the last few newsletters, Denise and I have been doing a lot of traveling. Our only trip this month was to Piratininga, São Paulo. Denise was invited to sing on a Vineyard Brazil worship album. Denise has never had the opportunity to sing on an album, so to say that she was excited would be an understatement. I was also excited for the trip for a number of reasons. I was excited to see what Denise would think of studio time, I was excited to hear her voice recorded, and I was also excited to be introduced to the Southern Brazil Vineyard Region.

The history of the Vineyard Church in Brazil is an interesting one. It seems that for a while, there were Vineyards multiplying in the north making up one region and Vineyard Churches multiplying in the south making up a second region, but with no connection between the two groups of churches. In more recent years, there has been a conscious effort to unite the two regions. This might sound simple, but you have to understand that the north and the south are very different places. The south is much more developed than the north. With the exception of the language being Portuguese, in many ways Piratininga feels much closer to the United States than what I have become accustomed to in the north. Even the way the southerners talk about the North, it is if they are describing another world. According to a lot of the southerners I talked to, all they really know about the North is the Amazon River and the vast rainforest.

Once we got to São Paulo, Denise got to work right away. We were at the studio a few hours after we arrived. While Denise was in the studio, I spent most of my time getting to know people. We stayed with the pastor of the Vineyard Church of Piratininga. His name is Milton, and he and his family are awesome! Milton is also the leader of Vineyard Brazil which is comprised of the churches in the southern and northern Brazilian regions. I felt so encouraged that Vineyard Brazil is in the hands of such a cool and talented guy.

Denise recording vocals in the studio.

Denise with Milton – Milton is the Senior Pastor at the Vineyard Church of Piratininga.

Pastor Milton blessing us at church.

Denise’s recording time went well. She was pleased with the results and is looking forward to more opportunities in the future. While there, Denise and I participated with the worship band at their Sunday service. We were also invited to speak to a group of young adults about the life of a missionary. Overall we both had a great time. We met many great people and were able to get a much broader picture of Vineyard Brazil.

Denise leading worship and me in the background at the Piratininga Vineyard.

Hanging out with new friends in São Paulo.

A young adult small group from the Piratininga Vineyard. We spoke with them about missionary life.

Although our travels have been a blast, we are looking forward to getting back to our responsibilities in Altamira. We realize that our move to Macapa will be here before we know it. We are working hard to finish well here and to make sure that any ministry we have been looking after will be left in good hands when we leave.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for grace to finish well in Altamira as we hand off our various responsibilities.

Pray for wisdom as we make decisions in approach our move to Macapa in late 2015 or early 2016.

Continue to pray for our financial support.

We feel so privileged to serve God as missionaries in Brazil. Thanks again for the part you play in that. We appreciate your prayers and support and love hearing from you.

In His Service,

Christopher & Denise

Link to contribute: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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March 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

We never want you to stop hearing from us that we appreciate you very much! Your prayers and support continue to be so important to us.

It’s been a crazy season for both of us – filled with fun times and hard times – but it has all been an adventure. In the last month or so, we have visited three church plants in three cities. Throughout these trips, God has definitely walked with us every step of the way. We began these trips looking for God’s clarity and guidance as we face some big decisions in our life, and we feel that God has clearly met us on that front. We are so excited to share some of these things with you.

Denise and me on the boat.

Our adventure began with a trip to visit the new Vineyard Church of Santerem. The added bonus on the trip was that Denise’s parents are presently pastoring this Vineyard. We were both so excited to be able to spend some time with Denise’s family and their new church. Denise’s parents have been involved with the Brazilian Vineyard Movement from its beginnings, and recently moved from Altamira to Santerem to help with the development and growth of this new Vineyard. They are truly gifted people and the Santerem Vineyard is lucky to have them.

Us with Denise’s parents and brother.

Us with the Santerem worship band. While there we were able to do a workshop with the worship band.

Straight from Santerem we headed to the city of Macapa to visit their Vineyard Church. We were invited to be guest speakers at their church retreat. We had an amazing time with the people of the Macapa Vineyard. It was truly special and God showed up in amazing ways. During the retreat, multiple people gave their lives to Christ and the majority of people shared that they experienced God in ways they hadn’t experienced before. Denise and I were both so excited and humbled by the way God showed up at the conference.

Speaking at the retreat.

Us with some of the retreat-goers.

We returned to Altamira for five days, but then were off again to visit the new church plant in the city of Portel. This trip was extremely fun for us because we were able to hang out with some of our favorite people! This church was planted by Richie and Christie Bouthillier. Richie and Christie have been involved with the Xingu Mission from its infancy. I actually stayed with them fourteen years ago when visiting Brazil. They had a great deal of influence on my life during that month and were two of the primary people responsible for me making the decision to move down here and work for the Mission.

Joining Richie and Christie is my good friend Allison Rupert. Allison recently moved to Portel to help out with this new church plant. You might remember me talking about Allison in past newsletters. When I first moved to Brazil, Allison was actually my neighbor. Allison really helped me with the first stage of living in Brazil – if it weren’t for her my arrival here would have been much more difficult. Through this we became very close friends. It was so great seeing her!

Richie and Christie and the Portel Vineyard.

Denise, Allison and friends enjoying some “Flinstone” sized ribs.

Trying to speak my best Portuguese to my buddy, Ramon.

As I stated earlier, the primary reason for these trips was to get some clarity from God. More specifically, we were looking for where to plant ourselves next. We have both felt that our time in Altamira was temporary, but we both wanted desperately to hear God’s direction in these decisions. After visiting these three church plants and other church plants before, one thing that was extremely obvious was that all of these places could use some helping hands. Everywhere we went, we got the impression that the workers were few, but the harvest was great. This has made a decision difficult. For me, there is a certain amount of guilt about my inability to help everywhere. Through this process, I have had to learn to hand my thoughts over to Jesus and to allow him to guide me. Although there are still a few places that we want to visit, we believe at this point that God is calling us to Macapa.

Macapa is decent size city of around 350,000 people. The city is completely surrounded by the Amazon River system which makes boat and plane the only way in and out. There were many things we like about the city, but the reason we feel drawn is because of what we saw in Macapa Vineyard Church. During our time there, we both felt God speaking that this was the church we are being called to. It’s a small church of around 25-30 people. The majority of the church is young adults and young married couples. Denise and I both felt very at home within this crowd. We also feel that there was a massive amount of potential with this group. They are extremely hungry for God but in many ways lacking direction. We feel that we can be helpful in this. We also connected right away with the pastor. Pastor Felipe is a true warrior for God. He is doing an amazing job with the resources he has. While we were there, Felipe fully expressed his need for help in the church. At the moment, he delivers the sermons, leads the worship, is the church’s counselor, is discipling new leaders, training new musicians for the worship band, and doing everything else that the church might need. He told us that the majority of his prayers are centered around a provision for help.

While in Macapa, Denise and I felt an ease and comfort ministering to the people there, almost as if we were pieces being fitted into the right puzzle. It felt very natural to function as part of the Macapa community. Although we have a long road ahead and many things that need to be sorted out, we believe God is walking with us and directing our steps. We couldn’t be any more excited to start this new adventure.

Macapa Vineyard

Felipe and his family

Prayer Requests:

– Please pray God would give us clarity, confirmation and grace as we move toward ministering in Macapa.

– Pray for safety and discernment as we continue to travel.

– Pray for continued growth in our financial support.

Thank you again for your prayers and support. We love hearing from you!

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Link to contribute: http://www.xingu.org/14g_meyer_donation.html

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