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September 2023 Update

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Palmas Church 

In March, we were finally able to start a home group inviting all the people we know in Palmas, most of whom have no significant church experience besides our team.

Our initial focus has been on “breaking the ice,” seeking to connect this diverse group of people and introduce Christianity as relevant and relational. We’ve been sensitive to the social dynamics and people’s religious experiences, reservations, and doubts, working hard to create an atmosphere where people can engage openly.

As we get to know and trust each other, we’ve increasingly gone deeper in our discussion of the Kingdom of God and become more personal.  This disconnected group of random people is starting to form into an informal community.

We are still at the very early stages of anything that might be called a “church,” but we are excited that people appear comfortable and engaged and consider the group relevant.

Please continue to pray with us. We believe God has called us to nurture a mature, culturally relevant, socially engaged, and spiritually intimate community of believers in Palmas.  As we work intentionally toward that, we need God’s direction, grace, and equipping at every step. 

Life in Palmas

Palmas is so much different than our previous reality in Pacajá! There are several comforts, like restaurants, a mall, sidewalks, no street dogs, etc. But connecting with people and forming relationships in a larger city is also much more difficult.

As we continue to adapt and develop a rhythm of life in our new city, we’re striving to intentionally organize our personal lives around the community’s context in a way that gives us access to people in an organic way. 

Daily walks in the neighborhood; frequenting certain stores, restaurants, and parks; participating with the bicycling community; driving with Uber; anything to become exposed and familiar hopefully leading to relationships.

Please pray with us for favor, grace,  and new ideas as we try to organize our lives in a manner that is healthy for our family, and strategic for our Kingdom task.   


USA Visit

During December 2023, we’ll be in the States for about three weeks. Our primary objective is to connect with our sons and daughters-in-law and the rest of our extended family.  But we would also love to connect with you!

If you have some free time during this window, please contact us as early as possible, we would love to get something scheduled!



Please pray with us for God to connect us with key people, and direction as we continue to develop a specific strategy for initiating a new church here.  Please also, pray for safe travel and great visits in December.

Blessings in Christ,

Keith and Marsha Wilson



Blaylock Missions September Newsletter

Blaylock Missions September Newsletter

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September 2023 Newsletter

Hey Friends and Family!

We are sure your fall season is off to an active start!  Ours sure is. This month’s update will be a shorter one because we have quite a bit of ministry activity this month. 

Our kids have made some new friends in the neighborhood! They have a group of friends that they now see and play with daily. They have all but claimed a giant tree in the field across form our house and are working diligently on constructing a tree fort. This has been wonderful for them, and getting to know a few of these families has been quite encouraging. 

This is an important month for both our family and for the mission. We are currently hosting a team from the United States here in Macapa! We love having teams come down because it allows folks to experience cross-cultural ministry, make lasting connections with the people here, and enables our supporters to see firsthand our churches’ passion, work ethic, and spiritual vitality. 

We just had a team come down last month to visit the river ministry and water filter project, and we have another team coming down in early October to support our new church planting efforts in other cities. Perhaps you can be the next team down!

Next week, Adalee and Derek are flying to Belem to meet with the leadership to discuss where we believe the Lord is leading us after our time in Macapa. Please pray for discernment for all involved and for a good trip. We hope to update everyone in the near future on these plans. 

Below are our prayer requests. Please keep them in mind and pray for us in these various endeavors. Your prayers ARE making a difference. 

Much Love, 

Derek, Amanda, Selah, Amaris, Josiah, and Adalee

Prayer Request

1. Fruitfulness and Formation in our Discipleship Groups.

2. Language & Cultural Comprehension. 

3. Discernment for The Next Season.

4. Leadership Training and Leadership Pipeline.


Prayer Support The success of our church planting here is very much dependent upon the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us please send this link. They will get an introductory letter about us and the mission when they sign up. 

Financial Support We are continually amazed at the generosity and provision we receive from you all. If you would like to contribute, please use the link below:


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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Xingu Mission Field Report September 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report September 2023

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Xingu Website

Blessings to you as fall approaches!  This report highlights the Brazilian national pastor’s conference hosted in Northern Brazil.   

Care for the caregivers.  Through your giving for church planting and training leaders in Brazil, we were privileged to partner with the National Association of Vineyards in Brazil to hold their first national pastor’s conference.  More than 80 pastors were present, and it was a time to focus on caring for those who spend their lives serving others.

Why was this special?

  • Having a national conference supports unity within the body. John 17:23 reminds us that unity allows the world to see God’s love.
  • Conferences allow pastors to gain a proper perspective on their ministry through the encouragement of one another.
  • Pastors from different parts of the country allow for new perspectives as one learns different approaches to similar problems through the teachings, break-off sessions, and lunch conversations.
  • Churches are organic entities that are not static.  Being together allows for new insights as the Word is made fresh even as it is eternal. Pastors need to pursue understanding, continued education, and spiritual growth; conferences are a great tool.
  • Pastors need rest and conferences amongst their peers to allow for the change of pace, setting, and reduced responsibility for a few days.
  • Conferences nourish the health of the pastor, which benefits the whole church.

Walter Trobisch wrote, “The one who gives out much must also take in much.”  Here are a few quotes from attending pastors:

  • “God spoke strongly in all sessions, but particularly through the phrase “waiting is part of the answer” .
  • “When I heard reports of difficulties that I faced or was facing, it seemed that I felt stronger and compelled to fight. I felt that God took me there for a rest of my soul. I feel very cared for by God and our leadership.”
  • “God ministered a lot in my life, about leaving everything in God’s hands and that the ministry is not ours, it’s God’s!”
  • “This holy mixture of South and North was wonderful!!! How incredible it is to hear the story of each one… the good things and even the difficulties… because this humanity brings us closer to each other and to God.”
  • “What impacted me were the chat groups, having time to listen to others and be heard.”

It was a worthy investment to support this national pastor’s conference, and your giving helped!  Thank you for your support!

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Blaylock Mission August 2023 Newsletter

Blaylock Mission August 2023 Newsletter

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August 2023 Newsletter

Hey Friends and Family!

We are sure that so many of you are in the hectic days of back to school! Some of you are sending your kiddos off to school for the first time, some to college for the first time, and some to new campuses. Amid new activities, new seasons, and new complications, we hope you know that we love you, we appreciate it. Thank you for your encouragement and support. 

This month was an exciting month of firsts for us as well!

For the first time, we have all four kids in school. Adalee officially started kindergarten. We have met some new neighbors for the first time, made some new friends, led worship in Portuguese for the first time, and had our first small group meeting in the neighborhood (more on that below). 

Here is a quick story from Amanda:

On our daily walks around the neighborhood, the kids and I have made an acquaintance with a mom and her 2 daughters- a 6-year-old and a baby. As our familiarity (and my Portuguese) has increased, we have become friends. I noticed the baby has a severe cleft lip, but I never mentioned it. About 3 weeks ago, the mom stopped me and mentioned they were raising money so that the baby (now 5 months old) could have surgery. They will have to travel to another city for the surgery, which is very expensive. I talked to Derek, and we gave what we could, and even reached out to some other friends who gave as well. The mother was brought to tears. The next week she came by our house to visit and to let the girls play. We have invited neighbors over for meals and have been invited to their houses for meals, but this is the first time somebody casually dropped by, uninvited, for a chat. This brought me great joy and a sense of belonging! Since then, this woman has come to our monthly neighborhood social and weekly small group Bible study. It is amazing how a consistent smile and a friendly hello (when you literally feel like all you can say is hello) can open the door to a relationship. This relationship has been so life-giving to me. Please continue to pray that I can understand and speak Portuguese well and have meaningful conversations about Jesus with her. Please also pray for the family as they travel and for the baby as she has this surgery.

Below are our prayer requests. Please keep them in mind and pray for us in these various endeavors. Your prayers ARE making a difference. 

Much Love, 

Derek, Amanda, Selah, Amaris, Josiah, and Adalee

Prayer Request

1. For the new small group in our neighborhood. Fruitfulness and Formation!

2. Language Learning 

3. Vision Clarity for Next Season 

4. Leadership Training and Leadership Pipeline

5. XXX

A Month of Firsts

Recently, the assistant pastors at our central church welcomed a new baby! While they are out on maternity leave, they asked if we could co-lead their small group. Amanda and I thoroughly enjoy this group of folks. This group is important not only for the formation of the members but also as a core training ground for leadership in the church. 

Additionally, in the last several newsletters, we have written about our efforts to prayer-walk our neighborhood, the intentionality with which we engage our neighbors on the street and around shared meals, and that we sensed God was stirring up new work. As a result of those efforts this last week, we had our first small group meeting in our neighborhood! This is a group of folks from this neighborhood or some nearby neighborhoods in Marabaxio, a small community where we live. 

We have started leading worship in these settings. Amanda and I are both enjoying this and working hard to expand our repertoire of songs. We have learned enough of the language that we can generally follow along with what people are saying, and we greatly appreciate everyone’s patience as we endeavor to listen to them in our new language and the Holy Spirit simultaneously.

This is also essential training for us, and what God has done here is essentially the methodology for church planting we intend to use in the future. Please pray for formation, fruitfulness, joy, and understanding as we continue to meet. 


Prayer Support The success of our church planting here is very much dependent upon the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us please send this link. They will get an introductory letter about us and the mission when they sign up. 

Financial Support We are continually amazed at the generosity and provision we receive from you all. It does look like we will have an extended season of unfavorable exchange rates, and we will need to raise additional support to get us back to monthly break-even. If you would like to contribute, please use the link below:


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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You received this email because you signed up on our website or through your church. 

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August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter 
from Christopher & Denise Meyer

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks you so much for your prayers, love and support. We have been so blessed by you.
We are back in Brazil, slowly getting settled in. It’s always a bit crazy readjusting, but we are so happy to again be with our Brazil community.

Our time in the States was great and we definitely feel like our batteries are recharged. It was so good spending time with family, friends, and with our church brothers and sisters. 


Here are some highlights from our time in the States:  

Speaking at J.T.’s church in Cleveland
Speaking at the Lewis Center Vineyard
Denise with one of the worship teams at VCDC

Jonas & Liam with their cousin, Olive.

J.T. and me

Family photo

While we were back we took a lot of trips to the Columbus Zoo.

This last picture was taken by my parents before we left for the States. Jonas was not happy to go 🙂

On our way back to Brazil after our time in the States

About a week after arriving in Brazil, we needed to head out of town again for a Vineyard Brazil Pastor’s Retreat. We also had a great time connecting with all the pastors across Brazil.

While at the pastors retreat, we took the opportunity to have a Xingu Mission Senior Leadership Meeting. Love working with these guys!

Vineyard Brazil Pastors. Such a blessing to be part of this Movement.

Many of you have asked how you can start to financially support our ministry in Brazil. We will leave a link below.

Denise and I appreciate you so much and would love to hear from you.

In His Service,
Christopher & Denise

Contribution Link

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Xingu Mission Field Report August 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report August 2023

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The Blaylocks are celebrating one year in Brazil!  May this update encourage you.    

The first year in the missionary field is full of adventures and difficulties in learning, exploring, and acclimating to the unfamiliar.  It is a time of missing the familiar, and adapting to the reality of the unfamiliar often is much different than expectations.  It is a time to focus on being faithful and celebrate the little successes of acclimation.

Derek and Amanda Blaylock and their four children have finished a year as missionaries in Macapá, Brazil.

Some reflections on their first year:

Biggest Difficulty: missing the family, deep friendships from our church plant, good friends, and neighbors that we were close to.

Biggest Success: getting to observe God’s faithfulness first-hand.

Encouragement: the warm, relational nature of Brazilian culture. Our new neighbors have been kind, helpful, and accommodating.  We are making friends and forming familial relationships.  Working with a team of committed and faithful missionaries has also been super encouraging.  Christopher and Denise Meyer, and Bob Lesher are awesome teammates – it’s quite fun to work with people committed to the same vision and pulling in the same direction.

We have found that Jesus’ words from Matthew 19 – that those who leave the family for Kingdom work will also gain family!  We have been well received, loved by the folks here, and cared for by the mission.

Our faith and discipleship have grown tremendously.  Something about undertaking this assignment inspires the imagination – you realize that when relying on God, you can be more capable than you thought.

Needs: $350 monthly additional financial support is needed as the exchange rate has been dropping, and their monthly support is insufficient.  

Please pray for the Blaylocks as they continue this adventure with a purpose.

Feel free to enter into contact and bless them and God bless you!

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Blaylock Missions Year One Edition

Blaylock Missions Year One Edition

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July 2023 Newsletter – Year One Edition

Prayer Request

1. Fruitfulness in Ministry and Outreach

2. Language Learning 

3. Vision Clarity for the Next Season 

4. Leadership Training and Leadership Pipeline

5. Prayer Support Network – More People Praying 

Hey Friends and Family!

We cannot believe we have been in the country for one year! In some ways, the time has flown by. Thank you all for your love, support, prayers, texts, calls, emails, and well wishes. We are very well loved and cared for. 

This newsletter will be a bit different because we want to reflect on a few things that stood out to us in year one. Here are the things that have stood out to us the most:

God is Abudndatley Faithful 

Undertaking this assignment has been a test of trust for us, and we can honestly say that God has been faithful every step of the way. 

During our pre-field fundraising, we both felt that God was asking me to resign from my job and focus full-time on fundraising. That was our first big moment of trust because if fundraising did not go quickly enough, we could have been in a significant financial bind. Despite that, I resigned, and God showed up! A process that usually takes a year took about four months! 

Every obstacle that comes along with moving to a new country was resolved. We found that when we undertook a posture of prayerful waiting instead of frenetic activity, God was able to work in the situation and bring it to a good end and in ways that we would not have been able to on our own. 

God connected us with the right people here for housing, gave us abundant favor with the people responsible for our government documents, set us in the right neighborhood for connections, and led us to some great friends to ease our transition with love and community. 

By far, one of the most stressful events that happened involved a situation with an unscrupulous car dealer trying to extort us for additional money. God led us to the right relationships, which enabled us to navigate getting the police involved after multiple attempts at Biblical reconciliation (think Matthew 5) with the dealer. In the end, this situation worked out. The situation was both informative and transformative. 

And most astoundingly, God has shown up in the community life and mission here. Over this past year, the Holy Spirit has challenged the churches here to take steps of faith to respond to growth – things like building spaces, trusting new leadership, and praying for physical miracles. God made it happen every time we moved forward in faith and obedience!

Our Family Is Growing in Faith

Seeing God provide continually, make a way through difficult situations, align relationships at just the right time, and overcome difficult situations in a way that you could not have on your own has a formative effect on your spirit, imagination and wellbeing. 

Derek: There is an old saying – What God wants to do through you, He wants to do in you. This truth has become both a guidepost and a reminder for me. Acts 14:22 says, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,”. That is – hardship and change are not merely a by-product of living in a fallen world, but also an important means God uses to shape and form us into Kingdom people. Every financial challenge, bureaucratic obstacle, culture shock, misunderstanding, and even the inability to adequately express myself in the language can be embraced as a means of self-emptying, kenotic (Philippians 2) formation unto Christlikeness. My love for God and others has grown when I have chosen to respond well based on this truth. 

Amanda: This transition has been challenging. It was difficult to say goodbye to our family, church, friends, and daily rhythms and routines. However, amid this, the Holy Spirit has been very present as the giver of peace in my life. I have learned to rely on Him and trust Him more intimately. There is something about undertaking this assignment that inspires the imagination – you realize that when relying on God, you can be more capable than you thought you would be. My time in scripture has also been amazing. There have been many, many times where a passage of scripture from my queit time has been just what I needed to hear! 

The Kids: We are incredibly proud of our kids. They have handled everything like champs, and they are doing very well. They certainly miss their grandparents and friends; however, they have worked at making some new friends here. They serve in the church, enjoy being part of the children’s ministry, and help out where they can. It has been an exciting thing as parents to watch them grow in their faith and holy curiosity. Please pray for language learning for them. 

Brazilians Are Wonderful People

We have frequently stated in our reports to you just what a privilege it is to live and serve alongside our new neighbors. On the whole, Brazilians are warm, hospitable, encouraging, relentlessly positive, ad wonderfully relational. One of the phrases I hear most often (besides surprise at being a foreigner in Macapa of all places) is “Conte Comigo” – Count on me. And they mean it. Anytime we have taken them up on that promise, they show up. The Brazillian kids we get to work with are sweet and delightful. We are “Tio e Tia” (uncle and auntie) to several kiddos here, and it is a blast. 

When we pastored in the US, there were two or three significant discipleship actions that we looked for as people began life with Jesus. We thought of them like stoplights – when we saw people moving from red to yellow to green in these three areas, we knew they were responding to the Holy Spirit. Here – those two or three stoplights are different than in the US. Yet despite that, the same longings, struggles, needs, and troubles are universal, just responded to differently based on cultural context and history. 

May of the same basic struggles and conversations we are having at this cultural moment in the US, we are also having here in Brazil. 

Seeing our Brazillian pastors respond well to this with such a high degree of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and tireless work on behalf of their churches is amazing. We feel very privileged to be here. 

The Mission Is Expanding 

Missão Xingu’s work is expanding. As the initial phase of church planting here in the North has prospered, the mission has been able to pivot and focus on some core activities. Amanda and I are the first new missionaries under this renewed and focused directive. In the midst of that, some of our key leaders have been able to turn over healthy churches and move to begin new work in cities where The Vineyard does not have a presence. An entire generation of faithful service has paid off, and God is expanding the mission into new areas. Please continue to pray for these new church planting efforts. 

 Faithful Leadership Abounds

At times our news and social media algorithms can highlight the most incendiary and troubling aspects of our culture in such a way as to make things seem more commonplace than they are. Scarcely a week goes by that we don’t see some significant leadership mishap or moral failure. To be clear – these are real, deeply problematic, cause a lot of hurt and damage, and highlight some systemic malformation that we need to address.

Yet amidst that, far more leaders serve in faithful, quiet, humble, self-sacrificial ways. They don’t have large platforms or published books – they write their love letters on the hearts of the people they serve (2 Cor 3). 

We get to see and serve alongside such leaders here every day. Our base leaders, the Meyers, are just such people. It has been a privilege to watch and learn from them as they have navigated shepherding people here through the pandemic, pastored two churches at the same time while juggling the responsibility of two small kids, mission leadership responsibilities, fundraising, pastoral counseling, and all the usual family issues that come along with aging parents. 

When you are tempted to be discouraged at the stories, don’t be dismayed but do pray. God always is at work. 

The Global Center of Christianity is Shifting

Missiological studies were part of the coursework for my master’s degree. We see firsthand the veracity of the studies: namely, that the center for Christianity is generally shifting from the global North to the global South. For instance, in 1970 evangelicals made up only about 9% of the population in South America. Now they make up over 31%. 

By far, most of this growth comes from evangelical charismatic renewal movements, of which the Vineyard is a part. The Good News has taken deep root and is producing fruit. The faithful giving, equipping, sending, prayer, training, and continued support from faithful churches and individuals in the Global North is paying off. What you are doing counts!

It is no secret that church attendance is declining in the United States. We have had enough conversations to know this can feel discouraging to many folks. However, please don’t become despondent. God is at work all over the world. Here in Brazil and your neighborhood. Your prayers and support matter. Your attention to the Holy Spirit in your own context matters. Jesus is Lord and the Church is on the move. 

After moving here, we adopted a new dog into the family. His name is Snickers, and he is a very good boy. He has been an excellent addition to our family. His love and zest for life have been a tremendous benefit to helping our kids acclimate, and frankly, he is more well-known in our neighborhood than we are! 


Prayer Support The success of our church planting here depends on the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us, please send this link. When they sign up, they will get an introductory letter about us and the mission. 

Financial Support  We are continually amazed at the generosity and provision we receive from you all. It does look like we will have an extended season of unfavorable exchange rates, and we will need to raise additional support to get us back to monthly break-even. If you would like to contribute, please use the link below:


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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