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XM Archives | Page 37 of 40 | Xingu Mission

Boat trip reflections – Part 1



A couple of boats long the Xingu River on an overcast afternoon

What a great time.  I recently returned from a boat trip on the river.  It was an awesome four days, filled with adventure and seeing the Lord work.  Each trip is always filled with many small incidents that make the memories.  And each trip gives insight into how the Lord works and how He works through the culture. 

I will start at the beginning… which starts several days before the actual trip.  I took the speedboat into the shop to get some work done on it.  There was a check list of things to fix on the speedboat and the trailer.  So I drop the boat off with instructions for what needs to be done and then drop the trailer off at a different shop to get some work done on it.  But to get the trailer fixed, I needed to take the manager of the shop around town in my truck because he doesn’t have his own vehicle.  One of the places that we stopped promised to have the part to the shop that was fixing the trailer within 30 minutes.  As often happens, that 30 minutes turned into almost two days.  That set our trip back. 

                The team I was taking out on the river was planning to leave on Monday and rendezvous with another some people from another church to visit, evangelize, and train along the river.  It was important to get things ready because of the different people involved and the need for coordination between them.

                After picking up the manager of the shop where the trailer would get fixed, I took him around to five different shops that in the end took me all morning (8:00 to noon).  But it is interesting to appreciate something about the culture.  The manager wasn’t upset, in fact, he seemed happy to get to know me.  This is one of the signs of the highly relational context that makes up Brazilian culture.  And learning to roll with this makes the experience and time enjoyable instead of stressful.  That is, instead of the thinking that I am wasting time running around town, realizing this is an opening to build a new friendship.  It also is one of the keys to understanding the God moments that provide opportunities for expanding his Kingdom where I am.  Think about it this way:  Can we be sensitive to what God is doing in the moment or are we so locked into our timing and agenda that we miss His big picture?  We need to take time to slow down and listen to what God is doing around us each and every day.  

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Portel Trip

Hello Friends and Family!

I have been back from our trip to Portel for a little over a week now, and I am anxious to tell you how it went. Being there again reminded me how much I like the city. It reminds me of one of those beach towns off the coast of North Carolina that I used to go to as a kid. Well, expect its a river instead of an ocean! But it still doesn’t lack for charm and sentiment.
Richie and his team have already made a lot of progress in getting acquainted with the city and its residence. They have already started holding a church service on the boat with at least 3 or 4 families attending. There are also several children involved, some of them coming without their families. It was a pleasure to be apart of one of their services, and see how quickly they are growing.

Church on the Boat

As I said before, Richie has succeeded in laying the foundation for the school. His first priority is to finish at least one room, which will be used for both our classroom and to hold church services in the beginning. He is currently working on raising financial support of around $10,000.00 to complete the first room. If you would be interested in helping to support this project, you can click on the link below connected to Porto de Moz. You can also contact me or Richie directly.

Richie Bouthillier: transamazon@xingu.org

The Foundation for the School

Richie and I also had a meeting while I was there to figure out what we need to do to get the school ready, including supplies and materials. We are working on putting a budget together of all the things we will need from desks to printers to markers. I will let you know more about that when it is ready and how you can help. I also had the pleasure of meeting an English teacher who works in Portel in the public school. He speaks excellent English, and is interested in helping with our project.

 Manoela, Denise, and Christopher enjoyed the trip as well. We spent some time swimming and getting to know the city. We also spent a lot of time with Richie’s family playing Wii! Richie and I also drove around looking for apartments for when I am ready to move, at least to get an idea of what is available. Throughout the trip, I was trying to get a feel for how Manoela was taking it all in. She is a slow processor and needs time to digest information. I wanted to give her the space she needed to think about if she could really see herself there in the future. I think one thing that really impressed upon her was the amount of kids around. She has a deep desire to help people have a better life, and she could see the need around her. She still has not decided, and that’s OK. I want her to make the right decision for her. Please pray for Manoela that God directs her feet on the path he has planned for her.

One of the things Richie and I spent time talking about is a group called i-61. (http://i-61.org/) The name comes from Isaiah 61, which is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. It talks about how Jesus will redeem every area of our lives. It paints a picture of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to Earth. I believe, as the church, we have a calling to join with Christ and bring this redemption to the world. That is why I want to build this school. I believe it can be one aspect of this redemption process. This organization, i-61, has that same vision, and is working to make it a reality throughout the world. Please check out their video below.

What is i-61?

I hope all this info gives you a good idea of what my future holds. Of course, if you have any questions, please never hesitate to ask. I feel really good about where I am going. I feel that I will be using my talents and abilities to honor God and those around me. Please pray that God continues to give me strength as I walk into new territory. Pray that he protects me from distractions and setbacks. Pray that I am surrounded by his love.
Thank you and bless you all. I also pray good into your lives. I pray perseverance and joy in the face of suffering. I pray that you lean on each other more in vulnerability and weakness, and that you allow grace to hold you together. Mercy and peace to all of you.

Love, Allison

Portel Trip Pictures

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Sad Times

Hello to all my Faithful Friends and Supporters Back Home.

I want to start off by thanking you all for your amazing support and sacrifice and faithfulness to me and my family. You guys are truly the best, and I am lucky to have you.
As many of you probably already know, my brother Caleb Mark Hamer, died on February 26. He was only 26 years old, and leaves behind an 8 year old son, also named Caleb. My father called me the day after it happened, and of course, I was heartbroken. Immediately, I was thanking the Lord that I got to see him one more time before he passed. I realized how much my recent visit was really provision from God.
Caleb was unique. He was so funny in his very own special way. And Caleb was humble. He was a grateful person who wanted to help others when he could. And he loved his son.
I remember one story of when my brothers were little that always makes me laugh. My 3 younger brothers were all very strong and close in age. Caleb was in the middle and the strongest. One day, when they were just toddlers, the two other brothers, Joel and Joshua, were fighting over one of those plastic Tonya trucks. Joel had one leg hanging out of one side and Joshua had one leg hanging out of the other. During the fight, Caleb walks over and starts shaking the truck as hard as he could. Both Joel and Joshua fall out of the truck and Caleb jumps in and starts driving it around. It was hilarious! He was a tough boy, but he had a soft and fun-loving heart. I will miss him so much.
Many of you came together for his Memorial Service and Reception at our church to help and participate. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I thank you so much for embracing my family in our time of need and grieving. My sister in law even commented to me about how kind you were to them, and how lucky I am to have such great people around me. I agree with her.
Also, many of you may remember Steve and Elba Dolan. They also work here at the Xingu Mission and were there on the day I preached at VTC. Their family has also suffered loses recently. Steve’s brother-in-law passed away when they were still in the States, and just a few days ago, Steve’s dad also passed away. Their family just left to go back to the States again for the funeral. I can only imagine how difficult it has been to have two big blows like that in such a short amount of time.
I ask that you keep both my family and Steve and Elba’s family in your prayers. That God would bring true comfort in the mist of grieving. And that God would bring something good out of our suffering.
Even in this heartbreak, things are continuing to moving forward here at the Mission. I am planning to travel to Portel next week to visit again. I will be traveling with my friend, Manoela, and also Christopher and his fiance, Denise. Richie and his family are getting settled in there, and they have already started building a foundation for the school. I am very excited to see his progress, as well as find out what we need to do next in order to keep the project going ahead. Please pray for safe travels and wisdom.
I want to pray for you all as well. I just bless each of you with the tangible experience of God’s awesome love for you. For those of you who are sick or have sick family members, I speak healing and restoration over your bodies. I pray that, whatever struggle you are going through, the joy of the Lord would be your strength and salvation. I bless you in your finances that you would have the ability to take care of your own needs and also the needs of others. I lift up your relationships that peace and forgiveness would rule them all. Thank you again for your love for me. God bless.


Allison Rupert

Caleb with his mom, Debbie Hamer, this past January

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Cristoval 2014 Pictures

Some of my boys!

enjoying some volleyball. I really miss this part of Marabá

Vando and Jacqueline. Through Alpha they gave their lives to Jesus. It is great to listen to all the changes God is doing in their lives.

Douglas and I. Great young man. 


Eliel and Aline.. They basicly ran the Cristoval. They are the couple who got married last September.

Ivanildo and Monica. Pastors in Marabá. Great friends who we miss greatly.

Natathlia. Our house helper and friend. We miss her.

Cristoval 2014 Marabá
was filled with all new games.
We had over 60 participants and over 80 people altogether.

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Back to Work!

Hello Guys!!

So, I hear it is finally starting to warm up there in the north! My short experience with winter this year was quite the reminder of how much I don’t enjoy it. I’m glad for all of you that its coming to an end! I am also very happy to be back here in the warm, tropical climate of Brazil. It is the rainy season now, so it is not too hot. It’s perfect.
Despite the weather, I had a great time seeing all of you again. I really enjoyed the opportunity to preach at church and just share with all of you what I have been doing over the past year and a half. It was unfortunate that we weren’t able to have church on my last Sunday there because of the snow. I know, however, that the church is still planning on having a lunch to talk about my plans here in Brazil and how you can get involved. I hope you will be able to make it!
Next time I come to visit, it will definitely be in the summer so that I can stay longer and get to spend more time with all of you!
So, now that I am back in Brazil, I have settled back into my life as normal. I have been teaching a CDR again, which has started off great. This semester, I am helping my friend, Cleide, in one of the lower level classes. Most of these students don’t understand very much English, and as it turns out, neither do I! You may find this strange, but even though you are able to speak a language does not mean you know how to explain it to others. I am constantly learning new things that I always took for granted. Cleide is a great teacher, and without her, I would be completely lost! I know that my time with her will successfully prepare me for my venture in Portel.
My goal since I have been back is to slowly start preparing things for my move to Portel. My preparations are already underway, and God has already helped me so much. I have a friend here who is from Germany, and she will be leaving next month to move home. Because she is moving, she wants to sell all of her things. I jumped on the opportunity to buy them because when I move, I will have to buy everything. So far, the mission has provided most of what I need for an apartment, but I will have nothing when I leave here. So I worked out a deal with my friend to buy everything for around $750! That includes a washing machine, a refrigerator, a stove, table and chairs, etc.! It is such great timing for both of us, and I feel very blessed by this.
I just want to say again how great it was to see all of you. I was so thankful for all of your kind and encouraging words. You made me feel welcomed and loved and cherished. I know that you guys are thinking about me even when I’m not there. I know that I am in your hearts, just as you are in mine. I’m glad that you have chosen to continue with me on this journey. Thank you.

Me, my Dad, and my brothers

Below is a link with the pictures I took on my travels back to the US. Enjoy!

The States 2014

Love, Allison
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Christmas, Others and River Trips


 The prow of the boat (with its anchor rope) leads the way along the river

            I recently returned from a river trip.  I had the privilege of spending a few days traveling along the Xingu River and some of her tributaries.  As I reflected during my visits with different people in some of the villages, there were a couple of thoughts that captured my attention. 

            First, these people where happy with our arrival in their communities (I was traveling with a team of Brazilians).  Several people invited us to other villages and at a few of the homes where we stopped, there were sincere requests for us to return and share more of Christ in that place.  One family traveled more than three hours by boat to the village where we would share the Gospel.  Their obvious desire was to hear more of the Good News.  The presence of the Spirit was evident in the simple meetings.  It reminded me of the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4.  The people in the village really wanted Jesus to stay longer.  They understood in His presence that they were experiencing something completely new and completely renewing.  I can see this come to life as I travel along the river. 

                The other thought that struck me was how Jesus was often working along the periphery of society, both in his relationships and in his selected geographic setting.  He traveled through many of the small towns and villages in Israel and Samaria (Matt 9:35, Luke 17:11).  So while his ministry climaxed in Jerusalem, much of his time was spent in rural areas.  Jesus went out and that is the essence of mission – reaching out to others and making the Gospel accessible.  It seems that Jesus was someone who was very much at home along the water’s edge, in the fields, and along the back roads.  Is our message for the least and are we working to make the Gospel accessible to those who live off the beaten path? 

                The Christmas message is that Jesus came for others.  And many of these “others” are people who are often outside of our comfort zone, both in a social and geographic context.  It is wonderful that Jesus invites us into a relationship where we can be part of what God is doing, wherever we are.  I am thankful to be part of that Christmas story in a way that continues to bless others.  

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A river community that has electricity for about three hours each evening


The stars and moon reflect off the river


Sunrise ushers in another day of jungle life along the river



Children’s Christmas Party

Jen and Phil organized an outreach last summer to raise some toys for the children in our neighbourhood here in Marabá. They found an engineer who was travelling to another part of Brazil who was willing to bring their suitcases full of gifts. The engineer had connections with a trucking company who transported them up to Marabá for free. Here is a video and some photos of the event.

Children's Christmas Play 1

Sorting and wrapping children’s gifts.

Children's Christmas Play

Deanna lays out the strategy with the volunteer helpers.

Children's Christmas Play (1)

It rained all morning, which was no problem for the 100 children and leaders.

Children's Christmas Play (2)

Mary was quite protective of baby Jesus.

Children's Christmas Play 2

Everyone loved the morning.

Children's Christmas Play 3

Julianna soaks it all in.

Children's Christmas Play 4

Mary looks around while protectively holding baby Jesus.

Children's Christmas Play 5

Mary is pretend sleeping while the angel talks to her.

Children's Christmas Play (3)

“Sai da frente!” “Get out of the way, we’re coming through!”

Children's Christmas Play (5)

Antonette and Madute were great helpers. They are entering the church through the Alpha program.

Children's Christmas Play 11

Deanna organizes the gift draw.

Children's Christmas Play 10

Little Emily wanted me to sit beside her while she ate lunch. Deanna came and took our photo.

Children's Christmas Play 9

Annika spent the morning holding her friend’s babies while she helped with the event.

Children's Christmas Play 7

Mary was very pregnant while she rode the donkey to Bethlehem.

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Living in Eternity Now

Happy Holidays to the Folks at Home!!

Often when I blog, I give you guys a little update about what’s going on in my life. This time, I want to talk about that but from a different angle. I want to talk about something that is close to my heart. Its an idea that propels me and gives my life meaning on a day to day basis.
Its the idea of investing in people. As we all know, we aren’t taking anything with us when we die. No money or possessions. So the question becomes, “What really matters? What is going to last?”
I believe that the investment we make in others is one of the treasures we will take with us to Heaven. And it’s a treasure that we can start building now.
I want to tell you about a few of the people who have made an investment in my life, and also about a few people that I have had the privilege to invest in. Remember, these are just a few examples…there are many more people in my life who have made an investment and have shaped me into the person I am today.
The first person I want to mention is Penny Barrick. Some of you may know her already. She is my sponsor, and she taught me how to do the 12 steps. She was there to help me when I was finally ready to get my life cleaned up. She did two things that made all the difference in the world. She loved me unconditionally, and she told me the flat out truth. For the first time in my life, I told all my most damning secrets to someone, and they didn’t judge me. Because of her own past, she very much understood what I was going through, and gave me a lot of grace as I moved to the next level.
The next two people are a couple that I’m certain many of you know–John and Cathy Lieb. I have spent countless hours on their couch, watching their TV and eating their food. I have debated with John about many political and spiritual questions and ideas. I have been put to work on the many projects that Cathy has around their house. I have borrowed many of their books. I have spent many hours crying and lamenting and laughing with them. Their patience and acceptance of me has brought immeasurable amounts of healing to my life.
I don’t want to know where I would be today if it wasn’t for these people. I’m sure that many of you have these same kinds of people in your own life. They may even be the exact same people that I have!
Now, I want to talk about some of the people that I have been able to invest in.

Some of you might remember my friend, Cleide, because I have mentioned her before in my blogs. She is a teacher at CDR, and has been around missionaries for most of her life. Through those missionaries, she has gain a relationship with God, an experience of family, and speaks fluent English. She is charismatic and extremely intelligent. Over the past year, our friendship has been a constant source of strength and laughter in my life. We have prayed together on several occasions about many things. We have been honest with each other, rather than putting on a ‘happy face’. I have been able to help her on many occasions financially. And she has fallen in love with my Red Curry Chicken. I feel that I am just one more human notch that God has prepared along the way for Cleide and her family. I am just one person here at this special time in Cleide’s life, helping her move on to the next level. 

I want to also tell you about my young friend, Manoela. Her and Cleide have been friends for years, and Manoela also works at CDR teaching English for the children’s classes. She is also incredibly smart, but very shy. For Manoela, the longer I know her, the more I discover how amazing and gifted she is. Its like unlocking a secret. I have the privilege of teaching her English, and she is a member of my small group. Over the past year, it has been wonderful to watch her grow and be stretched as she becomes more willing to open herself up to others about her deep heart. I have made an effort to try and support her in anyway I can. I am currently working on trying to convince her to come with me to Portel. Her gifts with children would be a valuable asset there.
Both of these girls are my friends, but I have made a point to challenge them in different ways. I see all the amazing potential they both have, and my desire is to stand behind them and be a support whenever possible.
But you see, the only reason I am able to bless these girls in anyway at all is because someone first blessed me. We were all designed to do this, no matter where we are in our lives. We cannot measure in this life how many other lives we can touch just by simply taking the time to invest in one. Most people won’t do something “big” to change the world, but we can all do something small consistently and faithfully to change the world. I believe this is one of the most important ways for us to go about “storing up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.” Please, think of the people around you who could use your help and encouragement and support. What opportunities could you help give them? What potential do they have that you could help them reach? I hope you will think on these things.
I love you all and can’t wait to see you soon! God bless you and your families!

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November Amazon Update!

Thank you so much for your support.   
Elba was in London England this month participating in a board meeting for the Vineyard Institute.  She has been a part of the board for over a year.  She was asked to come onto the board to participate in the creation of global theological training.  The Vineyard recognized that there is a need for the Vineyard family globally to unite together to improve theological training, so with this in mind they created the Vineyard Institute, the first worldwide Vineyard partnership for theological training. Vineyard Institute is a multinational, multicultural and multigenerational working partnership between all Vineyard Churches; with the aim to move forward and unite existing, recognized and future theological training under one umbrella, in order that leaders can be trained and supported at all levels of church life around the globe.  If you are interested in learning more, please visit the site http://vineyardinstitute.org/
After the meetings, Elba and her friend were able to do some sightseeing and also got to visit France. 
CDR, led a vaccination campaign for good treatment toward children and adolescents in Altamira.  This campaign was not just ran in Altamira but nationwide.  The objective of the campaign was to help combat the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents by raising awareness to the public.  The campaign was aimed at adults for the good treatment of children and adolescents through a symbolic vaccination, in which adults are vaccinated by the youth in the community.   The vaccination was a piece of candy and the adults signed a vaccination card promising to treat children and adolescents well and help if any abuse is known.  Before heading out to the streets, everyone received training through various workshops.  Did you know that in Brazil, each year, 12 % of the 55.6 million children below 14 years are victims of some type of violence (SIPANI, 2009). Moreover, one in three girls (and one in four boys) are sexually abused before age 18, according to the Brazilian Association of Multidisciplinary Child Protection and Adolescence (ABRAPIA).  We need to do our part to protect our children and abolish this evil in the world.  Thankfully, we had many churches come out and participate in the campaign.  I love it when the body of Christ comes together and is united.  It is a beautiful and powerful thing. 
The girls had a dance presentation at their school and they did a great job. 
We are planning to come back to the States on December 6th.  We should arrive in Ohio on December 23rd and will be leaving to come back to Brazil the early part of February.  We are excited to see our family and friend.  We are also excited to see my Dad.  He is starting his 4th week of a 7 week chemo and radiation treatments.  Praise God he seems to be holding up well so far.  However, he is having a difficult time speaking and swallowing.  Please pray that he will be healed completely back to normal again.  Thanks!!! 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:

November 2013 Newsletter

September 21st marked the end of our ninth year in Brazil. We are blessed to know and share life with the people of Northern Brazil and we couldn’t do that without you. You are a significant part of the ministry in Brazil! Thank you!


For six months we’ve been working on the construction of a multi-purpose building.  We hope to have rough construction of Phase 1 completed by year-end, then comes all the finish work. When Phase 1 is completed the building will serve as our initial church and our community development center. Long-term plans include; Phase 2 – building the second story, and Phase 3 – a large attached auditorium. 

Our team has been doing most of the construction ourselves. Our hope has been that this hands-on approach would allow us to naturally integrate into the community as real people involved in the daily business of life. This strategy has been very successful in making us accessible and allowing us to gain access to the daily lives of others. It has served to break some of the regional stereotypes about pastors and church.

Though our multi-purpose building is long from being ready, our garage is now too small for the church. Growth is stifled because of space, and rainy season is just around the corner. As we talked about where we could move to, we thought of a nearby building that was being used as a bar. We knew its client base was pretty weak but had no idea that it would go bankrupt within a few days. As a team we thought the building was great and a good price, but before we could formally close the deal the owner came back and lowered the price.

During the week we want to use the new building as a type of community center. We envision an atmosphere that is simple, safe, and pleasant; a place that attracts people, to hang out or just stop in. 

We believe this community center will create significant relationships, break-down preconceptions about church, and provide opportunities for our church body to get involved and practice their faith in a relevant way. However, it will also be administratively demanding. Please pray with us as we seek wisdom for using this new facility effectively.


We’ve had a full couple of months with plenty of “firsts” for the church here. We held our first baptism and church picnic at the river.  Five people were baptized and we had a wonderful time of fun and fellowship.

The men held the first men’s retreat  including, fishing, swimming, eating, conversation, devotions and sleeping under the stars.

The first use of our new rented space was to host a celebration for national Children’s Day.  We held games with many chances to win prizes, story time with puppets., and a snack along with free time to just play or jump on the trampoline.  We had around 50 kids come as well as many youth and adult helpers.  It was a success and we hope the kids felt cherished.


With all that is going on in Pacajá we’re reminded that a huge challenge for the modern church is figuring out how to contextualize Christian community life. How can the church balance community and individualism? How can the church maintain community that is accessible, relevant, vibrant, fun and even spontaneous? In our region the church at large has not done a great job of this. We believe this has been one reason that so many people don’t see church as relevant, even people seeking real life change.

We’re giving a lot of attention to trying to do better than the church at large, but admittedly we’re not exactly sure how to. However we’ve been encouraged, that people seem to feel our group is a safe, fun, and relevant place. We sense a family type atmosphere amongst the group and are seeing people invest their personal time and finances to help each other and the church community. Please pray with us as we try to form a group that is serious about Jesus and is relevant to everyday life.


Prayer requests:

· Spiritual growth for the new believers
· Wisdom to guide this growing group 
· Family—health, unity, college, etc.
· Finances for the building project


Thank you for all your support! Please keep us and this work in your prayers.

Blessings in Christ,

The Wilsons