New Years Dance
Emma and the Dance Group presented this special gift on New Years Eve, 2014/2015.
Emma’s Dance Group on New Years Eve, in Maraba.
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Emma and the Dance Group presented this special gift on New Years Eve, 2014/2015.
Emma’s Dance Group on New Years Eve, in Maraba.
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One Saturday morning in Canada shortly before we came back to Brazil, I was leafing through flyers minding my own business when I saw a picture of a golden retriever. For those who know us well, wed are often comparing ourselves to those overly friendly extroverted dogs.
But we also really want one and it represents home to me and to my kids who’s only ever house that felt like home had a golden retriever in it.
At that moment as I looked at the golden retriever in front of a cage I felt the Lord say, ‘so when you get to Joao Pessoa, you’re going to find a house that looks pretty great early on. But, it’s not the house I have for you so don’t rush it, wait on me’.
I told Phil and then forgot all about it.
Two weeks into our time here, and the fourth house we looked at-we were in love! It was clean, bright, had an extra bedroom for visitors, a bit of space outside, great location. We were ready to rent it.
The next morning we had an appointment to see it again. I woke up feeling uneasy and couldn’t figure out why. So, I said, ‘what’s up Jesus, why do I feel like this?’
That’s when he reminded me what he had told me when I was looking at the flyer.
Seriously? But this house is PERFECT. It has EVERYTHING!
But I have something better.
I told Phil, his shoulders sloped and he sighed, ‘Really?’
So, we didn’t rent it. For the next week or so there was NOTHING new on the market. We started to panic a little, what if I heard wrong?
But, everything in me told me not to rent it. Trust, wait, He has something better.
Finally, one day as I was obsessively looking on the Brazilian version of Kijiji a house appeared I hadn’t seen before, a new listing.
The initial picture had two large dogs that looked like golden retrievers in the drive way.
IT’S A SIGN! I joked, sort of.
I read the description, 3 bedrooms, and an ‘annex’. I made an appointment to see it at the earliest opportunity.
The minute we walked through the gates and into the house we were all sold on it. It had so much outside space, which is nearly impossible find here. There was also the annex, which had a garage below for all of Phil’s fiddlings, and above a full bedroom with ensuite for visitors. Separate from our own house for the visitors privacy and ours.
We really want our house to somewhere that pastors, missionaries and family and friends can come to find rest.
This place was just that.
Now that we are moved in, I am reminded every day that waiting on what God has for us is ALWAYS better. Jesus always has what’s best for us, even when it doesn’t look like it.
We just have to be willing to wait…..and that my friends is the hardest part.
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Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always very appreciated.
Denise and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Things are crazy and fun here in Macapá. We have Denise’s family visiting for 2 weeks! This is the first we have been able to spent time with them since last Christmas, so we couldn’t be any more excited! We are having a blast showing them around Macapá.
Our trip to see Starwars
Denise and I with her parents
Christmas was always my favorite holiday. I have such fond memories of Christmases in the past. The Christmas lights, the smell of pine needles and cookies in the oven, the sound Christmas carols, the crisp cold winter air, the whole environment, are things I have always loved. Since moving to Brazil, Christmas is very different. I find myself really missing my family and feeling very homesick during the holidays.
A few days ago I woke up feeling a bit down and homesick, so I grabbed my Bible and opened it. The page it opened to was Isaiah 9. I looked down and began to read: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” In this verse Isaiah is prophesying about the coming messiah. My first thought was how fitting the verse was during this time of the year, but as I thought and prayed the words spoke to my heart. I realized that the verse was not just speaking about something that happened 2000 years ago, but was about what Jesus was doing in my life that morning and every day. Jesus didn’t just come to rescue Israel, but is in constant pursuit of saving each and every one of us on a daily basis.
Denise’s and my prayer for you this Christmas is that you will sense Jesus – Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – near to you.
Merry Christmas!
In His Service,
Christopher and Denise
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Our group consist
s of friends that do not attend church on a regular basis. I am not sure of the reasons why they do not go to church, however, week after week they continue to invite us back to have home church at their house to talk about their lives, God, and the Bible.Powered by WPeMatico
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Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always greatly appreciated.
Denise and I have had a good month. It started out with a trip to our annual missionary retreat. This is a time for all the Xingu Mission missionaries to gather and be ministered to. It is extremely easy for us as missionaries to sometimes neglect our own spiritual and emotional needs. This year at our retreat we had Dan and Sandy Thiessen, a couple from Canada who have been professional counselors for many years, come and minister to us. They were amazing, and their insights and perspective into our life difficulties and challenges were extremely helpful. Denise and I, and all the other missionaries were very blessed by them. These retreats are also a time for all the missionaries to catch up with each other and have some fun. Every time we get together with my fellow XM missionaries, we feel so blessed to be part of this family!
From our missionary retreat
Back in Macapá things have been busy. At the moment our biggest focus has been discipleship and leadership training. When it is time for Denise and me to leave and plant a new Vineyard, we would like our present church to be in as healthy a position as possible. One thing I have found is that training leaders is more challenging than I realized. We have been very encouraged and excited by the progress made, but have learned that leadership training takes a lot of effort and commitment from those being discipled as well as those doing the discipling.
Our Small Group watching the testimony of John Wimber (who founded the Vineyard Movement). We watched with subtitles.
Small Group Worship
Over a year ago, when Denise and I were in São Paulo helping out with a worship seminar, we met a young man named Samuel. At that time Samuel had just begun a walk with Jesus. Throughout the week, Samuel began to share his desire to come visit us in Macapá. Before saying our goodbyes, he made a promise that he would visit us. Six months ago Samuel made good on his promise. While he was here, God did some powerful things in his life. By the end of his weeklong visit, he was talking about how he felt God was calling him to come live in Macapá. At the moment Denise and I didn’t know how serious he was, but two weeks ago Samuel moved to Macapá!
Samuel being prayed for at the church
Since arriving here, things have gone well for Samuel. He has found a job, a place to live, made many new friends and has fit right in. He is a very talented musician and can play multiple instruments. He has been extremely helpful with our worship band. We all love Samuel and couldn’t be happier that he is here with us! Although he is overjoyed to be here, he is experiencing many new things. This is Samuel’s first time living away from his mother’s house. In fact, his visit here six months ago was the first time he’d been outside of São Paulo. Please keep Samuel in your prayers!
Our church
Other Prayer Requests:
Continued growth, discipleship and sense of community in our church.
Continued leadership development.
Wisdom, discernment and God’s heart as we care for those inside and outside the church.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. We always love to hear from you.
In His Service,
Christopher & Denise
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Hello to all our Friends and Supporters!
We hope you all are doing well, and as always, we thank you for your generosity and prayers.
As I look on social media, it seems that the United States is going through a very tumultuous time. There seems to be conflict and upheaval in almost every area of life. I pray for all of you that peace would reign in your hearts, above all else. It is important to remember that the Earth is not our true home, and that our ultimate security cannot be found here. We have hope for a better day in a better land!
This year has brought a lot of changes into our lives. Ronã and I are adjusting to married life as well as moving once again. So, in order to keep with the theme of “major life changes”, we have a new one to announce. I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!
Because of my age, Ronã and I wanted to get starting trying to have a family right away. We are both very happy and looking forward to yet another new stage in our lives.
However, I am sharing this news with you a little earlier than is usually recommended. The reason is that since becoming pregnant, I have been experiencing some severe symptoms.
You have probably heard of “morning sickness” being pretty common in pregnant women, and although it is actually a good sign for the health of my baby, it has been pretty debilitating for me. I have been having severe nausea and vomiting, accompanied by extreme weakness and fatigue. I basically can’t do anything. There are only a few foods that I can manage to eat, and if I am careful, I can get them to stay down. I have had to stop almost all my other activities, including teaching at CDR.
I am simply taking it one day at a time, trying to find out what works for me. I have already been to the doctor, and they have given me some medicine, but it helps little. Here in Brazil, they do not have all the resources available in the States for this condition. However, Brazil does offer free medical care, and the doctors and nurses here are helping me with all my prenatal care needs.
As an American with a innate flare for independence, this has been difficult for me more than just physically. I am weak and in need of the help of others. Basic things like cooking and cleaning, I can no longer do for myself. Of course, Ronã is doing everything he can to help me, but it is a challenge for him as well. We are blessed to have some faithful friends and other missionaries who have been very willing to do what they can.
In most women, the morning sickness lasts only during the first 3 months of pregnancy. It is believed to be caused by a rush of certain hormones filling the body during those first 3 months as the fetus begins developing. However, there are other women who do experiences these symptoms throughout their pregnancy.
We are asking for your prayers. I really hope that these symptoms do not last the entire time. Of course, we have no control over the results, but we hope for the best.
Also this week, Ronã is traveling with a group of missionaries from another denomination. He will be translating for them as they visit their churches and provide training. This is a great opportunity for Ronã, but it is also very challenging. Translating can be mentally exhausting and require a lot of focus and attention. Please, pray for him that he would excel and that the Holy Spirit would give him strength and endurance.
While he is traveling, I will be staying with Art and Cyndi Rae. They have been so kind and generous to open up their home to me in my time of need. Please, pray that God returns to them the goodness that they have given to me.
Ronã and I are so grateful for your support, so grateful for your sacrifice and prayers for us. As I said before, it takes a lot of humility to rely and lean on others. You all have been here for us from the start. Our desire is to take what you have given us and use it to advance the Kingdom of God. That is our daily mission from our hearts. Every time we serve someone else, it is a testament to your loyal support. Thank you.
If you are interested in supporting us as missionaries, please click on the link below to make an online donation. God bless all of you!!!
Love, Allison and Ronã
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Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always greatly appreciated.
It has been an exciting time in our church recently. Our numbers have continued to rise and each week we see new people starting a walk with Jesus! We feel very blessed to be part of what God is doing here. As we stated before, we have been so encouraged with our rising numbers in the church, but because of our small building we have run out of room. Lately we have been discussing the option of going to two services. We believe that for our church to continue to grow, we will need to find a solution to our lack of space. We are not yet in the financial position to afford new construction, therefore we believe two services is our best option. Please keep that in your prayers.
Our small group. In the second picture, Marcelo is on the left – for more on his story, keep reading J
Mexican Food Night at our small group
We have also been discussing the planting of a second Vineyard in Macapá. Denise and I knew that at some point we would be planting a church, but were a bit unsure exactly when this would happen. Lately, we have been having talks with Pastor Felipe along with some other leaders about the two of us planting, and it seems like the reality of this happening is beginning to take shape. Although there is a ton of planning that needs to occur, Denise and I are looking at November 2017 as a send-off date. This would be after our planned furlough next year. We are SO looking forward to sharing our plans with all of our U.S. friends!
This last week we had a baptism for some of the new Christians at Vineyard Macapá.
The five people who were baptized this week.
A few more pictures of our baptism
One of those baptized was a young man named Marcelo.
Marcelo showed up at our church about a month ago. Shortly after he became part of our small group, Denise and I began to spend some time with him. One evening Marcelo shared the fascinating story of how he ended up at Vineyard Macapá. A few months before, Marcelo was brought to the hospital because he had passed out multiple times in a day. After running tests, the doctors were perplexed because apparently Marcelo’s heart had stopped multiple times throughout the day, but they were unable to find any reason for it. (Marcelo continues to be monitored by his doctors, but no cause has been found and he has had no further symptoms. We continue to pray for him.) The fascinating thing about this story is what Marcelo says he experienced while his heart was stopped. He says that he saw a figure radiating with love and kindness. This figure came close and embraced him. This figure didn’t speak, but Marcelo felt assured by the figure that everything was going to be alright. He also said that even though the figure didn’t speak, he instantly knew the figure was Jesus.
After waking up, Marcelo was a bit confused about what to do with what he had just experienced. He hadn’t grown up in the church and didn’t know many people who attended a church. A few days later, Marcelo ran into an old friend who had recently recommitted his life to Jesus and was attending Vineyard Macapá. Marcelo right away asked if he could join his friend at the upcoming church service. That Sunday night during ministry time, Marcelo came forward and made a commitment to walk with Jesus. It’s been amazing watching Marcelo grow. Every time he is talking about Jesus, his face just lights up. Every time we pray, tears of joy stream down his face. It is encountering people like Marcelo that makes any hardships of our job totally worth it.
We would appreciate your prayers for:
Thanks again for your prayers and support. We always love to hear from you.
In His Service,
Christopher & Denise
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