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Xingu Mission Field Report July 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report July 2023

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Happy July!  The Dolans are on home assignment, see how you can connect with them in this month’s field report.   

We wrote in May about the necessity and rigors of home assignment.  The Dolans are now in Ohio on home assignment. 

The Dolans moved this year to the capital city of Belém and have started a small group in their home.  Belém is the capital of the state of Pará.  Pará holds the majority of the churches in the north.  Having a church in the capital is significant.  The city holds over 1.3 million people.  The Dolans would love to share their vision for church planting in Belém. 

While there, they need to increase their funding by $1,400.00 a month to help support their work.  They also seek funding for a church property.  


July 2 @ Vineyard Community Church, Reynoldsburg, OH
July 9 @ Vineyard Church of Madison County
July 16 @ Crossway Vineyard, Urbana, OH
July 23 @ Vineyard Lancaster
July 25 @ Vineyard Grandview


Contact Steve at his temporary U.S. number, 614-209-5441 and invite them to your small group or meet up for a face-to-face.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Enjoy your summer!

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Blaylock Missions June 2023 Newsletter

Blaylock Missions June 2023 Newsletter

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June 2023 Newsletter

Hey Friends and Family!

We hope you all are having an enjoyable start to your summer!

Our family is doing well. Thank you for your support, texts, calls, emails, and prayers! All of it makes a difference. Update on our family celebrations and wellbeing is below. 

The two churches are likewise doing well. As Christopher and Denise are away on stateside assignment, our pastors and leadership have embraced the opportunity to step into the roles they have been preparing for. The children’s ministries are thriving, small groups are growing, we have a rotating preaching team that is serving well and faithfully, and we will need to have a baptism service soon. 

In addition, Amanda and I now have a group of people in our neighborhood with whom we are partnering with to share the Good News! We are very excited about this, and there is more on that below. 

Please be praying with us as we are beginning the process of discernment for this next season. Pray that we may have clarity and discernment for these things which God has placed in our hearts. 

Pray also for God to continue to raise up leadership in the church, specifically in the area of kids church directors, and treasurer responsibilities, so that we can begin training the next generation of leadership here in Macapa. 

Also, please be on the lookout for some communication from us around The 300 Campain – which is our effort to grow our prayer support base. 

Much Love, 

Derek, Amanda, Selah, Amaris, Josiah, and Adalee

Prayer Request

1. Fruitfulness in Ministry and Outreach

2. Language Learning 

3. Vision Clarity for Next Season 

4. Leadership Training and Leadership Pipeline

5. Prayer Support Network – We are at 46% of our Goal!

Family Update

May and June have been a whirlwind of celebration for us as a family!

In May, I (Derek) traveled back to the United States for my last residency and graduation with my Master’s degree. The program is in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership through Friends University in Wichita, KS. 

To say that the program was life-changing would still not do it justice. I received practical theology,  hands-on training in discipleship, spiritual direction, the ministry of writing, and the role of community in formation for mission. I also made life-long friends. Those wonderful folks in the bottom picture are my small group within the cohort. I am not exaggerating when I say that we talk every day. I highly recommend Friends University to you all!

After returning home, we took a week of family vacation (stay-cation) and just enjoyed the time with each other and with our Brazillian friends. 

June is also a month of celebration for the Blaylock family. We celebrated Dia dos Namorados – Brazillian Valentine’s Day on June 12. 

Then on June 14, Amanda and I celebrated 15 years of marriage! The Lord has wonderfully blessed our marriage and having the support of our wonderful families, friends, and Christian community has made our marriage even better. 

Then on June 17th, we attended a neighborhood celebration for the Festival of St. John. People dress up like country bumpkins, serve traditional dishes, dance, and sing karaoke. Through this, we made some new acquaintances that we hope to get to know better in the near future. 

But wait – there is more! Amanda turned 38 on June 18, and Derek turns 38 on June 25th. 

This has been a wonderful few months of celebration for our family and we are doing very well. 

B.L.E.S.S. The Neighborhood

A significant part of our transformation as Christians happen when we begin to move from operating out of willpower to the development of godly, automatic habits. Willpower is a finite resource and if we are going to make much progress at all it will be by grace-fuelled automatic responses to life and the development of godly routines. 

As a family, we seek to have a few simple routines that we undertake in order to be faithful to Christ’s mandate to make disciples. 

These routines are ones that we adopted from a guy named Dave Furgeson from his book: B.L.E.S.S. 

BLESS is an acrostic that stands for:

B – Begin in Prayer

L – Listen: To your neighbor and God at the same time. 

E – Eat 

S – Serve

S – Share the Story

Suffice to say that our family has been living into these practices ever since we moved into this neighborhood. But now we have partners!

Through our efforts to live into these rhythms, God has brought together a few other people (pictured above) who also have a heart for Jesus and want to share the Good News in this neighborhood. We are beginning in prayer -together! This last week we had our first neighborhood prayer-walking session together – asking God to open up doors to serve our neighbors and share Jesus with them. 

I’m very excited to see where this goes, and ask that you join us in prayer for this endeavor. We hope to have a small group of new believers meeting together in the near future. 

Simple, faithful, quiet, scripturally informed, Holy Spirit-empowered routines are the way God uses His people to change the world. If this is something that you are interested in hearing more about we would love to chat with you!


Prayer Support The success of our church planting here is very much dependent upon the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us please send this link. They will get an introductory letter about us and the mission when they sign up. 

Financial Support Our family is currently taken care of thanks to your generosity. However, the recent events surrounding the BRICS economic agreements may bring about a less favorable exchange rate going forward and we may need to undertake some fundraising efforts to make up the difference. We are approaching these next few months in prayerful discernment about how to proceed given these new developments. 

There are always needs here in the churches and if you would like to contribute additional resources please use the link below!


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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You received this email because you signed up on our website or through your church. 

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Xingu Mission Field Report June 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report June 2023

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Xingu Website

Hello!  We hope this monthly field report finds you joyful, healthy and thankful!   

Our mission and vision centers around the two phrases of planting churches and training leaders. 

A large part of our vision in this church planting movement is to train leaders to take our place.  We seek to lead change by empowering and inspiring people and communities as we share the vision of God’s Kingdom. 

Keith and Marsha Wilson are planting a new church in Palmas, Tocantins.  While in the early stages of the church plant, they are giving leadership development classes to a sister church a half an hour away in person and video classes to another church much further away.  Both churches are small church plants and Keith and Marsha hope that the development classes will help these churches grow leaders with a vision for taking a more active roles in Kingdom work. 

Christopher and Denise Meyer, with their young sons, are experiencing home assignment. A much-needed part of their time will be spent with Christopher’s parents as his mother continues her fight against cancer. Pray for their time to be a blessing for each of them.

Also, they need to increase their funding by $1,000.00 a month to help support their work in Macapa with two churches and missionary leadership obligations.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Contact Christopher at his temporary U.S. number, 614-857-5874.

Thank you for being a blessing!

Click here to Donate – Missionaries and Bases

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Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Xingu Mission Field Report May 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report May 2023

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Blessings to you!  This monthly field report features Christopher and Denise Meyer on home assignment and in need of increasing their funding. 

The meaning of home assignment is:

  • A time of mobilization, connection, reconnection, rest, and revitalizing.  
  • A time to hug family and friends and talk about things you don’t mention in the newsletters. 
  • A time to share meals of reconnection with supporters.  
  • A time to travel to preach, teach and share in reconnection with churches and small groups that support the ministry.  
  • A time for making new connections with churches, organizations, and people interested in a partnership.  
  • A time to raise financial support to try and keep up with price inflation.
  • A time of condensing years of work and experiences into short presentations or even shorter updates to respect the time of those needing a quick version.  
  • A time to adjust to others’ climates, time zones and schedules.
  • For those with children, it is a time to comfort them as they try to sleep in strange places.
  • A time to be vulnerable as you share your passion.
  • A mental break from the daily responsibility grind.
  • A time to step back and allow God to minister to your heart through others and revitalize your calling.

The list is partial. We often get asked how our “vacation” was after returning to the field, to which we usually respond with a smile and a polite “It was good”, understanding that they don’t realize the work involved and how it flew by so fast from the busyness. The process is heart-filling and yet difficult at the same time.  

Christopher and Denise Meyer, with their young sons, are experiencing home assignment. A much-needed part of their time will be spent with Christopher’s parents as his mother continues her fight against cancer (pictures below). Pray for their time to be a blessing for each of them.

Also, they need to increase their funding by $1,000.00 a month to help support their work in Macapa with two churches and missionary leadership obligations.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Contact Christopher at his temporary U.S. number, 614-857-5874.

Thank you for being a blessing!

Click here to Donate – Missionaries and Bases

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Xingu Mission
Contact us:


Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Blaylock April 2023 Newsletter

Blaylock April 2023 Newsletter

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April 2023 Newsletter

Hey Friends and Family!

We hope you had a wonderful and worshipful start to your Easter season! Our first Easter in our new country was eventful, joyful, and worshipful. 

We have been putting forth a lot of effort into the kid’s ministry as it has grown. As a church, we are emphasizing our kids’ learning to worship and memorize scripture. During Palm Sunday we had the kids participate in the worship service by joyfully celebrating with palm branches and the response of the parents was quite something. You could see the imagination for spiritual formation and wonder on their face as they observed their kids joyfully worshipping during the service. Gathering the palms themselves was quite the adventure as I had to venture into the jungle to cut some branches only to be attacked by biting gnats! It’s always an adventure! During Easter service, the kids were able to recite their verses to the congregation – celebrating the resurrection with the entire church. 

We celebrated our tradition of Easter lunch with another missionary here in Macapa. Narry a plastic egg is to be found here, so we made homemade dye and made our own Easter eggs. The kids hid, hunted, and re-hid the eggs until they literally fell apart. 

This next week Christopher and Denise Meyer, the head missionaries here in Macapa, leave for three months to complete their stateside assignments. The assistant pastors at our two churches will be assuming the full responsibilities over these next few months which is a big step for them. Please be praying for them as well. 

In just a few weeks I (Derek) will be traveling back to the United States for the final residency of my Master’s program followed by graduation! This has been a transformative undertaking for me – and I have made friends that I fully expect to have for the rest of my life. This degree has greatly shaped my thinking and practice, and we fully expect to implement this in our future church planting efforts. Please pray for Amanda and the kids as I travel. 

 Also please be on the lookout for some communication from us around The 300 Campain – which is our effort to grow our prayer support base. 

Much Love, 

Derek, Amanda, Selah, Amaris, Josiah, and Adalee

Prayer Request

1. Fruitfulness in Ministry and Outreach

2. Derek’s Travel and Family’s Wellbeing 

3. Language Learning 

4. Fred and Aline @ Viva, Leo and Leda @ Vineyard Macapa

5. Prayer Support Network – We are at 44% of our Goal!


As we enter into the season of Easter leading to Pentecost I’m struck by the mystery and wonder of this season in the church calendar. I can’t help but think that Jesus likewise found this to be a special time and that the message and ministry He undertook with the disciples would be especially important, pregnant with a sense of urgency as he sought to instruct them and prepare them for the mission that was to come when the Holy Spirit was sent. 

The end of the Gospel of Luke and the beginning of the Book of Acts record some interesting details about what Jesus did at this time. He often ate with the disciples, further elevating and demonstrating the importance of the Kingdom table practice I wrote about in my last newsletter. While eating He often “spoke about the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). He told them to wait for the Holy Spirit. He prayed. I also imagined that He played and enjoyed their company. 

But what is particularly striking about the narrative is just how adamant Jesus is about helping his disciples see that all of the scripture pointed towards and prefigured the very events they were now living!

Luke 24:44 -45: “This is what I told you while I was still with you. Everything must be filled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. Then he opened up their minds so they could understand the scriptures.” 

One of the Gospel passages that is most near and dear to my heart is the narrative about Jesus meeting the man and woman on the Road to Emmaus. I dearly love this passage and think about it often. It was also the passage we read preceding our weekly communion during worship at our old church. One of the aspects of this passage that I  find absolutely fascinating is the reason for which Jesus admonishes his disciples. He does so not on the basis that they did not believe what He told them before His crucifixion and resurrection, but rather because they were “slow to believe all that the prophets had spoken” (Luke 24:25)!

My sincere prayer for you and for the churches here in Macapa is that we will take this season to have our minds set on what was most on the mind of Christ before he ascended. That what He spent the last 40 days of His earthly ministry hoping to impart to His Church would be present to us. That we would ask the Holy Spirit to show us Jesus in all of the scriptures. That our minds and imaginations would be illuminated by the revelation of Christ in even the hardest of passages, and that we would more fully live into God’s grand plan for the redemption of all things – as the scripture says. 

In this season my prayer for our local churches, and for you who steadfastly support the work here, is that when we gather for Pentecost Sunday we will be able to say along with the disciples on the Emmaus Road: “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?”


Prayer Support The success of our church planting here is very much dependent upon the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us please send this link. They will get an introductory letter about us and the mission when they sign up. 

Financial Support Our family is currently taken care of thanks to your generosity. However, the recent events surrounding the BRICS economic agreements may bring about a less favorable exchange rate going forward and we may need to undertake some fundraising efforts to make up the difference. We are approaching these next few months in prayerful discernment about how to proceed given these new developments. 

There are always needs here in the churches and if you would like to contribute additional resources please use the link below!


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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You received this email because you signed up on our website or through your church. 

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The Wilsons in Brazil

Wilsons’ March 2023 Update

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One Year in Palmas!

On April 14, 2022 we moved to Palmas. Since then, we have constantly been seeking ways to connect with people, intentionally but organically, as part of a daily-life routine.

As much as that has been intentional, connecting at even a superficial level is difficult in a larger city (in Pacajá, everyone knew we were foreigners and were visibly curious). Out of those superficial connections, fewer still arrive at any semi-significant level. Intentionality, and seeking God for orientation is our part; making things happen is God’s part. 

And it turns out we have made some contacts. Some are the fruit of our own intentional efforts, but probably more than not, completely outside our own planning and intentionality. Like a family, we knew only as acquaintances who decided to move to Palmas for work/family reasons. Four couples who are friends of our other church friends, our electrician who has worked through our constant eclectic issues, and at least two others who thought Keith was the gardener and stopped to ask how much he charges. But all of these relationships are, at best, superficial semi-significant contacts.

Even so, and with one significant couple slow in actually moving to Palmas (it was October, then December, then March, now June??), in late January, we sensed a conviction that a sufficient relational mass had been achieved and that it was time to invite people to gather weekly. February was all about working out the logistics, format, how to invite, and exactly how we would articulate and practice who we are as a church.

Actually, we have spent much of the last year thinking, praying, testing, and working out our distinct vision as a local church and how to articulate and present that.

So, confident in God yet unsure of exactly what would happen, we started our first official small group meeting on March 1, 2023! We are very excited to have finally started doing something “concrete”.

We’ve Begun

We’re trying to bring together people from different socioeconomic backgrounds and religious experiences. People who respect God generally but are skeptical about religion and “the church.” People who don’t know each other and who barely know us.

We’re trying to provide a context where this diverse group can interact with the basics of Christianity and engage their own formed ideas, process their experiences, and come to personal conviction about the things they say they think and believe.

We share a meal and fellowship, listen to a short and contextualized explanation of a key Christian belief, and then discuss personally as a group how we understand that, do we agree or disagree, and what some of the implications might be for us.

Obviously, we know what we believe, and normal church service is about teaching and admonishing the Word of God concretely. However, at this stage, our small group is evangelistic, apologetic, instructive, and designed to help people move out of giving superficial and “canned” religious and philosophical responses. 

Most people have not critically thought through some of life’s and Christianity’s biggest questions at a personal level. Fewer still can articulate their views with confidence while also demonstrating grace and humility. This group gives people a safe environment to process while we also seek to model this humble confidence. As long as it is respectful and civil, no question or comment is off the table.

We’re only four weeks into it, but we believe these humble roots will form the foundation of a solid local church in Palmas, Tocantins. Please continue to pray with us as we try to faithfully, intelligently, and gracefully model the Kingdom of God.  Pray that God will continue to bless us with new relationships and that He will bring curiosity and conviction in the hearts of our new friends.


Other Happenings

As we get to know people and hold a small group, we also continue training leaders in Anapu from a distance. We prepare and send video teaching to accompany material the national church has already developed. They gather, watch, and discuss the video and their reading. We will be teaching the same course in person at our sister church 15 miles from the center of Palmas.

We look forward to seeing potential leaders from both churches grow in their giftings and increase in service to their communities.



Please pray with us for God to connect us with key people in this new city and for direction as we continue to develop a specific strategy for initiating a new church here. 

Please pray for our health, especially Marsha for full healing from the effects of a mosquito virus contracted in May of 2022.

Blessings in Christ,

Keith and Marsha Wilson



March Update and Quarterly Partners Meeting

March Update and Quarterly Partners Meeting

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March 2023 Newsletter

Hey Friends and Family!

This has been quite the month for contrast! On one hand, as we have taken steps of faith by investing in the people and locations that seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us we have seen some growth and momentum in our two churches. People are choosing to welcome Jesus into their lives and begin an earnest discipleship process. We have had some new families begin to participate and new leaders select into the leadership training pipeline. Our current leaders continue to serve faithfully and tirelessly. Our Ministry Times have been fruitful and we have seen physical healing, emotional well-being, and relational restoration. 

At the same time, this was a very difficult month for our family. We had several instances of physical illness, some strong bouts of emotional struggle, running into bureaucratic dead-ends, and some major, unplanned financial expenses. 

We have experienced the reality of the Kingdom of God which is both already a present reality and a not-yet but sure-to-come hope. And yet – in the midst of all of it – the presence of Jesus is sustaining and encouraging us. Like Charles Spurgoen said, “We have learned to kiss the waves that throw us up against the Rock of Ages.”

We appreciate the love, faithful prayers, and support that you all show us. We couldn’t do this without you. 

If you are interested in attending the quarterly partners meeting the link for that is below. Also please be on the lookout for some communication from us around The 300 Campain – which is our effort to grow our prayer support base. 

Much Love, 

Derek, Amanda, Selah, Amaris, Josiah, and Adalee

Prayer Request

1. Our family’s weekly and monthly gathering practices – Connection and Fruitfulness

2. Our family’s physical and emotional well-being. 

3. Language Learning 

4. The church leadership and the Meyers go on furlough. 

5. Physical and Emotional Health

Quarterly Partners Meeting 

Quarterly Partners Meeting: 

Sunday: March 26th.

Time: 7:00 pm CST

Click This Link to Access The Zoom Meeting 

The Kingdom of The Table

The Gospels contain this interesting phrase that is repeated three times. 

The Son of Man came to…

“The Son of Man came not be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). 

“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10),

“The Son of Man came eating and drinking” (Luke 7:34). 

Jesus came as the self-emptying servant, willing to lay down his life as a ransom for ours in order to draw back a lost and rebellious people into the loving communion of Trinitarian life through teaching about, proclaiming, and demonstrating that the Kingdom of God is available here and now – and will be fully consummated in the future when he restores all things under the lordship of His Father. 

But one of the primary ways he went about this – was to share meals around tables with many different types of people. He literally eats and drinks and fellowships his way through the Gospels. Some of his most profound teachings about the Kingdom of God are given around intimate dinner table conversations. Some of his greatest miracles take place around shared meals – sometimes with as many as 5000 people!

One of the foremost living missiologists is a guy named Alan Hirsch. He observes that “Sharing meals together on a regular basis is one of the most sacred practices we can engage in as believers. Missional hospitality is a tremendous opportunity to extend the Kingdom of God.” 

Taking our cues from Jesus – Amanda and I maintain an evangelical discipline of sharing at least three meals per week with people from our neighborhood or the broader community. Once per month we also host a come-and-go brunch on our patio. The Brazillian people are wonderfully warm and hospitable, and they love to get together for meals. (And I love Brazillian BBQ and coffee!). Around these tables, we are learning the language, learning to really understand our new countrymen and countrywomen, and we are beginning to have some deep spiritual conversations leading to real opportunities for ministry. 

What we have learned in this practice is that many of our neighbors have had terrible experiences with the Church. There is a need for healing and restoration, an opportunity to see Jesus in a new light, and a place for them at His table. 

Please pray for us as we seek to be faithful to the discipline. That we would learn how to be Brazillian, that opportunities for sharing the Good News would continue to be made available to us, and that God would form a discipleship group in our neighborhood.


Prayer Support I have been working hard on laying the foundation necessary to recruit a robust prayer support network. We need it! The success of our church planting here is very much dependent upon the faithful and fervent prayer of God’s people. If you know someone that might be interested in receiving these updates and praying with us please send this link. They will get an introductory letter about us and the mission when they sign up. Also please share my signup links if you see it on Facebook.

Financial Support Our family is currently taken care of thanks to your generosity.  There are always needs here in the churches and if you would like to contribute additional resources please use the link below!


Xingu Missions

PO Box 340785, Columbus
OH 43234 United States

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You received this email because you signed up on our website or through your church. 

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