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Xingu Mission Field Report March 2024

Xingu Mission Field Report March 2024

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Church Planting

The Xingu Mission is about planting churches and training leaders as a way to expand the Kingdom of God.  Many great scholars have affirmed this as a best practice.  Bert Wagner asserts, “Church planting is the most effective form of Evangelism known under heaven.”  Tim Keller also claims, “A vigorous and continuous approach to church planting is the only way to guarantee an increase in the number of believers and is one of the best ways to renew the whole body of Christ.”

We are so blessed to be able to celebrate the church opening in Belem.  The Belem team has been working for over a year through their home church to build up a body of believers to start a church outside their home.  A month ago, that became a reality.  In their first church service, they were blessed to have many brothers and sisters from other Vineyard churches come and celebrate with them.  They came as far as Altamira, Santarem, and Portel to support the new church plant opening.  In addition, the National leader of the Vineyard church association shared God’s Word.  The church continues to meet and they are seeing salvations and the Kingdom of God in their midst.

It was an extraordinary moment bringing excitement throughout the movement.  We pray that more moments like this continue to occur more and more in our church planting efforts. 

Please continue to pray for this new Belem church plant, the other church plants in progress, and more workers to take up the cause to plant churches.

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Xingu Mission Field Report February 2024

Xingu Mission Field Report February 2024

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Hello from Brazil!  

We just held our missionary care retreat.  This retreat was led by Michael and Helen Hansen.  Michael provided a great perspective for us to discuss and ponder.  In our short time together we witnessed God working in and through us.  We were reminded how even our little interactions with others is a time to minister and can impact a person. 

Our time is limited, our talents are limited, and God is pleased when we embrace those limitations and remain faithful to his plans for us.  Our faithfulness and love for God is a Kingdom success.

We at the Xingu Mission have a clear sense of our call to plant churches and train leaders.  We do what we do out of love for God and a desire for others to know God’s love for them.  Your support in us fulfilling this role in God’s Kingdom is greatly appreciated. 

We want to encourage you to embrace your time and talents and remain faithful to the place God has called you to serve.

Have a blessed month!

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Xingu Mission Field Report December 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report December 2023

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Happy Christmas!  The field report highlights current needs of the missionaries.  Please consider partnering with us.

The Apostle John wrote in Revelation that he saw every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne in heaven praising God.  Missions exists to this end.  John Piper says it best “Worship is the goal and the fuel of missions: Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”  We count it a privilege and joy to know and worship Christ, and we want everyone to know this joy and the peace, hope, and love that come with it. 

We are thankful that you follow what we are doing to further the Kingdom of God here in Brazil.  To end the year, we want to share the specific needs of the missionaries on the field.  Please partner with one of the missionaries and consider how you can generously fuel missions to bring about worship. 

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Steve and Elba Dolan – Steve and Elba moved to Belém, Pará, and have started a church plant there, beginning with a small group in their home.  It is a capital city, and the cost of living is higher for them.  They are also looking into moving the filter project to Belém.  Steve oversees the Altamira/Macapá base.  Elba is a national and regional church leader. They are looking for 15 people committed to giving $50 a month to partner with them.

Keith and Marsha Wilson – Keith and Marsha are church planting in Palmas, Tocantins also a capital city.  They have started with a small group in their home.  They also assist in training leaders in a sister church.  Keith oversees the Pacajá/Palmas base.  Marsha oversees the water filter project.  The Palmas base needs to increase monthly operation support by $500 monthly (10 people giving $50).

Christopher and Denise Meyer – Christopher and Denise are the senior pastors of two churches in Macapá and are involved in training other leaders.  They are constantly running short of financial resources.  They need to increase $500 in monthly contributions.

Bob Lesher – Bob assists with the churches in Macapá.  He focuses on an outreach ministry.  Please consider helping financially with this outreach by giving to Macapá.

Derek and Amanda Blaylock – Derek and Amanda continue their language learning and cultural adaptation as they get more involved in serving the churches in Macapá.  They are in need of larger one-time gifts for ministry and travel expenses coming up.  They also need to increase their monthly support.

We are blessed to be a blessing.  Consider these needs as 2023 closes, and you make plans for the coming year.  God bless!

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Xingu Mission Field Report November 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report November 2023

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Happy Thanksgiving!  This report is sharing the teams gratitudes this past year.

Gratitude is the single best predictor of well-being. We at Xingu Mission are thankful for God and his presence and provision in our lives and ministry. We are also grateful for all those that partner with us.

Along the lines of gratitude, each missionary will share gratitude specific to their ministry this past year. Rejoice with us!

Derek: I am grateful to see some growth in the leadership of the churches and the new small groups reaching their neighborhoods. (Macapá)

Amanda: I am grateful that even without complete language fluency, I have been able to love and serve the churches here in an effective way. (Macapá)

Steve:  We are grateful that the Lord has called us to Belem. (Belém)

Elba: I am grateful for the excitement for the future of the Vineyard movement in Brazil. (Belém)

Bob:  I am grateful for the leading of the Lord with the outreach ministry “LOVE IN ACTION.” It has been a desire of mine to participate in this type of ministry for some time. We are seeing some fruit of our labors recently! (Macapá)

Christopher:  I am thankful for our assistant pastors in both churches. A few years ago, Denise and I really started to feel the toll of pastoring two churches while also raising two small children. We knew that we were dealing with burnout, so we began to pray that God would rise up new pastors who could work with us in the two churches. About a year ago, we licensed assistant pastors at Vineyard Macapá and Vineyard Viva. At the time, we felt peace from God about the decision, but there was still a huge mystery of how it would all work out. Although it took a little bit of time to develop a rhythm with our new co-workers, once we found that rhythm, it has worked out amazingly at both churches. It has taken such a huge load off of Denise’s and my shoulders. We are looking forward to our continued work with these new pastors for years to come. (Macapá)

Denise:  One thing that I have been thankful for this last year in ministry is the community that God has surrounded us with. Multiple times this past year, God has brought to my attention the community he built through Christopher and me, not just from a growth ministry perspective, but also from a personal perspective. When we moved to Macapá 8 years ago, Christopher and I didn’t know anyone in the city. We have passed through some lonely times. Our community here has become our family, and not just people that we take care of and minister to, but also are the ones taking care of and ministering to us. (Macapá)

Keith:  I’m thankful for God’s grace and presence in bringing about His ministry uniquely through each of us. I am not surprised that He does act in favor of the ministry that He calls each of us into, but for me, it always seems amazing and an adventure to see how, when, and by whom He acts. This element of creativity and the expectation of being confident that God will act somehow produces in me joy, eagerness, great purpose, and calmness, all at the same time, a thankfulness for who God is and how he invites us each to join in His plans, purposes, and action. Even in the thick of straining to see what He is doing next, this thankfulness shines as I reflect on what He has been doing. (Palmas)

Marsha:  I am grateful for encouragers and God’s faithfulness.  Starting a church plant as a team of 2 is sometimes discouraging and lonely.  Encouragers both within our little group in Palmas and supporters outside strengthen us, bring insight, and help us feel not so alone.  God, in his faithfulness, allows me to continue steadfast when these discouraging and lonely times come, fully knowing that his hand is upon me and He will fulfill his purpose. (Palmas)

Know that you are a blessing!  

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Xingu Mission Field Report October 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report October 2023

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A happy fall to all!  This report highlights the short-teams.  We want you to come!   

Why should you go on a short-term overseas mission trip?

Short-term team members offer encouragement, love, respect, and support from back home to the missionaries, local ministries, and the local church body, producing a long-term impact.

Short-term teams gain a global perspective of God’s Kingdom and the spiritual growth of its participants when used by God.

A few short-term teams have recently visited the ministries here in Brazil, ranging from 2 to 4 people.

A team of 2, accompanied by the Wilsons, visited a region with a long-term relationship, helped make water filters, ministered, and gave first aid training.

A team of 3 from the Meyer´s sending church visited Macapá and the work there.  They held conferences at two churches, participated in outreach events giving food away, hosted a fellowship time with a cookout, made numerous home visits praying for people, and got in a jungle/nature day. 

A team of 4, accompanied by the Dolans, currently in the country at the time of this writing, traveled to the interior of Pará and are building restrooms at a church plant on the river.

They also held a service in that location and at the home church reaching out to this river area.

In all cases, the local ministries and the local churches felt blessed by the teams, and relationships were formed or solidified through the team’s visits.  With today’s translating technology, several continue to write back and forth with their Brazilian friends.  The missionaries love sharing their work with the teams.  It’s been expressed that it is therapeutic for them.

Do you want to partner better with God’s work in Brazil?  Come for a visit and get personally connected.  We’ll have the coffee waiting!

Check out the videos on short-term teams on the home page of our website.  http://www.xingu.org

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
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Xingu Mission Field Report September 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report September 2023

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Blessings to you as fall approaches!  This report highlights the Brazilian national pastor’s conference hosted in Northern Brazil.   

Care for the caregivers.  Through your giving for church planting and training leaders in Brazil, we were privileged to partner with the National Association of Vineyards in Brazil to hold their first national pastor’s conference.  More than 80 pastors were present, and it was a time to focus on caring for those who spend their lives serving others.

Why was this special?

  • Having a national conference supports unity within the body. John 17:23 reminds us that unity allows the world to see God’s love.
  • Conferences allow pastors to gain a proper perspective on their ministry through the encouragement of one another.
  • Pastors from different parts of the country allow for new perspectives as one learns different approaches to similar problems through the teachings, break-off sessions, and lunch conversations.
  • Churches are organic entities that are not static.  Being together allows for new insights as the Word is made fresh even as it is eternal. Pastors need to pursue understanding, continued education, and spiritual growth; conferences are a great tool.
  • Pastors need rest and conferences amongst their peers to allow for the change of pace, setting, and reduced responsibility for a few days.
  • Conferences nourish the health of the pastor, which benefits the whole church.

Walter Trobisch wrote, “The one who gives out much must also take in much.”  Here are a few quotes from attending pastors:

  • “God spoke strongly in all sessions, but particularly through the phrase “waiting is part of the answer” .
  • “When I heard reports of difficulties that I faced or was facing, it seemed that I felt stronger and compelled to fight. I felt that God took me there for a rest of my soul. I feel very cared for by God and our leadership.”
  • “God ministered a lot in my life, about leaving everything in God’s hands and that the ministry is not ours, it’s God’s!”
  • “This holy mixture of South and North was wonderful!!! How incredible it is to hear the story of each one… the good things and even the difficulties… because this humanity brings us closer to each other and to God.”
  • “What impacted me were the chat groups, having time to listen to others and be heard.”

It was a worthy investment to support this national pastor’s conference, and your giving helped!  Thank you for your support!

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Xingu Mission Field Report August 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report August 2023

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The Blaylocks are celebrating one year in Brazil!  May this update encourage you.    

The first year in the missionary field is full of adventures and difficulties in learning, exploring, and acclimating to the unfamiliar.  It is a time of missing the familiar, and adapting to the reality of the unfamiliar often is much different than expectations.  It is a time to focus on being faithful and celebrate the little successes of acclimation.

Derek and Amanda Blaylock and their four children have finished a year as missionaries in Macapá, Brazil.

Some reflections on their first year:

Biggest Difficulty: missing the family, deep friendships from our church plant, good friends, and neighbors that we were close to.

Biggest Success: getting to observe God’s faithfulness first-hand.

Encouragement: the warm, relational nature of Brazilian culture. Our new neighbors have been kind, helpful, and accommodating.  We are making friends and forming familial relationships.  Working with a team of committed and faithful missionaries has also been super encouraging.  Christopher and Denise Meyer, and Bob Lesher are awesome teammates – it’s quite fun to work with people committed to the same vision and pulling in the same direction.

We have found that Jesus’ words from Matthew 19 – that those who leave the family for Kingdom work will also gain family!  We have been well received, loved by the folks here, and cared for by the mission.

Our faith and discipleship have grown tremendously.  Something about undertaking this assignment inspires the imagination – you realize that when relying on God, you can be more capable than you thought.

Needs: $350 monthly additional financial support is needed as the exchange rate has been dropping, and their monthly support is insufficient.  

Please pray for the Blaylocks as they continue this adventure with a purpose.

Feel free to enter into contact and bless them and God bless you!

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Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
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Xingu Mission Field Report July 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report July 2023

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Happy July!  The Dolans are on home assignment, see how you can connect with them in this month’s field report.   

We wrote in May about the necessity and rigors of home assignment.  The Dolans are now in Ohio on home assignment. 

The Dolans moved this year to the capital city of Belém and have started a small group in their home.  Belém is the capital of the state of Pará.  Pará holds the majority of the churches in the north.  Having a church in the capital is significant.  The city holds over 1.3 million people.  The Dolans would love to share their vision for church planting in Belém. 

While there, they need to increase their funding by $1,400.00 a month to help support their work.  They also seek funding for a church property.  


July 2 @ Vineyard Community Church, Reynoldsburg, OH
July 9 @ Vineyard Church of Madison County
July 16 @ Crossway Vineyard, Urbana, OH
July 23 @ Vineyard Lancaster
July 25 @ Vineyard Grandview


Contact Steve at his temporary U.S. number, 614-209-5441 and invite them to your small group or meet up for a face-to-face.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Enjoy your summer!

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Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Xingu Mission Field Report June 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report June 2023

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Hello!  We hope this monthly field report finds you joyful, healthy and thankful!   

Our mission and vision centers around the two phrases of planting churches and training leaders. 

A large part of our vision in this church planting movement is to train leaders to take our place.  We seek to lead change by empowering and inspiring people and communities as we share the vision of God’s Kingdom. 

Keith and Marsha Wilson are planting a new church in Palmas, Tocantins.  While in the early stages of the church plant, they are giving leadership development classes to a sister church a half an hour away in person and video classes to another church much further away.  Both churches are small church plants and Keith and Marsha hope that the development classes will help these churches grow leaders with a vision for taking a more active roles in Kingdom work. 

Christopher and Denise Meyer, with their young sons, are experiencing home assignment. A much-needed part of their time will be spent with Christopher’s parents as his mother continues her fight against cancer. Pray for their time to be a blessing for each of them.

Also, they need to increase their funding by $1,000.00 a month to help support their work in Macapa with two churches and missionary leadership obligations.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Contact Christopher at his temporary U.S. number, 614-857-5874.

Thank you for being a blessing!

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Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Xingu Mission Field Report May 2023

Xingu Mission Field Report May 2023

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Blessings to you!  This monthly field report features Christopher and Denise Meyer on home assignment and in need of increasing their funding. 

The meaning of home assignment is:

  • A time of mobilization, connection, reconnection, rest, and revitalizing.  
  • A time to hug family and friends and talk about things you don’t mention in the newsletters. 
  • A time to share meals of reconnection with supporters.  
  • A time to travel to preach, teach and share in reconnection with churches and small groups that support the ministry.  
  • A time for making new connections with churches, organizations, and people interested in a partnership.  
  • A time to raise financial support to try and keep up with price inflation.
  • A time of condensing years of work and experiences into short presentations or even shorter updates to respect the time of those needing a quick version.  
  • A time to adjust to others’ climates, time zones and schedules.
  • For those with children, it is a time to comfort them as they try to sleep in strange places.
  • A time to be vulnerable as you share your passion.
  • A mental break from the daily responsibility grind.
  • A time to step back and allow God to minister to your heart through others and revitalize your calling.

The list is partial. We often get asked how our “vacation” was after returning to the field, to which we usually respond with a smile and a polite “It was good”, understanding that they don’t realize the work involved and how it flew by so fast from the busyness. The process is heart-filling and yet difficult at the same time.  

Christopher and Denise Meyer, with their young sons, are experiencing home assignment. A much-needed part of their time will be spent with Christopher’s parents as his mother continues her fight against cancer (pictures below). Pray for their time to be a blessing for each of them.

Also, they need to increase their funding by $1,000.00 a month to help support their work in Macapa with two churches and missionary leadership obligations.


  • Pray for them.
  • Ask them about their life and ministry.
  • Partner with them.  No amount is too big or too small. 
  • Bless them!

Contact Christopher at his temporary U.S. number, 614-857-5874.

Thank you for being a blessing!

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Xingu Mission
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Our mailing address is:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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