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January 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. They have been greatly appreciated!

Things have been going well for Denise and me. We are learning new things every day. For me, there is so much to learn – whether it is culture, language, marriage or ministry, my brain usually is filled to the brim.

The season we are in at the moment is demanding but exciting. This should probably be called our travel season. We just got back visiting Maraba before Christmas and we have some upcoming trips on the horizon. We will be visiting Denise’s family in Santerem in early February. We are very excited about this! Denise’s mother and father are pastoring a new Vineyard Church in Santerem. Seeing new church plants is very exciting for me. It allows me to see the stages of church growth happen. From Santerem, Denise and I will head towards a city called Macapa where there is another small Vineyard. We will be guest speakers at the Macapa Vineyard Youth Conference. We are also trying to work out the details for a March trip to visit the new church plant in Portel. There are other places we are planning to visit: Pacaja, Paraiba & Uruara.

Denise’s mother, father and two brothers

Denise and our friend Chelsea from our home church in Sunbury, Ohio

One thing that has been sad for Denise and me is that fellow missionaries Clyde and Kelsie Berquist and their family are moving back to the United States after 11 years here in Northern Brazil. Denise has known the family since their arrival and was Kelsie’s Portuguese teacher years ago. Although I only met Clyde and Kelsie a year ago, I have grown to love and respect them tremendously over this short time. They have such beautiful hearts and are an inspiration to many. Denise and I are both going to miss them, but we also know that our relationship with them will continue. We are confident that no matter where they are, God will always be doing amazing things through them.

Clyde and Kelsie’s Going Away Party – The Brazilians wanted to wash their feet as a sign of respect and love. As you can see, there was a long line and it was very emotional. Clyde and Kelsie will be very, very missed.

Clyde and Kelsie’s Children

God has created each and every one of us with different gifts and hearts for different ministries. Throughout my Christian life, God has always used me in a very specific way. My heart has always been touched when I see individuals on the outside looking in whether it is with non-believers or just Christians that are struggling. This is no different in Brazil. When Denise and I returned to Brazil after our visit to the States, I noticed a young man that was involved in the church months before had disappeared. I began to ask around, but no one seemed to know exactly where he was or what he had been up to. After a few months Denise and I tracked him down, and had him over to our house for lunch. We began to talk to him about what he had been up to and why he had disappeared. We learned that the main reasons he was no longer involved in church was because he had lost his job and all the clothes he owned were falling apart and were filled with holes. I asked him if he had any friends or family helping him through this rough stretch, but he explained that he had a falling out with his family and that his closest friends had all moved on from Altamira. The more we talked the more it became evident that he felt extremely isolated and alone. Although he was aware of the fact that God accepted him no matter what clothes he was wearing, the issue was that he was embarrassed for the fellow church goers to see him this way. When he explained this to me, my heart ached for him. I also wondered how many people disappear from their church for similar reasons.

The next day I took him out and bought new clothes for him, not because I thought he needed nice clothes to go to church, but because I wanted to illustrate that he’s not alone and that there are people willing to help him through this period in his life. It’s been 3 months since we had him over for that lunch and things have totally turned around for him. He has been a consistent presence at church, the young adult service, and the home group Denise and I lead. He is also working again and has begun to repair his relationship with his family. It has brought much joy to my heart seeing him so happy and thriving in life, but it has also reminded me that many times all God is asking me to do is to take an interest in a person’s life, be present and show a little love. It’s amazing what a difference this can make.

After church one night, a bunch of friends stopped over.

The two of us


Prayer Requests:

– Please pray God would continue to encourage, empowerment and guide us as we minister together in Brazil.

– Pray for safety and discernment as we travel.

– Pray for continued growth in our financial support.

Thank you again for your prayers and support. We love hearing from you!

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Link to contribute: http://www.xingu.org/14g_meyer_donation.html

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February 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

Denise and I are in the middle of a month of travel, so this will be a brief newsletter. We first went to Santarem (a city about 300 miles west of where we live in Altamira). Denise’s mother and father pastor a church there. Her two brothers also live there while they attend university. We had a great time visiting with them and getting to see their church.

Denise with her mom, dad and brothers

Denise’s aunt and uncle in Santarem

From there we flew to the coast of Brazil to the city of Macapa. We were asked to do a conference for the Vineyard Church there. I preached at the church there, then we traveled to a Retreat Center for the conference.

Denise and I on the beach

An agouti – a rodent related to the guinea pig, but with much longer legs

“Our kids”: Nel, Bel and Jack

I will send a longer newsletter in March with all the details of our travel, but I wanted to get this short note out today to thank you for your friendship, support and prayers. We appreciate your continued prayers for our health, finances and safety as we travel.

We miss you all!

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Link to contribute: http://www.xingu.org/14g_meyer_donation.html

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Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends and Family,

Denise and I just wanted to send a short message expressing our gratitude for each one of you. It’s during the Christmas season that I find myself reflecting on the ones I love, how thankful I am for you, and how much I miss you. Your prayers and support are more appreciated than you will ever know.

Just a very quick update … Denise and I have been doing well. We have been able to take a trip to Maraba, just the 2 of us, to relax and spend some quality time together. It has been great because life continues to be very busy for us.

We hope your holidays are blessed!

In His Service,

Christopher & Denise

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True Growth


I just got back yesterday from a week long visit to Altamira. I was there to take care of some things with my permanent visa. I was last there in December, but this time around felt very different for me. I realized how much my life has changed in just a few short months here in Portel. My first 2 years in Altamira were all about preparation. Now, I am finally in the trenches.
This is both exciting and challenging. There are days when it seems like getting even simplest thing accomplished required all the resources you can muster. Just a few weeks ago, I went to the electric company only to find that they were without electricity so their system was down. It is the rainy season which makes it a little cooler, but I am also constantly fighting mud as I ride my bike through the city. My clothes often take a few days to dry. Taking care of my house is a full time job in itself with the leaking roof and toilet. I live with a can of bug spray in my hands to attack the mosquitoes. Even taking out the trash is a bit of an art form. It’s difficult to describe to you my daily life, but it is a life of few conveniences compared to what I was used to in Altamira. Having a week away was something I really needed.
Now that I am back, I feel refreshed and ready to take on these challenges again. Because despite all these difficulties, I know I am in the right place. I have been waiting a long time in my journey through ministry to finally start building something, and I truly sense that that is happening here in Portel.
It is not only the English school, but the church. I told you that I started discipling a few women in our church, and I am seeing them grow. I also recently started a home group in my house, and I am already seeing the people in the group growing closer to knowing Jesus.
We meet on Saturdays for lunch. Lunch is the big meal for everyone here, so I thought it would a great opportunity for people to relax and spend some time getting to know each other. A little after lunch, we start our group. Manoela takes the children in the kitchen to do a craft, and I go with the adults to do a Bible study in the living room. I am introducing them to the Bible as a story, and each week, they open up more with questions and thoughts. I feel a sincere hunger among to learn about God and understand how they can have a genuine relationship with him. After the group, sometimes we hang out more or we go swimming at the beach. It sounds simple enough, but it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time. I’ve wanted to see God’s work in progress, and I’ve wanted to be apart of that work.
What has also been a blessing is having a new couple living in my house. They are Jim and Joann McCann from VCDC. They arrive about 3 weeks ago and will be staying until mid-June. They came for the main purpose of wanting to serve, and they have been doing that since they arrived. Everyday, they head over to Richie and Christie’s house to help with homeschool. They have also been helping with our home group by hanging out with the kids and praying for people. Another thing that has been a true blessing to us is, once a week, we have a small kinship for the missionaries. It is not often that we get a chance to receive ministry, and I believe it has been a great help to all of us. Jim and Joann have great attitudes about all the differences here, but they have been suffering from the heat. Please, pray that God protects their health and allows this to be a great experience for them.
I few weeks ago, I had the privilege of following my friend, Jennifer, around to take some pictures of the work she is doing in Portel. We spent the morning in Portelinha, which is the poorest part of our city and also where our church is located. I have added a link below of the images so you can get a better idea of those who live in our neighborhood.
For Easter, Manoela, Jim, Joann, and I spent the morning helping the kids from Portelinha color Easter eggs. The kids had a blast making their eggs, and then we served them cake. I included some pictures of that as well.
 Of course, I always need your prayers. I am sure that you have noticed in your own lives that the needs are always greater than the resources. We are constantly asking God for provision in so many areas of our lives. God is so faithful to us and always willing to help us. Please pray that he continues to give me the energy and resources I need to do the work I am doing. Please pray that he puts the right people in my way to help me. And please pray that those who are hungry to know God would find us. Thank you so much for your loving kindness. Thank you so much for your sacrifice and faithfulness.

Love, Allison


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April Amazon Update – Steve and Elba

We pray that this you well and that you had a wonderful and blessed Easter.  He has Risen, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord.  
We had our traditional Easter early morning church service and celebrated the Lord’s resurrection and then served breakfast.  It takes a lot of work to pull this off and it is essentially a whole church effort.  Each of the home groups were responsible to bring an item that would be enough to feed 300 people.  Everyone chipped in and made it a great and inviting time for all guests.

The church went down to the local corner grocery store and pitched a tent and asked people if they wanted prayer for healing.  We prayed for over 80 people and people claimed to be healed.  It was really encouraging and a great blessing for the ones who received prayer.  We prayed for a man who walked by on crutches.  He was obviously touched by the Lord in such a great way that he went away carrying his crutches.  YAHOO!  Praise the Lord indeed.  Lord, continue and soak us more with your presence and power to heal the sick, the blind, the lame and the deaf. 

We also had the pleasure of baptizing 4 people into the Lord.  I got the privilege to be able to experience this moment with them.  We celebrated the baptism while the church was worshipping the Lord and celebrating these new births in Christ as they were washed from their old self and into their new identity in Christ.  Please pray for these new converts. 

Praise the Lord the girls continue to do well.  They both participated in dance presentations for our Easter service.  They both did a great job.  We also found this snake in our yard and we killed it.  They said that it was poisonous and we did not ask any more questions.  J The girls were brave and held it after we killed it.  Camilly will be turning 10 years old on April 18th.  She is so excited and is in total party mode

Thank you so much for all your prayers for Elba.  Praise the Lord she is feeling much better and is running at 100%.  We feel so privileged to have you in our lives praying and supporting us.  Thank you so much.  Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  Thanks again. 

Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa


Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:

The Xingu Mission

P.O Box 340785

Columbus, Ohio  43234

Or On-line donations at:

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No Going Back

Do you remember those paintings, the ones that just look like a bunch of blotches but hidden within is a three-dimensional image?

When they first came out I thought it was ridiculous and that anyone who said they saw a soaring eagle or a skyline of New York city was either lying to themselves and everyone else or just delusional.  I tried and tried, blurred my eyes, stood like a fool with my nose pressed against the painting at first and then backed up, but still nothing. 

I finally gave up and decided it was exactly as it looked, a bunch of random colour blotches with no other hidden image.

Then one day I was at a friend’s house and they had one.  They gave me a few suggestions for how I could try to see the picture so I tried again.  I allowed my focus to blur, relaxed my eyes and there was a flash of something round, and protruding from the picture.  I startled me so much that I brought my eyes back into focus.  What did I just see?  I tried again.  Suddenly, my eyes came back into focus, except this time I was faced with an image jumping out of the blotches.  I was looking a full moon, hanging over a majestic pine and through the night sky soared an eagle.  Incredible!

‘I see it I see it!’ I shouted.

My sister, who was with me, hadn’t seen it yet.
‘Where, how? I can’t see it!’ she was frustrated and a little jealous that I could see it, somewhat doubtful that I actually was seeing something.

I walked her through the steps again and told her how I managed to see the picture. 
I watched as her eyes went from dull to large and bright.
‘I see it I see it! Oh my goodness, how is this possible!’ She exclaimed.

After that night we were a little crazy about seeing these pictures.  We bought a book full of them, ran to the mall where there was a display of them and stood looking at all of them.  You felt as though you could reach out and touch the things in the picture.
From that day on the images that were ‘hidden’ in these blotches, were impossible for me to notsee.
So, where am I going with this?

I always wondered what people meant when they said they found Jesus like he had been hiding under the couch or something.  I just didn’t get it.

The Kingdom of Heaven is sometimes described as the already and the not yet, the seen and the unseen.  Before I ‘saw’ I thought that those who could see were like the people who claimed to see something in those paintings.  They were either delusional, or lying to themselves.

I was blind but now I see….

For me the moment of believing came in a flash, just like seeing the images in those paintings.  I was blind to it, and then I wasn’t.  It all became known, even though I didn’t have all the answers, I now could see what was always there, I believed.

How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed.

In order to see those images, I had to re-learn how to see, I had to un-train my trained eyes, not to see what something looked like on the surface, but to see beyond it.  Once I saw the images in those paintings, there was no going back, I couldn’t un-see them. 

I once was lost but now I’m found.

Before I believed, I saw most Christians (and ironically most especially missionaries) as people who just wanted to bend you to their way of thinking, they’d been brain washed and now they were bent on shoving religion down other’s throats.  Why couldn’t they just leave people to their own beliefs?

Here’s the thing.  When I was able to see the images in those paintings, I wanted to help everyone else see those images, not because I wanted to push something on them but because it was AMAZING.

When you begin to understand the magnitude of believing and see how it has changed your life from a seemingly random arrangement of blotches of colour, into a beautiful three-dimensional piece of art, you want others to have it too, because it’s GOOD, it’s more than good….

Now scroll back up, look at the blotches, blur your eyes and then relax.  Do you see him? He’s in there, waiting, he’s been seeing you your whole life, just waiting for you to be able to see him.

A Video Update

Our ministries here are in full swing, kids are in school and days are full.  I find I’m without the time to let my fingers fly on the keyboard the way I would like to these days.  Saying that, we don’t want to leave our followers and supporters thinking we have sailed down river never to be heard from again.

So, this month we are shaking it up and bringing you a video upate!

Take time for God

A healthy spiritual discipline is to sit quietly, with all our electronics off, to think about who and what is around us, and to wonder about God’s hand in it all.

Bella Bergen 2015

Church Last Week

Our church has a new enthusiasm since the Cristoval event. One of the powerful things that happened during this event was when Art and Cyndi Rae spoke to the young people. Even now, a month later, people are changing.

Deanna preaches at Igreja da Vinha in Marabá.


Our friend has a loader, so he came and worked for us for a few hours last week. As we get opportunities we make improvements to our property. In this case we have a pond in our field. We look forward to the day when this is part of a training and retreat center.

When we first moved here we planted bamboo on one side (top photo), to help prevent erosion.
Belem Sunset