The Chacara
The kids love the chacara (church property) even more when it is fruit season. But some of them are kind of untrained. This week when some of our leadership was travelling, we were less able to keep a close eye on their activities. They ended up moving a hose out of our view, playing with water for hours, and left the water running overnight, which eventually burnt out the water pump. Then they got into our old car, which we are trying to sell. They found some powder graphite and sprayed it all over inside and outside of the car, making a terrible mess. If we can keep loving them, having patience, keeping the big picture, who knows the plans God has for these kids? And when you hear their stories, it really helps.

Thais, who is up in a choke-cherry tree, is one of the girl’s good friends. She has a cute little baby, Melany.

The children bring bags so they can take home the fruit on our trees.
Bella is 16!
Bella is 16!
Bella turned 16 years old today! We made mango pie and vanilla ice cream, to celebrate.

First Birthday Celebration Without Mom, (but we celebrated together throughout the day via Skype).

Emma and Bella collected two buckets of Bacuri Mangoes.

Bella tested two mango recipes, and they are both good.

Birthday Breakfast.
Permanence and Change
Our Hope
Nine People Baptized
Nine People Baptized!
Last Sunday morning many of our church members had breakfast together and walked down to the river on the edge of the church property to baptize nine more people. Felipe was in trouble with the law not too long ago. Now he is training for the worship team, and his life is turned around. Other baptism candidates included Eliete and her daughter Shianne, the Snells daughter, Faith, the Leao’s daughter, Bruna, and several others. It was a great morning.

Phil, Monica, Jen, and Ivanildo – the baptizers. (They paired up so there was one fluent Portuguese speaker per team).
Josias and Vanessa
First Josias started coming to our church. Then a girl started coming with him. They are both not from our immediate neighbourhood. Here is how some conversations went. “Who is the new girl?” “Josias’s girlfriend.” “Ohhh (and an opinion).” After several months, Josias and Vanessa started to think seriously about marriage, and Ivanildo and Monica set up regular pre-marital counselling meetings.
Yesterday, at the wedding feast, at about 10:30 at night, I was walking along the food line-up, talking to people, and reflecting on what a beautiful wedding it was. One of the 14 year old girls had a different expression on her face, so I stopped. She said, “One day I am going to get married.” It seemed to me like this was a new thought for her. Many girls in our neighbourhood get pregnant young, and go from their boyfriend’s house, or his mom’s house, and back to their mom’s house when things don’t work out, and many relationships are full of pain and difficulties. The beauty of a community of people supporting a young couple as they make marriage commitments is very profound.


“I do!”


The church transformed their front yard for the wedding.

Huge amounts of food capped off the evening celebration.
October Amazon Update!
Stepping Out
One of the main roads in Altamira
It is easy to pass by others in their need. It really is.
My wife and I were driving down the road at 60 mph on our way to lunch together. I drove right by them. “Them” was a young couple with a small child walking along the edge of the road, pushing their scooter which had a flat tire. My wife said something about helping them and I turned around. When we pulled up beside them, they were both surprised and thankful. We gave the mother and her child a ride home which was a detuor from our route but one that was well worth it. It got them out of the midday heat and helped their four year old get lunch more quickly.
Bonus benefit – when we dropped this young mom and her little son off at their home, we met her sister-in-law, who was an old friend that we hadn’t seen for a few years. They live out in the bush and it was good to be able to reconnect with a brief visit.
When we step out in small ways from our normal routine, usually we reap unexpected rewards. God uses these moments when we are outside of our predictable pattern of life to speak into our lives, to lead us to new relationships, to open our eyes to new realities, and to soften our hearts with greater compassion. One thing that we just don’t find in the Gospels is anything that says, “And then Jesus just did pretty much what everyone expected”. It seems that God’s way is often to touch us when we step outside our self-imposed boundaries and expectations.
May God keep us sensitive to where he is guiding and our eyes open to the needs of those around us, even when it seems inconvenient.
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One of the many children in the Altamira region of Brazil
Adventures on the River
Hello Friends, Family, and Supporters!
Always good to write to you all and tell you about all the good things that I get to be apart of on a regular basis. This is my first month in Portel, and already, I feel a sense of purpose and connection to work God has started here.
Last week, I had the privilege of going out on the river with the team that delivers water filters. This is a project that was started in Porto de Moz when Richie and his family were based there. Now, they have moved the project to the Marajó region, which is where Portel is located. The project is very simple and effective. The team spends a few months making the filters which are basically made out of sand and concrete. The sand filters the water making it drinkable. Then, they load all the filters (which are very heavy) onto the boat and head out to the communities who live on the river.
Most of the people who live there go directly to the river for their drinking water. As you can imagine, they are constantly struggling with diarrhea and parasites as well as other health problems because of the quality of the water. The filters give them clean, drinking water with a system that is easy to maintain.
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A Water Filter in a River Home |
I wanted to go on the trip to experience the project for myself, but also to see how I could bless the people that we visited. I brought some goodies along me to give away: candy, markers, tooth paste, tooth brushes, and some basic medicines. As we stopped at each house, we were able to bless some of the people and the kids by giving away the gifts until we ran out. We also offered to pray for the families, and they willingly accepted.
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Some of the kids with their presents |
At one of the houses that we stopped, there was an old woman who could no longer talk or move very much and was being taken care of by her daughter. I assume that she had probably had a stroke, and her daughter said that she had been that way for 5 years. I laid my hand on the woman and as soon as we began to pray, she began to cry and moan. Of course, we had no idea what she was feeling, but I could imagine the suffering she might be experiencing from being literally trapped in her own body for years. I asked God’s Spirit to fill her and comfort her and give her peace. I prayed that His presence would let her know that she is never alone. I felt blessed that God had called us out onto the river to be a light to the people there.
I was also very impressed with the team of men who were responsible for delivering the filters. You can’t imagine how hard they worked everyday to deliver 90 filters in a week. There were so many challenges for them, but they faced them all. Loiro is the leader of the team, and he went to each house, asking the families if they wanted the filters as well as explaining to them how they worked. Elizeu not only worked hard all day, but then also gave a short service for one of the families later one night. And all of them, after each day, played soccer with the people from the communities, building friendships with them. I felt truly honored to be among such great servants.
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Delivering a Filter |
The day after we came back from the trip was Children’s Day here in Brazil. So, our church had an event for the neighborhood kids in the morning. It was a lot of fun, and we had about 50 kids show up.
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They had to dance and balance the orange at the same time! |
Now, I am back in Portel, and working hard toward the goal of preparing for the school. There is a lot to be done, but I have faith that God is helping to move this dream to a reality each day. I recently created a page on my facebook that will give updates about the progress of our school as well as our other projects, like the water filters. It’s CDR Social Marajó. Please go check it out!
As always, I want to thank all of you for your sincere support and faithfulness to our mission in Brazil. Our goal is to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth, and we do that everyday in big ways and small. Thank you for being apart of that. Thank you for seeing the possibilities and investing in people you have never met, but have decided to love because of Christ. I believe that what you are seeing here is only the beginning. My dream is to continue to grow a place where the people of this region can come in and experience the goodness of God in every area of their lives. God bless your families. Bless you with a deeper knowledge of God’s love and delight over you. That he sacrificed it all to give you freedom in the inner parts of your soul.
Love you,
Please see the rest of the pictures from my trip on the link below.
Water Filter Trip