Amazon Update! September 2020
Thank you so much for your prayers for the church. The church has now met 3 times since re-opening. We are following the rules that have been set before us by the city. We have the chairs spaced 1 ½ meters from one another, wear a mask at all times, maintaining social distance, bring your own water bottle, and we have people spraying alcohol on the hands as people come into the church. It is not ideal, but we are very glad to be able to have church together again. The church service had over 70 people in attendance last week. I thought this was pretty good considering we are restricting children to come, not encouraging the elderly and the most susceptible to stay home. We continue to record the church service so they can watch it online.
It was very nice to be back with our church members, and the church service with worship and preaching was energetic. It was emotional for me. I know you know this but you really start to appreciate things more when they become absent from your life. Please continue to pray for our church, and the rejection of this virus in this world.
I was running in the morning and during the run I was running near a house where this man used to live. He was a nice guy, but some of his decisions in my opinion, could have been better. I started to have negative thoughts about him when all of sudden I found myself face planted in the dirt. While running I tripped and could not get my balance and then boom….face plant. Immediately, while on the ground, I felt the Lord saying “I want you to bless people, not criticize them”. I got up and started running again, and repented all the way home….while all the while blessing the man and anyone else that came to my mind.
That day’s annual reading of the Bible was Romans 14. In the chapter it speaks about how we should not judge others among other things. Throughout the day I tried to bless others, and quickly realized how many judgmental thoughts I have towards others. Judgmental thoughts towards people I do not know, politicians, actors, Facebook posts, etc. I knew I had judgmental thoughts, I just did not realize how many throughout the day. WOW! In the end, I want to bless other and not be judgmental. I was thankful to the Lord for His gentle corrective ways to start changing my attitude and thought pattern.
The girls’ school has decided to continue to do on-line school until the end of the year. Since this is the case, this is why we have decided to come back to the States at the end of October 2020 and then come back to Brazil in the beginning of February 2021. The girls will continue their school via online and this would give us more time to come back and visit. Again, we would love to meet with you if that works for you.
Continued prayers request:
· Please pray for Elba. Her migraines returned with a vengeance for many days. They are debilitating. We are praying, and she is on a new medicine now.
· Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation, that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this time.
· Thanks for your prayers. Please pray for the Lord’s will, and for our buyers financial situation and that we could move forward soon with the sale.
· The rejection of this virus from you, your family, friends, and to be thrown out of this universe forever.
Please pray for spiritual, physical, emotional and financial health for us.
Thanks and much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa
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