XM, Author at Xingu Mission | Page 34 of 40

January Amazon Update! Steve and Elba

We had a huge turnout for our Christmas service.  I believe that we had around 500 people in attendance.  We encouraged the members of the church to bring a friend or neighbor and they responded.  We were donated 2 cows and we served dinner after the service.  The congregation helped by bringing rice, beans, and salad.  It was a really nice turnout and some new people came and received Christ. 
The following week we had a New Year’s Eve party at our house and about 60 people came.  We served dinner, played cards, bingo, and danced until midnight.  It is good to note that me and my two left feet watched from a distance.
The church went out to the streets to pray for people and to read the bible out loud.  We pitched a tent across from the local corner supermarket and posted people there to ask if anyone would like to receive prayer.  Then we read the bible starting in the Gospels.  Below is Elba’s twin sister Nira reading the Bible.  I think there were about 60 people in all that received prayer.  We had two ladies that prayed for people all day and their knees were bruised from kneeling so long.  Such dedication.    
Camilly and Alyssa were part of the Christmas presentations for Christmas.  Camilly played the lead role for the story of Jesus’ birth.  Alyssa played the guiding star for the 3 wise man.  They also did a dance with the other kids.  They both did an excellent job and we were very happy parents.    
Presently we are in Brasilia because Elba had dental surgery and the procedure is going to take 10 days.  We are also getting our truck engine overhauled.  The truck was burning a lot of oil and when they opened it up they said that it was a miracle that we made it here.  Praise the Lord that our God is in the miracle business.  Please keep Elba in your prayers, as well as our truck and our trip back to Altamira which is 1,800km away.  Also, please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:
In our travel to Brasilia, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa got to experience their first fun house.  Alyssa got so scared that she cried and I had to go in and bring her out.  She then regained her courage and walked through it all.  They really loved it, especially the compressed air that shot up from the ground. 

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The Process of Saying Goodbye….

Sunday the 4th was like feeling numb and yet from time to time a nerve ending would shoot off some pain. It was so good to see everyone and feel loved by their presence during our church service. I got through most of it without crying until the people began to share, then I got teary.

The hardest to say good bye to are the ones I wanted to have more time with. Fortunately I was able to pull folks aside and share from my heart the things I had been wanting to share. It was a great lesson to me to not allow one day go by without being honest with someone or sharing an encouragement or compliment someone. Even when the person looks like they won’t receive it. Make the time, it can change their direction.

Saying goodbye to our things was harder than I expected. Not that I am attached to stuff, but our home, things turned into a flea market. Everything free and come and get it. I had to leave and not watch. It only lasted for a few moments and then I was distracted by showing some of my special friends things I had set aside thinking of them. That was very special for both of us.
Our Maribel family stayed all day Sunday and one special friend, Lindalva and her son, Pataca told me that whatever we don’t take, they will take care of it for us including the cleaning of the house. That was a huge relief as in the midst of a move, when your running behind is thee greatest gift you can give someone!!! I have been in that position 2 times. The first time we left our house to come to Brazil and this time when we left our house to move back to the States.  I can only have thankfulness in my heart that my Daddy in heaven plans further ahead than I do and has all the arrangements under control! No sweat!
Leaving Monday morning was amazing too. Everyone returned to see us off for the last time, help in any way and take pictures etc. We planned on leaving by 10am but we didn’t rush as there were a few last minute things to explain, orientate and of course those last minute good byes that were so precious. We left around noon and it was a hard goodbye. I didn’t think I would have any more tears after that good bye. But sure enough we pulled into Uruara’ and I had more there.
All in all the good byes are hard, but necessary. We are 4 steps away from our flight to the US on the 26th. We have 4 more places to say good bye and cry. I pray I can hold up and be strong yet tender.
Thank you Lord for getting me through to this point!
Here are some pictures of our time so far. Blessings!
Jan 4th, Sunday Morning Service

Jan 5th, Packing up and many came to help see us off

My sweet Dayane who was so  hard to break through with! I got a victory but feel like God will do the rest without me!!!!! I taught her to make cake and gave her all the stuff I used to make birthdays an important event!

My sweet Josi and two of her littles. She is one of my daughters in the Lord. She loves worship and will assume leading the church! May the Lord use her to do far more!

All my ladies who I love to pieces!

Maribel Family

More Maribel Family and our kids’ favorite friends

My Carlinha who is studying Child Development to minister to kids one day on a deeper, healing level!

Girls that grew up with Makenna and Maddy in Maribel. They are living in Uruara’ now studying as their folks are building a house in the city.
Girl friends with Maddy from Uruara’
Precious Cibele who makes me laugh and has such a sweet spirit!

My sweet Leonice who always opens her heart to me and makes me feel right at home….wherever she lives!

Leonice’s husband, Nelson and Clyde. We joke that they could pass as family. Nelson is from a German background and a wonderful cook, craftsman and a miracle who is still in process!

Leonice and Nelson’s girls, who made life long friendships with Makenna and Maddy

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Departing Thoughts From Our Girls….

We are on the final days of our nearly 11 years here in Brazil and it’s been one emotional roller coaster. At least for me.
I have been the one melting down more than anyone. On occasion, Clyde will too when he’s talking to folks about leaving. The kids are more resilient with their emotions. So far they look forward to being with family. I’m sure their “saudade” or missing folks will come on the other side.
I asked the girls to write an exit essay. I wanted to share it with you. They have given me their permission to share with you all. I think it is interesting their perspectives and thought you might enjoy it.
Here are excerpts from Makenna’s essay:
“I personally would not change one thing about how God has planned my life. I am so blessed and lucky to be able to have grown up between two cultures and two languages. Most kids my age do not get the experience I got. Ten years of hard work and planting seeds into peoples lives. Ten years away from the comforts of our own culture. Ten years of growing up learning the Word of God. I’m not going to let those seeds die, and I hope to come back and water them.”
“Maddy and I are survivors of dengue. In case you don’t know what dengue is, it is a virus carried by a mosquito that gives you red spots on your body, high fever, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, body pains, dizziness, nausea and a stabbing pain in your eye when you look to the side. You will even reject your favorite meal, drink and snack. It lasts for about two non-stop pain weeks. “
“Now, after three years of living in Maribel, the community has a church. Dad is training some of the members of the church to become leaders. We have been friends with everyone. Mom and I became experts on cooking from scratch, cleaning fish, and learning what to do with meat that was killed half an hour ago. In the community, if someone kills game, they share it with the village. If their is a birthday party and you invite a couple people, the whole village comes. Our family feels like we have a family here.”
“Through all my adventures, moving, and fellowship with the Brazilians, it will be impossible to forget where I was brought up. Being raised in two cultures will always be a part of me.”
“Even though we will be far from Brazil and our Brazilian family, I will cherish them and they will always be in my heart.”
Excerpts from Maddy’s essay:
“I have experienced so many adventures as a pastor’s kid and missionary kid. I’ve lived in Brazil for the past ten years. It has been the most awesome experience of my life, so far.
“We have lived among ribeirinho people for three years on the Iriri river. A ribeirinho is a person that lives on the river and lives off of fish and land animals. These ribeirinhos get their money by fishing, harvesting rubber or mining gold. They have manioc crops and they grow a lot of fruits and vegetables like bananas, sugar cane, squash, green onions and more. They are very hospitable and relaxed. Once, we were doing missions on the river and my dad caught a fish. They made a fire, barbecued our fish and let us sleep in their house. In the morning, the got fruit and made coffee and cuzcuz.

God has blessed me with many things, but most of all with being a missionary kid and pastor’s kid. He blessed me by placing our family in Brazil. I will miss many things and many people, but I won’t forget the experiences I had in Brazil.”

As a mom and homeschooling mom, my heart delighted in their thoughts and articulation. I know God will use this fundamental time to build their foundation and that their perspectives will be different than all their friends they will hang out with. My prayer is that they don’t feel their experiences were invalid when the mob of influences come.

Thanks for reading! 

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Maya and Bella

Bella is a cross between a german shepherd and a mix. She is tough as nails and can take anything that Maya ( our german shepherd) throws her way:)

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Missionary friends and gatherings- American Thanksgiving

Each week the missionaries in our area have a regular lunch together. Most of the time everyone is able to make it. At other times it is sparse. 
American Thanksgiving however, is a time where everyone wants to be together. So on the friday after the American Thanksgiving, We all go together. It was an awesome time.
Cyndi, Suzanne Simons, Denise Meyrs, Katie Dole, 

Katie, Chelsea, Maria ( house helper) , Beth Woods ( guest speaker, friend from Halifax), Steve Dolan

Beth Woods, Cyndi, Elba Dolan ( leader of all the Vineyard Churches in the north of Brazil) , Kelsie ( missionary for 10 years. Heading home to Oregon to do ministry amongst the poor there, Suzanne Simon, Daisy Madeira ( missionary from Southern Brazil)

Clyde ( married to Kelsie), Chelsea, Katie, Steve Dolan, Christopher and Denise, Terry Price and in the far left , at the back is Bud Simon and Bob Leiser( new missionary)

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River Trip to Gurupá and Porto de Moz

Ademir and Jeana have been with the Vineyard for almost 20 years. They came to Altamira when the mission was beginning and within a few years were asked to go to a community along the river, Souzel, to pastor a church there. They spent 15 or so years there and 2 years ago they moved to a community about 45 mins away from Altamira ( inland…i.e. not on the river).
Cyndi and I have met with him a few times to listen, counsel and pray with them. Because of our experience in pastoring for many years and my terrible experience in ‘burnout’, we have been able to help them out and will continue to do so.
Recently, Ademir has been asked to oversee a number of the river communities. That would include regular visits, training leaders and encouraging the pastors. Jeana thinks this is a great idea since Ademir comes alive on the river. He has asked me if I would participate with him in visiting regularly these river communities.
I took my first trip with him in November. We traveled 5 hours by speed boat to Porto de Moz ( where we have a Vineyard church). The next morning we traveled on another boat, 7 hrs , to a community called Gurupá. It we would have taken a regular ‘bolsa’ – a boat that transports people and cars, it would be a 16 hour trip in total.
Ademir , Jeana and Rebecca ( their adopted daughter. They have 3 married children)

Leao ( Lion)- Pastor in Gurupaá and his adopted daughter
Edna, Leao’s wife. This is the look inside the boat we traveled on. Lots of hammocks. very relaxing way to travel.
Edna is educated as a teacher and is hoping to be teaching this year in Gurupá. 
We had a great time encouraging and praying for Leao and Edna. They have been working in this community for 3 years now and have seen God transform a number of families. 
We are hoping to see them every 1.5 months to encourage them.

Typical passenger boat on the river
Resting in a hammock

bagged and salted fresh water shrimp!!!!

The worship leader in Gurupá. Great heart. big smile. Very short:))
I can’t recall his name at this time but he was ‘adopted’ by Leao and Jeana as well. Not officially adopted but practically adopted. He got married just a week ago and Leao and Edna have been building a small house out back of their place. 

Part of the leaders that come out to the training on Monday night. I spoke in the service on Sunday and Ademir did some training on Monday night.
A neighbour boy climbing an ACAI tree. 

Mario and part of his family. They are the pastors in Porto De Moz. Here is a great story. We were going to take a ‘balsa'( see below) from Gurupaá straight thru to our final stop. If we did that we would not be stopping in to see this family. The day before I had this ‘sense’ that we should take a speed boat to Porto De Moz, spend the afternoon with this family and then get on the ‘balsa’ when it arrived. Ademir prayed about it as well and felt we were to do that. 
Well it all ended up being a ‘divine appointment’.  There was lots of encouragement that took place plus this daughter that is seated in the picture above gave her life to Jesus during the lunch time. It was awesome.

This is the ‘balsa’ that we traveled on. It carries passengers in the first and second floor. Everyone justs grabs a hammock spot. In the front is where they put cars, dump trucks etc.

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Soccer and Volleyball

The community comes together for the week-end before Christmas for a Children’s event, a volleyball game, a “Marrieds vs Singles” soccer game, and other similar festivities.

Via heads down the hill to help with the Children’s Christmas Event.

Bella serves in the volleyball game.

The Marrieds Team won over the Singles Team, so now the teasing will go on for this next whole year, about how the singles need to drink more milk, etc.

Two of these three boys are brothers. Their mother was murdered last year, so they live with their aging grandparents just outside the church gate. I get the feeling they would like to be done with childhood so they could earn some money, earn the respect of those around them, and make their way in the world. They always want to show me how strong they are, and how hard they can work, and the love to play with my cell phone. Unfortunately, I hardly have any time for them, and their story is common in our neighbourhood.

Cesar played soccer on the Singles Team.

Anni and Via spent a lot of time by the soccer field when they lived here.

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Anni and Via are Home for Christmas!


Even though Anni and Via have lived in Canada for three and a half years, when they come home for Christmas they still jump right in, and they can still speak Portuguese.
At the Children’s Christmas Party, Emma helps Aline organize an event.

At the Christmas Youth Service, Anni played the keyboard.

Some of the neighbourhood boys watch the Christmas play. Monica made the artificial tree in the background by recycling two-litre pop bottles.

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December Amazon Update! Steve and Elba Dolan

Praise the Lord the church continues to see new converts and disciples of Jesus Christ.  Below are pictures of baptisms that we held during our worship services over the last weeks.  One of the baptisms was not scheduled.  The man in the last picture received Christ and in his excitement wanted to be baptized.  We still had water in the baptismal from the week before and so we had a spontaneous baptism.  Many people stayed around to celebrate his new birth in Christ as he was washed from his old self into his new identity in Christ.  Please pray for these new converts. 
This month we had Beth Wood from Canada come to Altamira.   After working in inner city contexts in Canada for a number of years, Beth spent 7 years in Brazil mentoring and training in local-church based community development ministries. With her colleague Maurício J.S. Cunha she co-authored the book “The Kingdom Among Us” which was published in Portuguese in Brazil in 2003.  Beth came to share a biblical and Brazilian perspective on the transformation which can occur when local churches actively pursue the fullness of the Kingdom of God in their poor communities.  We were very pleased to have her because we are already working in this capacity through the church and CDR.  We invited many of the church leaders throughout the community in the hopes of them catching onto to that same vision. The time that they spent together was very productive and we hope more fruit will be produced as the church continues to be good news to the community, and bridge the gap of the lost so that Jesus can reach more into their hearts.
I just wanted to let everyone know that all is safe and sound with our new power rangers in the house.  You do not want to be caught on the opposite end of their powerful swords, unless you go to the local amusement park and ride the Viking boat that swings you up and down.  Now that was scary!
Again, we pray that you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  God bless you! 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:
Terry Price found this boa constrictor outside the mission.  We got the opportunity to pet it. 

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The Bergquist

We are heading back to Maribel after a 2 week tour around the Amazon and Xingu visiting and saying our last good byes!
We had a wonderful time in Portel with Richie and Christie and their family! They lived and worked in Porto de Moz for years and we had the blessing of working with them for about 3 years. Our kids played together, did school together and we ministered together! They have started a new work in a region that is rough. We were blessed to see a few Brazilian go with them and leave their families in Porto de Moz to serve alongside!
We celebrated Maddy’s 12th bday and enjoyed our last missionary reunion!

Mission kids jumping from the dock in Portel

Church on the Maranatha 3, the mission boat in Portel!

Maddy’s 12th bday with homemade pizza!

Opening presents with the mission family

Elizeu  moved from Porto de Moz to help with the water filter project and the church plant. He and Nate were best buds when we lived in Porto de Moz!

Richie and Christie and their family with ours! Final goodbyes!

 We traveled to Porto de Moz to say our last goodbye’s!!! It was a good time and we enjoyed seeing everyone there! Here are a few pics from our time there!

The Porto de Moz gang. Waldenilson, Waldni and Waldomiro…domino junkies!

Opening prayer to our lunch on the beach in Porto de Moz!

Our Porto de Moz Family!!!!

Sitting with my girls, all grown up and sharing some pearls of wisdom with them!!!!

Clyde shared at the church

Prayer time

Our warriors in Porto de Moz, Mario and his wife who are pastoring 

Our final good byes to Porto de Moz from the line boat!

Special friends that will last a lifetime! Rosi and Nazare! 
 Kelsie turned 40!!!!!
Clyde and I on a surprise birthday retreat!!!

I just had to take a picture with this capybara trash can!!! So cute!

So little time to post, but at least a few pics paint the words!
We took nearly every mode of transportation on this trip. Airplane, line boat, speed boat, ship, bus, and truck!!! It was a lot of travel, but so worth seeing everyone and feeling good about moving on.

Enjoy the Christmas season and bringing in 2015!! We look forward to sharing our last 30 days with you in January!
Love the Bergquist Family

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