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October Amazon update!

Thank you so much for your consideration to donate to us and our ministries.  It is a blessing.  We pray you enjoy the below email.   To donate online please click http://www.xingu.org/14d_dolan_donation.html
This month we had a free dental clinic at CDR.  As you are aware, CDR is our community outreach center.  We had 2 dentists and 3 helpers from our sister church in Brasilia come to Altamira to help people in the community get free dental treatment.  It was such a blessing to the community.  Many people just could not believe how professional and nice they were treated.  We converted Elba’s office into the dental clinic and they served over 170 people.  We also did a clinic to teach the children how to care for their teeth, and gave them fluoride treatments. 
Elba led a weeklong conference at our training camp for some pastors that live outside of the city.  The conference focused on our values, and essentially who we are as a church.  It was a very fruitful time for the pastors because they had the opportunity to reconnect with their fellow laborers, and get a refreshment course on our core values. 
Also, this month we celebrated Children Day’s in Brazil.  Children’s day is a National holiday.  We had a big showing at the church with lots of children participating in the fun.  We had clowns, a play about the love of Christ, and various games, such as tug of war, face painting, bowling, fishing, and potato sack races.  The members of the church came out in force to make this a special day for the children.
On a personal note, we are planning to come back to the States on December 6th.  We should arrive in Ohio on December 23rd and will be leaving the early part of February.  We are excited to see our family and friend.  We are also excited to see my Dad.  He has been recovering well.  He started his 7 weeks of chemo and radiation treatments on Monday October 21st.  This will be a tough go for him, so please continue to keep praying for him.  Thanks!!! 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:
I found this pray mantis on our shelf and I got a good picture. 

September Amazon Update!

We were invited to go to the Belo Monte Dam project so that we could start weekly church services.  The Belo Monte is a hydroelectric dam complex that will be third largest in the world and is currently under construction on the Xingu River (more pictures below).  The first night of church service had a nice turnout.  Many people from many denominations came to celebrate and praise God.  Everyone was so happy because they had not frequented church on the complex for some time because they just finished building the church.  We were the first ones to have church in their new building.  Pastor Athila spoke and when asked if anyone would like prayer, almost everyone came up.  The Spirit of God was present and we are praying for continued success.  Please join us in that prayer. 
This month the church went to the river and held a baptism.  There were several people that got baptized and the presence of the Lord was touching people.  I really love watching people getting baptized along the river.  First, I like the public testimony that it gives to people in the community.  Second, I love that during the baptism the church is along the river singing and worshiping God.  Lastly, the symbolism of letting the person be completely immersed in water being baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross and no longer being slaves to self or sin.  When they are raised out of the water they are raised into a new life in Christ and are with Him forever.  Praise the Lord and may His transforming power be upon each of them and us daily. 
On a personal note and somewhat embarrassing for me, I had a birthday, and our friends at our cell group had a surprise birthday party.  Unfortunately, it cannot be a just a little get together to eat cake and talk with friends.  No, they always need to take it to the next level.  Below they dressed me up and gave me a mustache with eye liner.  Such fun….Not….I guess I should be happy that they did not break any eggs over my head. 
We went to a local creek to get some relief from the heat.  The water was so cool and refreshing and we had a nice time.  The girls found this vine that was converted into a swing, however, it did not swing very high but it was fun for them.  These are the some of the benefits of being in the Amazon basin. 
We want to thank you for all your prayers for my Dad.  He is now at home and recovering well.  The nurses at the hospital were impressed on how fast he has been recovering.  The power of so many prayers!  Once he is recovered from the surgery, he will begin radiation treatments to make sure that all of the cancer cells are destroyed.  Thanks for your continued prayers for my Dad, Mike Dolan.  Below is a picture of my brother Jay, Marty and my Dad. 
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us. 
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:
The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio  43234
Or On-line donations at:
The Belo Monte hydroelectric dam will be the third largest in the world.  I guess the Discovery Channel came here to do an episode of Megabuilders (I think that is what they call it).  The area pictured below is just one sliver of the total project.

Saturday Night

Saturday Night in Marabá from Ritchard Bergen

I do not know what these young people would have been doing last night had we not moved to Marabá 5 years ago.

I do know that many of their friends and family have made very difficult choices, and many of them are no longer here.

This is how God transforms things for good. He changes people, who change neighbourhoods, who change cities, states, and countries.

I am so glad to working with Ivanildo and Monica, Aline and Eliel, who made last night fun for our neighbours. I am also so grateful for every person, and there are very many, who have helped this Marabá project get to where it is today!

Thank you,

Rick Bergen.

Spiritual Retreat

Church planters, pastors, and missionaries do so much good in the world. Unfortunately, the attrition and burn-out rate are high, and this can undo the good work, and even be damaging. Steve Summerall told us, “Like a boat, we all leave a wake behind us. Some people understand what the waves they make, and some people have no idea.”
To increase the good, and to lessen the harm, Vineyard leaders from the United States have been encouraging a few Vineyard leaders from around Brazil to gather once or twice a year for two or three days, for a spiritual formation retreat. During these retreats we have the opportunity to become quiet, to reflect on our relationship with Jesus. Other benefits include the deepening sense of family and community among us leaders, even though cultures vary greatly from region to region.
One of the exercises we did this week was to reflect on Luke 15:11-32. We were asked to identify with the younger son, who rebelled and then came back home. In the afternoon we went to our solitary places and reflected on how we are like the older son, who was not happy to see his repentant younger brother. Another time we reflected on God’s father-heart. What is it like for God when we, His children, act like this? What does God really think about us? This is a rich, powerful way to read the bible.
This time our retreat was located in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil. It is cold here. While we waited for a few others to arrive on our first day, we hiked to nearby waterfalls. The last day we ended with a meal that included ribs that were barbecued for 8 hours, along with entertainment from the gauchos, the local cowboy culture.
I cannot express how grateful I am to participate in these retreats. Now how can I bring this sense of community and personal relationship with God back to Marabá? How can I guard against our church simply becoming a bunch of meetings and things we do and don’t do? How can we help our neighbours understand how to relate in a healthy way to the Father, and to fully life life here with Him?

Church Camp

The InterVinha 2013 was held at the Church Camp in Altamira. This is the place we used to call “The Ranch”. For all who have helped support us and the movement in Altamira over the last 18 years, thank you. Here is a small glimpse of how the team there is taking things forward!

Phil Strout

Phil Strout is the leader of the Vineyard Movement in the USA. I am very encouraged for the Vineyard movement in the USA, and around the world! 
Phil was the guest speaker at this InterVinha conference. Our girls rehearsed his sermons for hours on the way home the next day. Even now I am sure they still remember all the main points.
TEN PILLARS OF LEADERSHIP – by Phil Strout (spoken over three evening, in Altamira)
1.  Get people in front of Jesus, whatever the cost! “WHATEVER IT TAKES!” (story of the paralytic let through the roof)
2. This is the most important thing we’ve ever done. (Every day, every service, every task…)
3. It is amazing what can get done when you don’t care who gets the credit. 
4. Take care of your soul. (The key to going the distance.)
5.  The ministry is not overwork, it is overflow. 
6. Fruitful longevity. (I am making a date with everyone 25 years old and under. Let’s meet back here, on the 29th of July, 30 years from now. 2043! I want to hear stories of how you are still serving well in ministry.)
7. Do to others what you want them to do to you. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Matthew 7:12. 
8. If it is worth anything, it is worth everything.  Matthew 13:44-46 
9. Ignatious – Everyday everything that happens is for the greater glory of God and the well-being of people. 
10. Drink the cups of The Lord. 
Galatians 4:19
John 18:7-11
Mark 10:35-40
Matthew 26:36-39

River Church

Clenildo tells stories that the river people can identify with. Many times God has directly answered prayers to calm storms, give him fish, one time he and Athila caught a deer with their hands. People around there could not believe it. As Clenildo shared stories about how God wants relationship with people, He wants our friendship and He is a living God, the people respond. Leading people to give their lives to God is one thing. Making disciples is a much longer and more involved process. We travelled to two river villages, Cruerá is overseen by the church in Souzel, and Tomandoá by the church in Vitoria.

Three Ordinations

We ordain people for one year. We call this giving them a “license” to pastor. If all goes well, we ordain them for another year. Another “license”. If all goes well, we ordain them permanently.

We had three ordinations at this InterVinha Conference in July. Three “licenses” to pastor for a year. They all are taking existing churches, while the existing senior pastors are moving on retraining or, in Clenildo and Angelita’s case, to be freer to help all the churches.

I trust that those they lead will make their work a joy! May God give them vision, grace, patience, perseverance, and everything else they need to equip the saints!

These three couples are:

Athila and Elke (sp?): Central Church in Altamira
Leão and Edna: Gurupá
Jefferson and Simone: Mutirão Church

Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22 NLT

Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. Hebrews 13:17 NIV

Clenildo and Angelita

At the InterVinha Conference Clenildo and Angelita were blessed to be supervisors, freer to travel and encourage the leaders here in Northern Brasil, and to help new regions open up. They were the founding and senior pastors of Central Church. They have now passed this responsibility over to Athila and Elqui (sp?). May this be a great blessing to all involved, and my God’s Kingdom advance rapidly.