XM, Author at Xingu Mission | Page 33 of 40

“There are many reasons not to worry.”

God values time with us, His people, and He appreciates it when we believe He will keep His promises.

“And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.”

Genesis 15:6 NIV

“There are many reasons not to worry.” Bella Bergen, December, 2014.

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A Good Reminder

Here is a devotional thought from Bella’s journal. Apostle Paul sets a high standard for us to follow, “when we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly” 1 Cor. 4: 12b-13a.

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Who is Your Neighbor?

Two of the Girl’s Group had birthdays. Bella, Emma, and Aline lead this group while Deanna is gone. This week I made several trips to the hospital with Bruno, who got his leg broken in difficult circumstances. His sister always comes along to help Bruno get through the hospital system. She waits with him all day, in some cases, even though she has 5 children and is a single mom. It turns out his sister is his aunt, and the mom of one of these girls (Bruno’s grandmother took him in as a baby. His mom lives across town, and doesn’t want anything to do with him). The grandma came over and told me more of their story this week. I find our lives being woven together with this family in more and more ways. In the book Christy, by Catharine Marshall, Miss Alice tells Christy that her “neighbor” is the person who is always being woven back into her life. I often think of that quote, and wonder how I can help the people God is weaving into my life.

Two Birthdays Are Celebrated!

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Manoela is Here!

Hello All my Wonderful Friends!

Always a pleasure to be writing to all of you about the exciting things happening here in Portel. I understand that the Spring is finally starting to show its face again, and I am sure that this is pure refreshment to all of you!
This month, I have been enjoying the company of my new roommate, Manoela! She arrived about 2 weeks ago, accompanied by Christopher and Denise Meyer. It was so great to see them and spend some time with them. Manoela has already started teaching the Kid’s class, and we are adjusting to each other at home. So far, she is a great roommate who has relieved me of the terrible burden of dishes! It’s great to have someone to talk to and eat meals with. She is a true blessing to me.
As you can imagine, along with my classes and getting Manoela settled in, I have been pretty busy. It can be quite the challenge to be teacher, administer, and accountant. But of course, these are just the normal challenges that go along with, essentially, starting a small business. They are challenges that I know are worth it, and I am glad to have them.
I recently finished with my Vineyard Institute class, “Ministry to the Poor”. It was a great class in part for its relevance to my current situation. The effects of poverty are multifaceted, and what better way to explore those effects than being in the mist of it. The class highlighted for me how the Bible speaks time and time again about God’s concern and compassion for the poor. It also pointed out the many different ways that the people of God can be proactive in confronting these issues in everyday life. It helped me to often reconsider what and how I do things so that my ministry choices might provide the maximum benefit for those around me. The English school, I believe, is just one of the many ways that can help lead our community out of the claws of poverty.
This class also marks the end of my classes required to complete the VI Program. I am very excited about that, of course, because now it is behind me. But I also must say, the learning experience I gained through the program was extremely valuable to me. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in furthering their understanding of the Bible, as well as how to put its message into practice.
Over the past few months, I have also had the privilege to disciple a few women in our church. The women had expressed an interest in going deeper in their relationship with God and also having a deeper understanding of the Bible. As the time has past, it has been wonderful to see the ladies growing in their understanding of who God is, as well as personally grow closer to them. What I have tried to do with the women has been two-fold. I am taking them on a journey through the Bible as a story. I believe that if they can see the big picture of the Biblical story, the smaller parts will make sense in relationship to the whole. If they can see God’s overall plan for history, then they will be able to understand how each part fits into the ultimate plan. They will also be able to see how their individual lives have a part to play in the story. The other side that I am teaching them is how to hear the voice of God for themselves, and how to rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom in their daily lives.
Please pray for these women. Pray that the power of God comes over them, and that they would experience the love of Christ in the deep reaches of their hearts.
Last week, my students took their first test. I was very proud of how they did. The day after the test, I taught them a song in English called, “Set a Fire” by Will Reagan and United Pursuit. I will post the video below of them singing it.
Please, pray for them as well. Many of the people in this region are not accustomed to studying so a course like this one can feel overwhelming to them. Many of the schools in this part of Brazil do not really teach the students how to learn. They need courage, strength, and perseverance to continue. Please pray that God gives this to them supernaturally. 
Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. Though I have said it many times before, I want to remind you that we are doing this together. You are just as much a part of this as I am. Your prayers, your thoughts, and your financial sacrifices all make this possible. God bless you and your family!

Love, Allison

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March Amazon Update – Steve and Elba

The church is continuing to do well and by the grace of God we are still seeing people come to know Christ.  However, the last few weeks we have seen attendance down.  Pray that we continue to be relevant to the unreached around us.  Elba preached at one of our churches in Brasil Novo.  The Brasil Novo church is still in its infancy but Pastor Ademir has been doing a great job pastoring this church, gathering people and teaching the Word of God.  Sorry that the picture is real fuzzy.  Please continue to keep the church and its members in your prayers, as well as all the other churches. 
CDR, our community center has been reaching out to the community to help the underprivileged with affordable education in English and computers.  This semester alone, we have around 400 students participating in our programs which is considerable more students than we had last year.  We are also providing the community with free internet access and free computer classes to the local schools.  Below are some pictures of an English class playing a game to figure out what word was on their forehead.  It is nice when you can make learning fun.  Continue to pray for more favor upon CDR, and that it will be a greater influence in the surrounding community to help people come to know Jesus as their Savior.      
Here is a picture of Camilly and Alyssa playing a dance game at our new mall in Altamira and the girls got dressed up for the occasion.  Yes, you read this correctly, we have a mall in Altamira.  Granted, it probably only takes 5 minutes to walk through its entirety, but hey, we had a good time. J  I took the next picture on international women’s day.  It is a picture of Elba’s Mom and sisters, as well as her niece Apolana, and our girls.  Elba was quite sick but struggled through (read below).  We prepared a nice breakfast on the lawn with all kinds of goodies and Apolana sang them a song.  It was really special for them. 
Please pray for Elba.  She had dengue fever, which is a mosquito born disease that has no treatment, only symptom relievers.  They call dengue “breakbone fever” because of the severe joint and muscle pain that is causes.  She is still not feeling well and now has a severe ear ache.  Please pray the Lord will heal her. 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  We need it. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:

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Greetings from Brazil!

It’s wonderful to be serving the Kingdom of God with such an amazing team both in the States and here in Brazil!

As we continue to contemplate the completion of 2014 and consider 2015, we are amazed at God’s goodness and His amazing ability to use fragile vessels. 

After some 20 years in the working, the national church leadership team continues to mature and increase its vision, while as a mission we are trying to figure out how to hand established works over to the Brazilians and move on to start new ones as peers. 

In all of this we realize how inadequate we are as we struggle to fulfill God’s call on our lives. In this process we are constantly reminded of God’s marvelous provision and grace.
The small church here in the city of Pacajá just completed two years of operation and we see real disciples being formed.  

Over the last several months it has become clear that God is really transforming hearts as we see folks starting to participate in various ministries and share testimonies of how God has changed their lives. There is a clear and genuine sense of community among the group. 

Please pray with us that the Lord will continue to preserve and grow this unity, as we know the enemy will be fighting against it. 
(The included photos are a snapshot of the church’s life over the last several months.)

We sense that 2015 will be a year of maturing for these new believers and a time to start forming leaders.  All of our emphasis this year will be to that end, and we ask that you pray with us as we seek more of the Holy Spirit’s activity in this group. 

There will be two Holy Spirit weekend retreats in March; Couples Discipleship in April-June; a Community Wedding for unwed couples, in June/July; and Leadership Training School in August-December.  As the Lord leads, we also hope to start one interior church plant this year.
We are also wrestling with what should be the next step in our building project. Our 700 sq. ft. meeting space is no longer visitor friendly as there is just not enough room. For our Christmas celebration we had to limit how many people each family could invite so the experience would be positive instead of negative!  

We are considering various options, but it seems most likely we will seek to construct a large meeting hall rather than opt for another interim phase. Please, pray with us as we work through this big step.

Another big step for 2015 is college! Logan has already started his second semester of college courses via internet and plans on moving to Ohio this summer to start his second year. He will be studying Civil Engineering with the hopes of returning to work in Brazil. This will be the beginning of a new phase for us as a family. In 2016 Justin plans to move to the States in order to start college, with the plan to return and work in Brazil as well.

You are very special and we are praying for you regularly. We greatly value your prayer, moral, and financial support!

Blessings in Christ,

The Wilsons

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Meet the Cristoval Team

The Team +1
Art ( Mateus – professional ‘selfie ‘ picture taker) Leandro, Emerson, Cyndi 
This young man has grown a lot this last year as he has gotten involved in Living Waters. He took the course Jan- June 2014. He then became my assistant in September 2014 to Jan 2015. He is now my assistant again on Sunday mornings and has his own group on Tuesday nights. 
He was married at 14… then divorced.  Got remarried around 20 … went off to Bible College in another state. Some time into his first few years there, his wife had an affair, they separated and he moved back to Altamira. 
For the next 6-7 he struggled with many things along with his relationship with Jesus. Six years ago he had a daughter, Hadassa,  with a former girlfriend. Since that time he continued to struggle and decided that he would not date again until he was ready to get married.
Living Waters has been a turning point in his life. Everyone who knows Emerson has commented about the change they have seen in his life.  In fact, he is walking advertisement for the Living Waters course attracting many of his peers that have noticed these changes.  They want what he has.
He is such a gifted young man. When he shared his testimony during Cristoval,  the youth instantly connected with his story.  Emerson had a touch of the Robin Hood complex, stealing food from stores to feed hungry people.  He was also known as a ‘playboy’ who took advantage of many girls with his winsome personality and ‘rock star’ persona.  He was the lead singer in a youth band.
Please pray for him. That he will continue to walk honestly before God and those who are walking with him. Honesty is really his only safety net. 

Leandro is a teacher by profession. He has been married for 4 years now to Sheyla.
Leandro took Living Waters last January as well but he was not that connected to the material or the course. It appeared that he was doing it only because his wife was doing it.
This September, we decided that we would put all the LW material on audio. We would record each chapter so that those who are not accustomed to reading would be able to listen to the material on their cell phones. 
I had a person in mind but Emerson said that Leandro would be the best choice. So I asked him if he would do it. He said yes.
Well…wouldn’t you know…his life started to change. As he made the recordings each week, God started to impact his life. Apparently he never really read the LW material when he was going thru last January. 
Their lives are changing and they decided to take the course again this term. We are really excited for what God is doing in their lives. 
Continue to pray for them. Sheyla is now pregnant and has asked Cyndi to be the grandmother, and help her with the baby…which is due in Sept 2015.
Tuesday morning session

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February Amazon Update – Steve and Elba

We were pretty much gone the whole month of January traveling to Brasilia which is about 1,200 miles because Elba needed to get some dental work done for future implants, and our truck needed to get its engine overhauled.  We had to stop approximately every 90 – 120 miles to put more oil in the engine, and fill the radiator with water.  The mechanics said it was a miracle that we even made it there.  The engine work cost a lot of money but we had no alternative but to fix.  OUCH!  The truck is now running better.  On a brighter note, the dental surgery went really well and now Elba just needs to wait six months for the implants to set in. 
During our trip to and from Brasilia we got the opportunity to spend time with our sister churches in Marabá, Pacajá, and Palmas.  All of these guy are doing a great job and are at different areas of growth.  It was really nice to step away and get to see the broader picture of our Christian brothers and sister plowing the Kingdom of God into the lives of their community.  Lives are being changed because of the work that God has called them to do.  Praise God for them and all of our church plants because in the absences of their presence we would be looking at a totally different landscape. 
While in Brasilia Elba had the opportunity to preach at the church.  It is small church that has a great vision of planting more churches.  It already has around 5 churches that it oversees, 2 of which came from the work happening here.  One of the big challenges that they have in their church is the availability of people wanting to go to another area and start a church.  Most of the members have stable jobs and receive a good income and it is a challenge to just uproot and go to someplace that is uncertain.  Trust me, we missionaries know this first hand, and without doubt most missionaries will say that it has been one of the hardest challenges in their lives, but also one of the most fulfilling.   Please keep them in your prayers.  Have you ever considered becoming a long term missionary?  Do you have any questions?  If so, write me back and let’s talk. 
During our time in Brasilia we got to visit and look around at the Nation’s Capital.  We went and saw a lot of the government buildings, and the Alvorado Palace where President Dilma lives.  We also went and visited the local zoo, and at another place Camilly got to ride a pony, and Alyssa rode a bull.  Camilly was a bit nervous riding the bull so she chose the pony.  To tell you the truth, I was not so comfortable being on that massive thing either. 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:

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