Water Filter Project | Xingu Mission


The water filter project is an outreach / social assistance program. The program is designed to create safe drinking water for the general population. The problem that exists with the water is that many people live on the flood plain and it is very difficult and costly to dig wells.

When wells are dug they become contaminated by rust or other debris. This makes the filters a viable option. The mission is able to build and install each filter for US$50.

This project has literally saved the lives of many along the river, especially babies who would die of dysentery. Currently, there is a two-man work team building the filters daily.

CDR Portel is the Non-government organization that handles the water filter project.

This project has been instrumental in evangelizing unreached communities and creating open doors to other communities. We are excited about this project because it provides a cost affordable water solution and at the same time creates an opportunity for evangelism.

If you want more information regarding this project, please email Marsha Wilson.

To make a donation via check using regular mail:

1) Click on the below envelope to download the contribution card
2) Prepare a check payable to Xingu Mission
3) Mail the check and contribution card to the following address: