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The Meyer – August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter



August 2022 Newsletter 
from Christopher & Denise Meyer


Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks you so much for your prayers and support. Please let us know if there is any way we can be praying for you!
We have had an eventful few months! I wanted to give you a quick update of some things going on.
New Missionary Family
On July 14th Derek, Amanda and their four children arrived here in Macapá, and joined the Xingu Mission family. We had been anxiously awaiting their arrival and we’re so excited to help them get started on their new journey.



When new missionaries arrive, they are basically starting from scratch. They only bring what they can fit in their suitcases. There is so much to resolve once they have arrived. They have no place to live, no furniture, no phone number, no bank account, no internet, no Brazilian documents, no vehicle, no understanding of where to find things in the city, and generally have little to no ability to speak the language. This is not to mention the fact that they are extremely dependent on others to help them. After three weeks in which the Blaylocks stayed with Denise and me, they were able to rent the house right next door to our house for them to live in! This has been great because they have their own space, but Denise and I are close by.
When I started my missionary life, I was a single guy with no children and it still seemed like a whirlwind. With Derek and Amanda’s family of six, I can’t even imagine! It would be really easy for them to feel completely overwhelmed with this first step, but they have been troopers with great attitudes and a willingness to try things even without much language. Denise and I believe Derek and Amanda will be a great asset to the Xingu Mission as they adjust to the culture and become more proficient with the language. Their presence is a definite answer to prayer.
Plans for the Future
We have many exciting things coming up here in Macapá. Below is a brief summary of some of what we are working on and praying about. If you could keep these things in your prayers, it would mean a great deal to us.
Assistant Pastors
Pastoring the two churches on the opposite sides of town, along with overseeing the mission and missionaries that are here in Macapá with two young children, has been a heavy load for us. Both Denise and I are tired. After a lot of prayer and conversations with our Vineyard Brasil leadership, we have decided that in the upcoming months we will be licensing assistant pastors at both Vineyard Viva and at Vineyard Macapá. We want to emphasize that it is not only our need for help that has driven this decision, but the evidence of pastoral gifting and a clear call that we have seen on these four individuals.



Léo and Leda who will be licensed as assistant pastors at Vineyard Macapá


Fred and Aline who will be licensed as assistant pastors at Vineyard Viva


Looking for a new location for Vineyard Viva
Vineyard Viva is currently looking to move to a new location. We are quickly outgrowing our current location and would like to be in a building where there is room to grow. Finding a place which has a location that works for our members and also has rent within our budget has been a little difficult. Please keep Vineyard Viva in your prayers as we continue our search.
Building a Children’s Wing for Vineyard Macapá
We have been blessed with a large number of kids at Vineyard Macapá. Presently our only option for Sunday school is to have our children meet outside in the open air. If it’s raining, we have no place for the classes. Even if the weather is nice, because we have our services at night, mosquitoes are a problem. We really want to invest in the children in our church, so we are now looking into options for building a small Children’s Wing. Please keep this in your prayers as we begin to plan.
Additional Prayer Requests
1) Please pray for the health of our family. For the last 3 months, our family has been continuously sick. We’ve had COVID, the flu, stomach viruses, pneumonia, laryngitis and many other odd sicknesses.
2) Please pray for our financial support. Because our family and ministry has grown, our financial expenses have also grown. Additionally, we have recently lost some long time supporters because of retirement. Please pray for God’s direction and provision.
3) Continue to pray for our house situation. As I mentioned in my last update, we have a house that we are desiring to purchase. We are still waiting for all the documents for the house purchase to be cleared and approved by a judge. This can sometimes take awhile.


Denise and I out on Brazilian Valentines Day


Jonas helping Denise pray for a little girl at Vineyard Macapá


Liam getting his first tooth 


We appreciate your prayers and support, and love hearing from you.

In His Service,
Christopher & Denise



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Xingu Mission Field Report August 2022

Xingu Mission Field Report August 2022

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Happy August from the Xingu Mission! This monthly Field Report highlights new missionary life with our new missionaries hitting the field in Macapa. May it inspire you!

On July 14th Derek and Amanda Blaylock and their 4 children Selah, Amaris, Josiah and Adalee joined our mission on the field.  They are starting out in the city of Macapa, Amapa alongside missionaries Christopher and Denise Meyer and Bob Lesher. 

Accepting the call of God to become a full-time missionary is not an easy decision. Leaving the conveniences of life in your home country, leaving family and friends, uprooting your whole family and moving to an entirely different country with its different culture and different language has it is tests and trials.  So what truly sustains a missionary in long term field work is not abilities or a desire to do good, but rather holding strong to obeying the call of God on their lives and understanding God’s heart for the nations.

The absolute trust, belief and dependence on God based from an intimate relationship with Him leads us to be obedient to His call and is what sustains a missionary through culture shock; being stripped of everything you know like how to make people laugh, how to bank, and what is the name of that fruit. Although you want to jump in and make a difference as fast as you can, you become very toddler like as you learn language and culture and make lots of faux pas and stumbles along the way.

Learning your host country’s language is foundational for obvious reasons. If you can’t speak the language, you’ll have a hard time sharing the Gospel.  It needs to be looked at as the beginning of ministry.  By pressing hard into language study, you can rebuild these skills and prepare yourself for deeper, more effective ministry in the future.

One also needs in the words and perspective of Derek: Humility – We are guests here.  There is a lot of cultural knowledge that comes from tough lessons and many generations of experimentation. Lean into the Brazilian way of doing things and let a more complete understanding come later.  Be teachable – Every encounter, every conversation, and yes – even every long line you stand in waiting to get something signed or approved is an opportunity to learn something about your new neighbors, practice the language, or notice the Holy Spirit in action. Anticipation – Anticipate that God is going to do some extraordinary things with you and on your behalf.

It was said once that “Your goal for the first term is to survive and want to come back.”  Although that wording seems harsh, there is a bit of truth to it.  As for the Blaylocks, their first term goal is “To work on transitioning our family to our new home in a healthy and life-giving way, continuing to learn a beautiful new language, spending lots of time getting to know Brazilians as a people, and building relationships with new friends and family in the community.”

As for how the Blaylocks are doing since landing on the field, they find it surreal after the time spent building up to coming.  They feel warmly welcomed and are glad to be here. 

Please pray for the Blaylocks and their transition as new missionaries.  Thank you and God bless you!

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Xingu Mission Field Report July 2022

Xingu Mission Field Report July 2022

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Happy summer from the Xingu Mission! This monthly Field Report highlights the national conference held regionally in Brazil after two years online. May it bring you some encouragement!

InterVinha 2022 Legado (Legacy)

The church movement here in Brazil held a conference both in the North and South with the focus on legacy; being the church we were meant to be and passing that legacy on.  It was a time of direction, alignment and the presence of God in community with His family.

Joel Seymour from the United States, Milton Lucas (national director for Brazil), and Elba Dolan (national vice director for Brazil) were the main speakers.  We appreciate their hard work in providing the conference and the wisdom they shared. 

Here is some feedback from the conference:

“God’s dancing hand has really been upon us pouring out His grace, aligning us with His purpose and pushing us to pass the baton to the next generation.” – Denise

“When pastor Elba asked ‘How much are you willing to leave behind for the Kingdom?’ it really impacted me.” – Ramon

“Among other things that were said, it impacted me when Pastor Joel said ‘If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.’” – Katia

“More than the words spoken, the joyful serving attitudes of those working the conference and the youth looking for people to pray for impacted me deeply.” – Betania

The last night ended with a call to pass the baton well.  Passing on the baton is most often when things get tripped up.  The good news of Jesus doesn’t belong in our hands alone.  Loving people means passing it on.  The churches we plant are not ours.  We are not building a kingdom for ourselves; we are working with God to build something that brings Him all the glory and honor, build His Kingdom here as it is in heaven.  It was incredibly beautiful to see how many at the conference went for prayer about being the next generation of church planters and pastors.  The pastors with years of experience prayed for them.  So many people were touched by the move of the Spirit.

As you continue on your journey with God take some time to reflect on the legacy you are participating with Him in leaving.  We thank you for helping us through your prayers and support as we participate with what God is doing here in Brazil.  God bless you!

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Xingu Mission Field Report June 2022

Xingu Mission Field Report May 2022

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Hello from the Xingu Mission! This monthly Field Report highlights our missionary kids. May you be blessed to be a blessing!

There are a few different philosophies about raising children on the mission field overseas. Of course, the circumstances of the safety of a particular location play a large part. Here in Brazil, the country is open to sharing the gospel. The dangers here come in the form of societal violence, dangerous creatures, and logistical hazards. Those who have been missionaries with the Xingu Mission have, for the most part, chosen to include our children in doing missions in Brazil alongside us.

Before even speaking the language, a missionary family taking part in advancing the Kingdom of God is a testimony to Christ. The interaction between family members, the idea that everyone gets to participate regardless of age, their values, and care for each other and neighbors speak volumes. It sets a good foundation for an indigenous church even before the church plant has begun.

From playing with friends, to praying, to worshipping, to witnessing, our children play a vital role in church planting. At the same time, their participation is working in their lives in incredible ways:  they see ministry as a normal part of living;  they have a broader world view and interact easier with people from different cultures and a variety of age differences; they are fluent in more than one language as they tend to pick it up easier and faster than their parents; and they gain life experiences atypical of the average child to name a few of the benefits. 

It isn’t always an easy path with schooling hurdles, the curiosity of being different that draws attention can also be difficult in always “standing out”,  and the distance from family and other missionaries. The simplest task of answering the question “Where are you from?” becomes a long difficult answer. However, for those that have truly been participants in ministering as a family, the positive experiences for themselves personally and for the Kingdom of God have made great impacts. 

A missionary family ministering together can model what Christ can do in and through a family. This brings hope to so many with such brokenness in their personal and family lives. We love to see our kids participating in the Kingdom of God!  

Please pray for the missionary kids of the Xingu Mission: 1. those that currently are on the field: Camilly, Alyssa, Jonas and Liam; 2. those that grew up on the field, returning to their home country as their parents remain on the field: Logan and Justin; and 3. those that will be entering the field: Selah, Amaris, Josiah and Adalee.  Feel free to reach out and encourage or bless them in their MK lives. We appreciate your support for our Xingu Mission families! Thank you!  

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Christopher.Meyer@xingu.org ;

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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June 2022 Newsletter – The Meyers

June 2022 Newsletter



June 2022 Newsletter 
from Christopher & Denise Meyer


Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks you so much for your prayers and support. Please let us know if there is any way we can be praying for you!
Like we seem to say every update, things have been a little crazy and busy these last few months. I guess that’s what having a baby, a toddler and pastoring two churches will do to you. 🙂  Below is a quick update on how things are going and some highlights over the last few months.
Visit from my parents
Earlier this month my parents came for a visit. This visit was extremely special, and to be honest, was nothing short of a miracle. As most of you know, my mother has cancer and has had multiple health issues due to this. We had completely let go of the thought of my mom ever visiting us in Brazil again. I guess God had other plans!

What an amazing time we all had together. Having both my parents here, spending time with Jonas and Liam, visiting and participating with our two churches, and just getting a glimpse into our life here in Macapá was so special!


Mom and Dad with our family


Mom and Dad with Jonas and Liam


Praying for Dad at Vineyard Macapá


Praying for Mom at Vineyard Viva


Church Update
Things are going well in both Vineyard Macapá and in Vineyard Viva. We are continuing to grow and have more stability since we reopened 9 months ago. The growth has definitely been a blessing! Unfortunately, the one negative that comes with growth is lack of space. The two churches are in different situations. Vineyard Macapá owns the land it sits on, so we will be raising money to expand the building. We are renting Vineyard Viva’s building, so we are beginning to look for larger buildings to rent. Please pray for wisdom in both of these situations.



Vineyard Macapá


New Chapters
For the last few years, Denise and I have been looking to buy a house. This process has been long, and at moments, very frustrating. After years of searching, we think we have found what we had been searching for. With God’s gracious help, we are in the final steps of the purchase of a home. Please pray for us as we navigate these last few steps.
As I mentioned in our last newsletter, we have new missionaries joining us here in Macapá. If all goes well, Derek, Amanda and their 4 kids will be joining us in mid to late July, and will be moving into the house that Denise and I are presently renting. Please keep them in your prayers as they are trying to finish up all their visa requirements.




We appreciate your prayers and support, and love hearing from you.

In His Service,
Christopher & Denise



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Xingu.org · 1001 W Cherry St · Sunbury, OH 43074-8015 · USA

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Xingu Mission Field Report May 2022

Xingu Mission Field Report May 2022

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Hello from the Xingu Mission!  This monthly Field Report is highlighting the completed transition of a church planted and the sending out to a new start. May you be encouraged by the Kingdom expansion!

The church movement here has a vision.  It is to develop a community of passionate, mature, reproductive, Christ-centered disciples; to plant passionate, mature, reproductive, Christ-centered churches; and transform the world through love and good works, for the glory of God.

In April, the church in Pacajá, with the blessing of the Association, sent out missionaries Keith and Marsha Wilson to Palmas, Tocantins to continue the work in reaching communities by planting another church. 

Keith and Marsha with Ferreira and Fernanda moved from Altamira in 2012 after being blessed and sent out by the Mirante church to plant a church in Pacajá.  Now nearly 10 years later, the Pacajá church is continuing in this vision. 

From the beginning the team of 4 functioned as co-pastors, reaching out into the small city and the surrounding interior.  A small group of people was formed and the group met in the Wilson’s garage for the 1st time in January of 2013.  The church grew, believers were baptized, and leaders were trained. 

In 2020, a transition began to turn the full leadership of the church over to Ferreira and Fernanda.  The Wilsons began to pray, along with many others, about their next location and made some exploratory trips when possible with the pandemic.  As they began to diminish in their roles, Ferreira and Fernanda stepped up more and more as the senior pastors and grew in their leadership.

In July of 2021, a location was chosen and the final steps of transitioning all leadership of the Pacajá church over to Ferreira and Fernanda was in place. On their last Sunday in Pacajá, the church held a service to bless and send off these two church planters.  One of the leaders of the Association and fellow missionary, Elba Dolan, came and encouraged the church to step up and continue the work of advancing the Kingdom in the absence of two of their founders.  The church was reminded that Kingdom work is a series of hellos and goodbyes as we continually “go” to extend the Kingdom of God. Through many tears, hugs, prayers, and blessings the Wilsons were sent.       

Now the church looks forward with excitement to seeing what God is going to do through the Wilsons in Palmas.

Please pray for the Pacajá church as it continues forward.  Please pray also for the Wilsons and the church planting in Palmas.  Your prayers really do matter!  Thank you!  

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Xingu Mission Field Report April 2022

Xingu Mission Field Report April 2022

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Hello from the Xingu Mission!  This monthly Field Report is highlighting the joy of walking out vision. May you feel the presence of God today!

Extend the Kingdom of God throughout Brazil by training and empowering nationals and facilitating the planting of Vineyard churches.  This is our vision.  Our senior leadership team met to be strategic in our planning of use of resources in moving forward with our vision.  

Currently we have a missionary couple (Keith and Marsha Wilson) leaving a healthy church in the hands of nationals and moving to a different city this month to start a new city center church plant.  We have a missionary family (Steve and Elba Dolan) in transition to move to a different city by year end to start a new city center church plant.  We also have a new missionary family (Derek and Amanda Blaylock) joining the mission.  They will be working with Christopher and Denise Meyer and Bob Lesher in Macapá to learn the language and culture before diving into church planting.

This is all very positive and healthy growth as we strive to extend the Kingdom of God.  As you can imagine with so many changes, the need for strategic planning is essential.  

As we met, we continued to press into our priorities.  As the pandemic dwindles and getting together is possible, we as a mission would like to see more in the formation and training of pastors and national missionaries, much like the training we wrote about last month.

We also see resource needs on the horizon with these current and new city center church plants.  We are very excited for these moves as we and the National Vineyard movement see them as strategic for the church planting movement as a whole.  As we grow these city center churches in the north, our vision is for them to be healthy, thriving churches with a vision to reach out even further into areas still in need of the hope of Christ.

We also fortified our continued desire to care for our missionaries in order to cultivate healthy long term workers.  We also pray for more!

As with all living things, what we nurture is what grows.  We’re encouraged by all that is happening in the mission that are positive steps in our vision and hope you find it encouraging as well.  Even more encouraging than these changes are the personal relationships and the resulting impact on individual lives that we’ve seen and experienced that keeps us moving forward.  This is our vision and what we will continue to nurture.

It’s a team effort and we need your prayers, encouragement and financial support to continue in our efforts here.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

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Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785 
Columbus, Ohio 43234

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Xingu Mission Field Report -February 2022


Hello from the Xingu Mission!  This monthly Field Report is highlighting the church planting in Macapá. We hope it finds you well.  God bless you.


On September 19 of 2021, the two churches currently being pastored by Christopher and Denise Meyer returned to “in person” services after being shutdown for a year and a half due to the pandemic and its toll on the city of Macapá, Amapá (a city on the equator in northern Brazil).  What a joy it was for them to finally be able to meet as a larger group again. One of the first things planned and held was a one day, outdoor retreat. The desire was for an opportunity to get everyone together for a time of worship, communion and celebration.  It did not disappoint, it was amazing!

In addition to reopening weekly services in two churches, the Meyers also welcomed their second son, Liam, into the world in October.

Christopher writes:

There has definitely been a lot going on, but Liam has been such a blessing in our lives.

One thing we have discovered since reopening our services is how different things feel now compared to before the pandemic began. Because our city was hit so hard by covid-19 and because many members of our churches have lost people close to them, people are hesitant and wary of being around any group of people. From week to week, it seems like the landscape changes. We go through a period where it seems like the pandemic is under control, and then the next the hospitals are filling up again. For a young church like ours, this has been extremely challenging. I have often felt like we are trying to build something during an earthquake. It feels impossible to build when the ground keeps shifting.

Although this first chapter of our reopening has been complicated and at times discouraging, I feel like my own dependence on God has grown significantly. God is a good father, who has been gently walking me through this. Reminding me that it’s not about what I build,  but learning to walk with him and focus on the steps that he has placed before me.

It has definitely been a challenging time for each and every one of us, coming up on almost 2 years of the pandemic.  We realize that what Christopher writes is reflective of so many in leadership who desire to see healthy (both physically and spiritually) followers of Christ while still reaching out to the unreached, the lost and the marginalized to share the good news of Jesus and the faith, hope and love that is available through him.  It is a balancing act that has been tiring and discouraging mixed with hope, thanksgiving and joy.  The balancing act and these challenging times have been leading us to a greater dependency on God, getting to see him work in wonderful and mysterious ways, and holding us steady in the hope we have in Christ and the unfailing love he has for us.

Please pray with us for the church planting efforts in Macapá and throughout Brazil.  Pray with us for wisdom in navigating these challenging times. Pray with us for spiritual, emotional and physical health so that we are able to serve the Brazilians with love.

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Amazon Update – November 2021

This month’s update is our annual fundraiser, and we are seeking your support to team up with us financially to continue with the work here in Brazil.  As missionaries with the Xingu Mission we are required to raise 100% of the support needed for both personal living and the ministry where they are involved.  Financial support received is a two sided coin.  On one side the missionary receives what is needed to live with the freedom to champion the Gospel and make and impact on the lives of the least, the lost and the marginalized.  On the other the side God is using the giver as an agent of provision and a way to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you are.  Please consider giving and bless you!!!

Elba has been teaching our leaders how to become better preachers.  The course is weekly, and each person in the class preaches in front of the other.  Then the everyone in the class evaluates the preaching with positive and sometimes not-so-positive feedback.  It takes courage to expose yourself to your peers, and we are proud of their participation.  We are also glad that we can give a safe environment so that when our weaknesses are revealed.  They can be talked about in a healthy and constructive manner.  The group has been surprised with each other, and the power of their preaching.  Lucas was the first one out of the gate to preach after the classes.  He was nervous but did a great job.  Praise the Lord!  Training leaders and planting churches. 



Thanks for your consideration to donate; please remember that you are storing up treasures in heaven as the Lord says in Matthew 6: 19-21“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So please give and become a partner with us as we train leaders and plant churches here in the Amazon Basin.  We need your help.  Please find out how to donate below. 

Would you mind praying for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us?  

Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  

Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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