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Amazon Update – October 2021

We had 7 people get baptized.  First, I like the public testimony that it gives to people in the community.  Second, I love that during the baptism, the church is singing and worshiping God.  Lastly, the symbolism of letting the person be wholly immersed in water, being baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross, and no longer being slaves to self or sin.  When they are raised out of the water, they are raised into a new life in Christ and are with Him forever.  Praise the Lord, and may His transforming power be upon each of them and us daily.  

Leia baptism was very emotional.  Her mother, who has been sick, has been evangelizing and praying that Leia would commit her life to Jesus.  Leia finally came to accept Jesus, and one of our pastors told her that we were doing a baptism the next day.  Leia said she wanted to get baptized.  She came and with sincerity in her heart, got baptized.  The next day her mother died, and her prayers were answered.  Leia has peace, and we know that her mother is in the loving arms of Jesus and has peace as well.  

This month at the church, we had our annual celebration of Children’s day.  Children’s day is a holiday, and there is no school, and some businesses close for the day.  The church had many games and activities for the children, followed by small teachings of the love ofChrist.  The kids played lots of games, danced, and sang.  Camilly and Alyssa participated in the Children’s day celebration as the ref for the tug of war matches.  It was a big hit, and they loved it!  Alyssa took one for the team.  LOL  


The girls are doing well and are participating more in the church worship band and helping in the children’s ministry.  Camilly is playing the keyboard for the teen worship band.  She practices hard and does not want to make any mistakes.  Alyssa has had some incredible experiences with the Lord in prayer.  For example, we had a small group at our house, and a lady came with her husband.  They have been half-hearted followers, and she wanted that to change.  At the end of our time, she asked for prayer.  Elba was praying for another woman, and Alyssa thought she would go over and put her hand on her and pray silently.  Instantly the lady’s back got healed entirely.  She started praising God and gave Alyssa a big hug. Alyssa, nor anyone else, knew she had problems with her back, but God did, and He healed her.  Alyssa just shrugged and said that she did not do anything.  This is somewhat true because God does it all; however, we need to show up.  The other night as well, Alyssa got to be a part of helping another teenager accept Jesus.  We are super proud of our girls and continue to pray that they will always be faithful followers of Christ.  

We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa



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Amazon Update – September 2021

We had our dear friends, Midge and Renee, come back to Brazil again.  Midge Shaw has been with the mission from almost the start.  She has brought teams to Brazil for more than 20 years, and has been faithful to the Lord by preaching the Word of God with love and effectiveness.  Even during these difficult times, she continued to travel to Brazil and the Lord has blessed her courage and preaching of God’s Word.  During their trip they were able to have a 3-night conference at the Colina church.  Then they traveled with Elba and Alyssa by boat to the Souzel church and another river community.  I stayed back with Camilly as she was still not feeling well.  Then they ended their time by having a conference on “Prayer” at our church.  They were received well, and the Holy Spirit came in greater power.  Lives were changed, and there were lots of healings spiritual, emotionally, and physically.  Praise be to God!!!

Below are pictures of each of the places that the team ministered.  


The final days were spent at the Mirante church teaching about prayer.  We had a really great turnout for the service.  Actually, everywhere Midge and Reness went, there was a wonderful turnout of people to hear the Word of the Lord. 

On a quick personal note, the girls have been given the choice if they want to go back to school.  Alyssa jumped on board and will now be going back each day. She is super excited.  Camilly will only go certain days. 

We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  

Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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Amazon Update – August 2021

Praise the Lord the church is still going strong and is recovering slowly each day.  We have been doing 2 services on Sunday.  One in the morning, and then in the evening.  The morning services have been relatively full, and people seemed to be comfortable with the idea of early morning service.  We have been able to maintain children ministry as well, praise the Lord!  


Elba and I held a mini conference about investments.  About 50 people came.  Here in Brazil, and in most 3rd world environments, it has been our experience that when someone has money, they almost immediately spend it.  There are lots of reasons for that behavior and we want our congregation to start thinking differently about the future.  As Proverbs 21:20 states The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.”   Everyone seemed excited about the concept of investing for their future, but they do not know where to start.  So, we talked about the basics, such as, how to open up bank accounts, and a broker account, how to transfer money, and etc.   During the conference, I also showed them some basic financial instruments so they can start investing in Brazil.  For a month or so afterwards, I have been working with people individually to get them setup to start investing.  It is getting some traction, so let’s see what happens. 


Dentist and helpers came throughout Brazil to serve the dental needs for children and adults here in the North of Brazil.  It was another amazing time of serving the community and helping people with dental needs that otherwise would not be able to get easy access to this care.   Unfortunately, it did not end on a high note as we made the decision to stop serving the community.  The reason was because almost the whole team tested positive, including us, and we felt that it was best to stop.  There were lots of safety measures in place but it did not prove to be enough.  We are now home resting.  Thanks for your prayers!

Before the project came to a rude stop, the team worked tireless hours serving the community needs.  In these short two weeks the volunteer dentist team performed cleanings, fluoride treatments, repairing cavities, and pulling teeth.  It was an incredible work and we pray the Lord’s hand upon them all.  It has been a pleasure working to serve the people, and share Jesus Christ through words and deeds.  Please keep us and the team in your prayers for excellent health!  The team is still there recovering since they are restricted to travel via airlines.  It is not fun to be far from family and home. 

We appreciate your continued prayers:

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.  

·         Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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Amazon Update – March 2021


The church just moved to 2 services starting last weekend because we were approaching over capacity due to the restrictions.  This is really good news.  The bad news is that the city is again on red alert and there are lots of lockdowns again.  Unfortunately, people are suffering to a great degree, and we have many people in our church that are going through their 2ndround of the virus.  It is distressing because they are young and in good health, but their lungs are compromised and they have been admitted to the hospital.  As I understand, the hospitals are at capacity, and they are stacking the rooms with patients.  Please pray for the sick, the church, and us.  UPDATE:  Due to high cases, church is closed again, and we are back to on-line services.  🙁  


The church continues to be the hands and feet of the Lord.  We have continued to go out to the neighborhood and give food.  However, given the uptick, we will probably stop for a short stint of time.  We have delivered meals and groceries to the sick to help as we can.  We are desperate for more of the Lord’s intervention, and to give us wisdom on how to continue to touch the lives of others. 


Elba made her famous chicken with tucupi sauce. If you are unsure, Tucupi is the yellow juice extracted from the root of a manioc (cassava) when grated and squeezed.  She puts lot of garlic, jambu, greens and chicken in the dish.  It is really delicious and it put some smiles on people’s faces.  


The girls are doing well.  They are still doing on-line school, and this is keeping them busy.  We are very proud of them and their diligence to achieve in school.  Here is a picture of the girls with their Mom.  Wow, they definitely got their beauty from their Mom.  



Continued prayer requests: 

Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

  • The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 
  • Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.

Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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Amazon Update – April 2021

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Matthew 28:6.  Happy belated Easter!!!  Praise the Lord, He is Risen!!!  Thanks for all your prayers for the church, Brazil, and us.

Almost the exact moment that I sent out last month’s update, the city went into a very restrictive lockdown.  The lockdown was due to the infection rate spreading rapidly, and the completely over capacitated hospitals to which I have been told that people are still waiting to get in the hospitals.   

Vaccines are being administered for anyone over 60 years old.  However, I understand that they are not going below 60 because they are running out of vaccines, and they want to make sure they have the 2nd round of shots for the ones that received their 1st shots.  They are giving the vaccine called Sinovac, and Astra Zeneca.  I will have to confess that when I heard that they were giving vaccines to 16 and up in some parts of the USA.  It really makes me miss that 1st world privilege. 

So, for the last month, we have been completely doing on-line services.  We will be going back to church in person this Sunday but at a very restrictive capacity.  We will also continue to do 2 services so that we can get people into the building and continue to comply with the spacing restrictions and not crowd into 1 service.  The church family really wants to be back at the church.  


As a church we have been helping to buy groceries for the ones in need in the community.  We have distributed a lot of food and we feel blessed to be able to help in this way.  We have also given food baskets to our other churches to help people in their community.  These 2 ladies were so grateful and emotional because of the help.  One of them said that she had just paid the rent, but did not have anything left to buy groceries.  The food basket and hot meal came at the perfect time.  God organized it all for His glory!  In addition, we have been helping people with medical procedures. 



The girls are doing well.  They are still doing on-line school, and this is keeping them busy.  They certainly miss the social aspects of being with their friends.  It is tough, but they believe it is the right thing to do at the moment.  Most of their social interaction is through online, except, Alyssa likes to jump on the trampoline with her cousin who lives next door in the rain.  As you can, our trampoline is stretched to the max!!!  LOL


We appreciate your continued prayers:

  • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

  • The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

  • Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.  

  • Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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Amazon Update – February 2021

First, let me say thank you for all your prayers for our trip back to Brazil.  Praise the Lord, we got home safely after about 2 days of traveling. 

We also want to say thank you for your prayers this last year for the sale of the property.  We got back on the 8th of February at around 1:30pm, and at 3:30pm the following day we signed the papers to close on the property.  WOW!!!  That was a long journey of back and forth with negotiations, many contract revisions, lawyer negotiation, and key people getting sick and recovering, and so on.  Through it all, we are so relieved that we were able to close on the property.  Thank you again for all your prayers!!!

As you may imagine, we literally hit the road running, and it has not stopped.  We are not complaining, but excited for each day and seeing the Lord work in our midst.  However, I do have 1 complaint.  Upon arrival we have been fighting for about 2 weeks to get the rats out of our house.  They have been having a party on top of our ceiling, and inside the house.  We have been chasing them around with brooms to get them out….YUCK.  Thankfully we have dogs that are very good hunters, as well as the use of other means. 

The church is doing well.  Elba just started a new preaching series and the church will be participating in 40 days of fasting and prayer.  Elba preached to a full house last Sunday and it was really good to be back.  We purchased about 70 food baskets to give to our surrounding churches to bless the people that are without.  A food basket contains things like rice, beans, sugar, oil, powder milk and etc.  Like you know, it has been a tough for many people financially.  Also, starting this Thursday, we will be making hearty soup to give to people at the church.  We feel blessed to be the hands and feet of Christ to help.  



We are in the midst of the rainy season here in the North of Brazil.  It has rained almost every day since we have come back.  The church went to visit one of our church plants in the Suribim.  It was an adventure to say the least.  Roads were blown out, and deep water to pass through.  But praise the Lord they got through and had a great time bringing the good news, encouraging the community, and giving away food baskets.  



Continued prayers request: 

  • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 
  • The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 
  • Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.

Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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Amazon Update! January 2021

 Our trip is coming to an end and we will soon be making our way back to Brazil.  During this time Elba has been taking a Sabbatical and seeking God for His direction in her life.  Elba has been active in many roles on the international, national, regional and local level.  She is being split in too many directions and she feels that it is affecting the quality of her roles in each of these areas and of course her physical and emotional health.  She is trying to seek God’s will for her so that she can be more focused, effective and not so divided.  We appreciate your prayers!


As you may remember we had Creative Impact come to Brazil and do multiple video stories of our missionaries.  Creative Impact wants to bring glory to God by telling the stories of what is currently taking place in missions around the world.  It was an absolute pleasure and blessing to work with Jim and Lynn Adams. 

 They completed our story and we were hoping to sit with you and show the documentary.  However, given the circumstances, that became very difficult.  The great news is that it is online and we would love for you to watch.  https://vimeo.com/390784748.  The documentary is called “The other side of the river”.   It is a little over 30 minutes but we believe that you will enjoy it.  Let us know what you think.


Continued prayers request: 

·         Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·         Please pray for the Lord’s will, and for the buyer’s financial situation as we continue to move forward with the sale of properties.

·         The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·         Please pray for Elba and I that we may hear clearly where to put our focus and energy in this next phase of our lives.

·         Safe trip back home to Brazil and that there will be no interruptions and we stay healthy.


Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  


Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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Amazon Update! December 2020

 Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!!!  What a year this has been so far.  Thank you for your continued prayers for us.  We feel them.  If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to our ministry.  Please click the link below.  It would be such a blessing, and very helpful.  Thanks!!!


We had the great opportunity to go and visit the Lancaster Vineyard pastored by Joel Seymour.  Elba got the opportunity to preach.  She continued on with a series that they are doing called “The gift of Risk”.  Elba focused her teaching on the courageous decision that Joseph made to remain with Mary while she was found to be pregnant, and it was not his child.  Mary, was courageous and obedient to the call of God, and said “yes” to receive Jesus into her body in a culture that was brutal towards a pregnant woman without a husband.  Joseph, in the same way, responded to Gods call to take Mary as his wife, and be obedient to the path that the Lord had set forth.  Both of them lived a life a faith, and as some say, FAITH is spelled RISK.  Here is a link to her message.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4EbSQ297-o


On a personal note, we are so grateful because for some days now, Elba has not had a migraine.  This is such a huge relief, especially for me, because I thought I was the one causing the migraines.  LOL.  J  We are so deeply grateful for your prayers.  Thank you! 

Speaking of another risky thing.  We were able to go horseback riding with my sister Lynn.  Some of our horses needed to hear Elba message about obedience.  Thankfully, we made it through without anyone getting bucked off.  LOL 


Continued prayers request: 

·           Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·           Please pray for the Lord’s will, and for the buyer’s financial situation as we continue to move forward with the sale.

·           The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·           That our time will be fulfilling and productive back in the USA. 

Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  

Again, Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.  Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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November 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends and family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. They have been greatly appreciated. I hope you are doing well!

So much has happened since my last update, it is difficult to know where to start! I will do my best to briefly cover some of the main things that have been going on.

Church opened for services

As I stated in past updates, Macapá was hit pretty hard by COVID-19. Over the last 4 months, the numbers began to drop and things began to open up for us. After 8 long months without any large church gatherings, we decided to start doing “open air” Sunday services behind our church building. Although we had been getting together with individuals and had begun meeting in small groups, we were so excited to get back together as one group!

Viva Vineyard services

And the unexpected (pastoring two churches)

Two days after we decided to return to “in person” services at Vineyard Viva, we were notified by our regional overseers that due to unforeseen circumstances, the other Vineyard in town “Vineyard Macapá” found itself without a pastor. The overseers came into Macapá to sort things out. After meeting with some of the leadership at Vineyard Macapá, it was decided that there was no one attending that church who would be ready to pastor. Denise and I were approached by our leadership and asked if we would consider pastoring Vineyard Macapá along with Vineyard Viva, at least until there was someone ready to lead Vineyard Macapá.

We realized this was a decision we couldn’t take lightly and that we would be walking into a difficult situation. The church was not prepared for a pastoral change, and although we have relationship with some of its members, we knew we would be strangers to others. On top of that, we had no clue what it would look like to pastor two churches. However, after spending time praying about it, we both felt this was something we were supposed to do.

Preaching at a Vineyard Macapá service

Outdoor service for Vineyard Macapá

Closing again

We spent some time developing a plan to determine how to do two services on Sunday (one at each church). We were very thankful that so many of our leaders at Vineyard Viva stepped up and offered to help in any way they could. After organizing things the best we could, we started meetings at both churches. For the most part, we were pretty happy with how things were going.

After 3 weeks, however, we were notified that the COVID-19 cases in Macapá were rapidly increasing and that hospitals were filling up again. The city began to slowly shut things down again; even though churches weren’t being forced to close, we decided to suspend all large gatherings until the COVID cases significantly declined in Macapá. This was a heartbreaking decision to come to. We had worked so hard getting things organized and sorted out – we barely got started before we had to end again.

Feels like the Apocalypse

And then, two weeks ago as I was trying to finish up this update, the electricity in our house shut off. I didn’t think anything of it at the time since the power shuts off in different areas of our city on a regular basis. Generally, it comes back on after a few hours. We became a little concerned when we woke next day, after a long hot night of sleep, and still were without power. What we discovered was that there was a huge fire at the state’s main electrical plant and 90% of the state was without power with no hope given as to when it would be restored. Most of the city, including our home, was without electricity for the next 5 days. The biggest concern at the time was that without power, it was not possible to pump water into people’s houses. Fresh water sold out throughout the city. Also, there were only a few gas stations open for the entire city. I waited in line for over two hours to get diesel for my truck. I knew of people waiting for over 8 hours. At the time, it really felt like the city was falling into chaos.

The line behind us waiting to get gas during the power outage.

The line to get money from one of the few cash machines in the city during the power outage.

Currently our city has “partial” energy. Each neighborhood is on a rotation with electricity for 6 hours followed by 6 hours without. This isn’t ideal, but we will definitely take it over the five days without any electricity! From what we have heard, the state should have the electricity problem resolved within the next few weeks. I pray that this information is accurate.

Final thoughts

Although these last few months have been a roller coaster of emotions, we have been thankful for the peace God has given us throughout. We also have felt that as a family, we have grown closer together through these difficult times. As always, it is a joy watching Jonas grow and develop. He is growing so fast!

We had some birthdays during the pandemic 🙂

Jonas’ birthday. He loves dinosaurs.

Thank you so much for your prayers and ongoing support. We are so grateful for you.

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Contribution link: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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Amazon Update! October 2020

Thank you so much for your continued prayers.  We are deeply grateful.  We look forward to coming back to the USA.  Please pray for us and our travels.  Pray you enjoy the below update.

Thank you so much for your prayers for the church.  The church has resumed to meet in the evening in person.  In the beginning of coming back from the restrictions, we decided to only meet in the morning.  Now that we are back to evening services we are starting to see an increase in attendance.  Elba is doing a 4 part series on heroic faith.  She has finished 2.  The first was called confident faith, and it was surrounded by the life of Abraham.  The second was called patient faith which was about the life of Job.  During this time, we need more faith than ever.

Altamira was at level red, which is the highest level, about 2 months ago and it is now at level yellow.  Praise the Lord the cases have dropped significantly after being so high for many months.  Not sure if the herd effect is coming into play??  Essentially all business, parks and beaches are back open but people must continue to practice safety measures to dampen the spread of the virus.  Public schools are still not open.  The public schools do not have the mechanism of online schooling so the children go without.  When you drive around the city, it is probably about 50%+ of people wearing mask now.  Below is a picture of our beach in Altamira.  I took this picture about 1 month ago, the crowds are getting bigger.  Thankfully, since taking this photo, Altamira continues in level yellow.  We pray for a return to level blue for Altamira and the rest of the world. 


At the church, and us personally, we are still being cautious when we have interactions with other people. 

In Brazil we celebrated Children’s day.  The church did not want the children to be left out.  So the children’s ministry did a “drive through” for the children.  They came and the church was able to provide some treats for the children, a bit of entertainment, and get their photo taken.  We regulated how many children could come in at a time.  It worked really well, and the children appeared to enjoy.  However, it is sad to see the kids wearing masks.  We are praying this is only temporary.  The last pictures are from a year ago.  We look forward to having more children’s day like that one. 

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


We are starting to prepare for our trip back to the States.   We leave here the 27th and will arrive in the States on the 28th.  We would appreciate your prayers.  The girls continue to stay focused on their online schooling.  They will continue their school via online when we are back in the States. 

 Continued prayers request: 

·           Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time. 

·           Please pray for Elba.  She is still working through her migraines.  We are praying.  She is trying to regulate the medicine now due to bad side effects. 

·           Please pray for the Lord’s will, and for the buyer’s financial situation as we continue to move forward with the sale.

·           The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever. 

·           Our trip back to the United States.  That we will have safe travels, and that our time will be fulfilling and productive. 


Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.  

Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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