This was the site of one street in Altamira that we could not use (unless we had a canoe) as we were leaving on our ministry trip. The river has been so high with all the rain. Many houses have been flooded out and people moved to temporary locations.
This is the line up to get on the bolsa to cross the river. We normally wait 1-3 hours to cross. Sometime longer:))
Waiting in the shade as truck off load the barge
This is one of the many bridges that we cross over on are regular travels to the interior.
It seems a little sketchy… but we pray and go:)
Saturday afternoon when we go out visiting those in the community, in order to encourage and pray for them, occasionally we come across some wildlife. This snake has a stick nailed right through its head. The neighbour caught it easily when he found this snakes mouth around one of his chickens. The chicken lived on another day but the snake was caught. Have a look below.
One of houses that we stopped in on for a visit. The lady was a few steps away in the river washing her clothes. She came up for us to pray for her. You can’t see it but inside that covering is her ‘kitchen’ and her ‘bedroom’_ a sheet hangs from the ceiling to separate out a room for her hammock/
She is in her 60’s and on her own now. Her husband left a year ago on a trip south and never came back. He is alive…he just decided not to come back.
My time of studying and preparing in my hammock and inside my mosquito net.

This is house we stay in while we minister. Saturday night we do training inside. They have lights via a small solar panel on the roof of the house. I normally hang my ‘rede’ ( Hammock) on the right side of the porch.
This is the trail from the house above to the next house. It is ‘a ways’ down the path
This is Carlini
She moved to this area a few years ago. It was where she grew up. She became a Christian in Altamira but was not really involved in the church. When she moved to the interior she started a cell group and then a youth group and then some sunday services. The church grew. She visited Altamira and let the leaders know there that she needed some help because she didn’t know what she was doing.
She is a beautiful young woman who has the respect of many in her community.
below is a video of 1000’s of cows on the highway. They are on a number of month walk to the slaughter house. Sorry the video didn’t turn out too well. We encountered this group one Sunday when we were traveling home.
I continue to have opportunities to speak in churches. God continues to work and people are encouraged. They are so gracious with my language. Cyndi and I really have been enjoying teaching and seeing God work significantly in peoples lives. It definitely is more difficult then in English at the moment but as the Paul said …” when I am weak then I am strong”!
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