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Seeing The Kingdom Come

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Thank you to all our contributors, you are invaluable to us and the people we serve!

Our Team Just Doubled!

These last few months have flown by.  Our kids have the month of July off for school holidays which is a welcome break from the 5:30 wake ups and mountains of homework.
In perfect timing we welcomed our new team members Allison, Rona and their adorable son Oliver!  Allison and Rona visited João Pessoa a year ago and decided that this was where God was calling them.
Allison has been working with women with addictions and relational struggles in Altamira, and has created a Portuguese 12 step program that uses Christian principles to helps people work through the root issues that led them into addictive behaviours.  She has already begun to put this tool to use with one of our girls, it’s a great addition to our tool chest!
Rona has been using flag foot ball and Alpha to connect to new people and plans to use both these great tools here in Joao Pessoa as well.

And Oliver just lights up every space his in with his delightful personality!

We are very happy to have them with us!

Missao Restauração

Last year, a friend of ours took us to visit a foster home for girls. At the time there were several girls living there, one of which was seven months pregnant at the age of 10.  Shocking and heartbreaking.  We knew God had a purpose for us there we just weren’t sure what it was yet.  We toyed with the idea of doing an Alpha because they said all of the girls were not connected to church or God and they felt that helping them spiritually was a big need that they themselves could not fill.
At the time we were just two people, it didn’t seem like the right timing.  But we didn’t forget about them.
Ezekiel 47 is a small house church full of people who are very Kingdom minded and wanted an opportunity to serve.  At the time that we started we had not started our own church and they were and remain like family for us.  We have the same Kingdom purpose vision. We asked if they would like to help and they jumped at the opportunity.

Alpha With The Girls
Each week we start with food (who doesn’t love to eat-and it’s a great ice breaker!) and then we have some kind of active game.  This gets the girls to wake up, laugh and have fun.  
The video and discussion follow and they almost always ask at the end, ‘is that all?  I wanted it to last longer!’  
Last month we held a retreat for them. Two nights were like our normal meetings but held in the house Ezekiel 47 uses for their meetings.  Getting the girls out of their environment was great to help change the atmosphere and expectations.
Saturday our friends from Ezekiel 47 planned the day.  They blew us away with their love and service to these girls.  The day was filled with music and various people sharing their own life story, the hurts and pitfalls as well as they way they saw God moving in their life.  Some of the girls opened up and told their own stories, which until this point we hadn’t heard.  There was not a dry eye in the room.
The retreat ended with the three men who are fathers standing in the place of the fathers who had abandoned and rejected them hurt and abused them, and asking for their forgiveness, in an act of servanthood they washed each girls feet.  It was a very moving moment for everyone.
The highlight was seeing one of the girls who has been the most closed off melt into the embrace of one woman after another as tears fell down her face.  God clearly moved in her life!
When Alpha is over we will continue to walk with these girls, along with the people in our church as well as Ezekiel 47.  We are already planning what that will look like.
It has been, by far, one of the most rewarding Alphas we have ever done!
If you don’t already, follow us on instagram, Facebook and Twitter, we share snippets on a more regular basis!

A Visit from Michael Hansen!

At the beginning of August we were blessed to have a visit from Michael Hansen, pastor of Vineyard Church of Delaware County.  We were extremely blessed to have him here to see and participate in what God has been doing over the past almost two years since we moved to João Pessoa.

We hope it was the first of many visits!
If you want to visit we are always open to visitors, just write and ask!


Update on Faith
After more testing it has been determined that Faith does not have Attention Deficit Disorder which means she doesn’t need to be on medication.  It has been confirmed that she is dyslexic and has the Central Processing Disorder we mentioned in our last update.  The good news is that for the latter, there is therapy that can be done to retrain the pathways in her brain. This will help her immensely in the classroom as well as with concentration.  Faith has also started with an psychoeducational therapist which will help her in the area of dyslexia.  Her teachers and principals have already seen a difference in her performance, thank you for your continued prayers!

Faith was blessed to be part of a study, which meant free testing!

We are incredibly blessed and grateful for all the professionals we have been able to find and the openness of the school to find a plan that will help Faith.

It all comes at a cost and is not covered by our current medical insurance, please pray with us that we have the funds we need to cover these additional costs.

Speaking of which…..
Our wonderful friend Mirela has launched a fundraiser to help with these and just general education costs.  She is making beautiful hand-made cards, proceeds going to the gofundme we started before leaving in February.
Copyright © 2018 Xingu Mission C/O Jen and Phil Snell, All rights reserved.
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Xingu Mission C/O Jen and Phil Snell

Rua Fernando Ferrari, 147
Pedro Gondim

João PessoaParaíba  58031-190


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August 2018 Amazon Update!

Elba and I left the girls for about a week to travel to Macapá.  To get to Macapá we took a line boat which travels up the Xingu River, and then into the Amazon.  The journey took about 32 hours to get there, and about 36 hours to get back.  We went to Macapá because the church recently had a young dear member / leader commit suicide.  As you can imagine, it has made a dramatic impact on the church and they are doing their best to walk through the healing and understanding process of this tragedy.  Our missionaries, Christopher and Denise Meyer, who just recently planted the 2nd Vineyard church in Macapá, have been doing a great job to help people work through this difficult time.  We were blessed to be able to come alongside of them to support them and the leadership as they navigate their way through this time.  Again, it is difficult, and prayers are appreciated.  Pictured below is Jonas, he is Christopher and Denise new baby boy.  

I am not sure if you knew this but we have church service in the evenings here in Brazil.  There are a couple of churches that have early morning service but it is rare.  Before the service, a bunch of the church members got together to go and hangout at a local creek.  Each of us brought some meat, rice, and salad and we ate till we were full.  Even though this was a simple and fun event, it is important that we get together outside of the church.  Getting together outside of church allows us to get to know one another better, it is encouraging, it is fun, and the community attracts the Holy Spirit.  I would not have thought much about the latter but I am reminded in the Bible that says the Holy Spirit is present whenever believers gather together (Matthew 18:20). A great example of this was the early church of Acts, which made a habit of meeting together, eating together, and worshiping together. As a result, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:46–47).   This does ring true as not everyone that was with us was a part of our church and it promoted the opportunity to lower barriers to get to know the church and Jesus a little more.    




The girls are doing well and they just started back in school the first part of August.   We are very happy that they are thriving and doing so well in school.  Praise the Lord!  Here is a picture of them at a wedding that we had for a young couple from our church. 
Oh my goodness, did this just come to Altamira….am I dreaming?  Nope, it is here and I think we are now big time….Smile!!!

Please pray for the dentist team that is out helping many people along the river who do not readily have access to medical care.  Update to follow next month. 
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  
Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

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Fitting Right In

Hello Everybody!

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the fall season coming ahead, although some of you probably have some mixed feelings about summer ending. Where we are, the seasons change from hot to not-so-hot, and I often miss the changes that take place with 4 seasons!

We are really settling in well here into our new lives. João Pessoa is a lovely city. We feel very privileged and blessed to be here. If you remember in our last blog, I told everyone that we were trying to sell our car in Altamira. And thank God, we did! AND, we already bought another one here! It is small and cute and we like it a lot.

It’s smiling at you!

Another ministry that Jen and Phil were able to start before we came here is helping at a place called Mission Restoration. It is a foster home for girls run by a Brazilian couple. The Snells met with them and began brainstorming on how they could help by serving these girls. They started doing a program called Alpha with them once a week. Alpha is a great program that helps introduce the basic message of the Bible in a very practical and open way, allowing people to ask questions and express opinions in a group setting. The Snells were also fortunate enough to receive the help of a local group of believers called Ezekiel 47. During the Alpha program, there is a retreat with a focus on the Holy Spirit. All of us together worked to create a very special weekend for these girls. We played games and ate together. We worshiped together and several of us gave our testimonies of how God had moved in our lives. Throughout the weekend, we saw the girls open up even more and share their own stories and struggles. We were able to pray for them and just love on them. It was an awesome time. The Alpha course will be ending soon, but we are already meeting to talk about ways that we can keep supporting and investing in the lives of these girls. Please join us in praying for them.

Us with a few of the girls

Being generously served by the Ezekiel 47 Team

Playing a treasure hunt game

A few weeks ago, we also had the privilege of receiving a visit from Michael Hansen, the senior pastor of VCDC. We had a great time showing him around and introducing him to several of the ministries we are working on. He preached at our church, and Ronã translated from him. We were so glad that he got a chance to meet with our team.

Ronã trying to explain one of Michael’s jokes…lol
Michael with a few from of church planting team from Recife

Once a month, we put up a tent on the beach to invite the women on the streets that we pray for to take a break and enjoy a little sanctuary. We offer them a few yummy treats, as well as a moment to connect with God. This time, I gave my testimony and a few of the women said they felt touched by my story.

Our Beach “Sanctuary”
Jen and I praying for one of our friends who works on the street

As I said before, we feel so privileged to be able to do this kind of work in a place like this. And to every person we serve and share the love of Christ with, you are right there with us serving and sharing as well. You are on our team, and we are grateful for all of your support and the many ways that you have given it.

Prayer Request:
-A clear and direct vision for our church planting team for the future of Vineyard Jampa, as well as unity and intimacy among our team members
-Strength in our marriage and family as we grow in grace and love for one another
-New ideas and open doors for ministry opportunities
-Pray for the girls at Mission Restoration
-Pray for the women working in prostitution to find healing and job opportunities

We love you all and thank you so much!

Love, the Moura Family


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July 2018 Amazon Update!

We just started another small group in the last 3 weeks.  Promoting small groups has always been a priority of the church because we believe that this is where we see spiritual growth, learning, fellowship, and serving.  Our small groups are usually a group of 4 or more people that meet on a weekly basis.  Small groups are a place where you can study the Word of God, develop deeper friendships, and pray for one another.  It is during small groups where we can see lives being transformed and leaders developed.   Pray for a multiplication of more small groups through the churches. 

The church had its annual country themed celebration to help raise money for projects at the church.  With the economy not being good the church has seen a significant reduction in giving.  It is barely paying its bills and workers.  These events help fund projects that the leadership feels are necessary.  In this case, it helped build a woman’s restroom.  The event was successful and earned just enough to get it built.  The event had a bizarre of donated clothing, many games, food, and live entertainment.  Please pray for our church. 

We have other challenges at the church.  For example, when trying to mix the sound for the worship band during church service we try not to let the HUGE tarantula get us!!!

On a personal note, we celebrated two birthdays in July.  Alyssa on July 4th, and Elba on the18th.  Alyssa had a sleep over with a bunch of her friends, and they burnt the midnight oil having fun together.  Elba (and her twin sister, Nira) turned 40 years old and the church put together a big party.  They had a lot of fun and they were both treated to a beauty skin treatment.  Personally, I thought it was unnecessary as Elba already looks so beautiful and young.  Not to be left out, Camilly participated in her school Olympics.  She played soccer, handball, and dodgeball.  They came in 2nd place. 

Prayer update: We took the leap of faith and put our house up for sale.  No offers as of yet.  If it God’s will for us to sell, then it will happen.  We are placing it at His feet.  If you should remember, please pray for God’s will. 

Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  

Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa


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Camilly and her friend trying on a pair of pants. 

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The View From Here

Hello Everyone!

I have so much to tell you! The last month of our lives have been filled with transition. We spent our last 3 weeks in Altamira selling the rest of our furniture and packing up the things that we would be bringing with us to our new city. We said goodbye to the many people we have come to love and are sad to leave behind.
On June 28, we finally arrived in João Pessoa and our new leaders, Phil and Jen Snell, picked us up at the airport. We spent the next few weeks staying at their house while we began our search for a new place to live and all the stuff we would need to furnish it. We had a lot of fun spending time with them, and Oliver had a lot of fun playing with their dog, Lincoln.

We were lucky enough to find a great apartment not too far from the Snells. It has 3 bedrooms and an office! Perfect for visitors! It gets an incredible breeze, so it is never too hot. We are loving it already, and we are finally feeling like we can start to settle down. We have been waiting for that for a long time.

The view from our window

Even while we were in the process of getting settled, we still made some time to start exploring how we can be involved in ministry. I’m amazed at what Phil and Jen have been able to accomplish here on their own in just a short year and a half.
They have been having church in their house for about a month. It has been very organic in how it has all come together. There is a Vineyard pastor in Recife (a city about 1&1/2 hours away), and he expressed a lot of interest in helping with the new church plant here. He also knew of a youth pastor and his family living in João Pessoa who had been praying about being apart of a Vineyard church plant as well. As of now, we are all in the beginning stages to getting to know each other and work out together how we see God forming the church here. It is an exciting time for all of us as our ideas and hopes are mixing together to create a vision for Vineyard Jampa.

I have also been working closely with Jen and Phil as they minister to the prostitutes who work near the beach. We have been going about twice a week to pray for them, as well as having a “tent meeting” for them once a month. We set up a white tent on the beach in order to create a different environment for the girls away from the streets. We serve them treats and offer a short moment for them to connect with God. It is a wonderful opportunity to share on a more personal level the love that Jesus has for them.
Phil and Jen have been connecting more closely with one of the girls for the past year. Her name is Maevia. She has been in and out of prostitution, as well as battling a crack addiction. They have been visiting with her and her family, getting to know them better and trying to figure out how they can help her get her life on track.

Maevia with her daugther

After asking around, Phil and Jen learned of a rehab center just outside the city that helps women with drug addictions. Maevia told them that she desperately wanted help, so just a few weeks ago, we all went together to the center. It is an amazing place that is beautiful and serene and led by some very dedicated and sincere people. The center is even in the process of trying to add some educational courses to the program, so that they can give the women a chance to have a job once they complete the treatment. I couldn’t imagine a better place to go in order to try and start over.

The Rehab Center, Missão Resgate

Yesterday, we went back to visit Maevia and see how she was doing. We brought her a copy of the picture of her and her daughter, and when she saw it, she broke down in tears. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to leave her daughter behind (with her grandmother), but Jen encouraged her that everything she was doing for that little girl. A chance to be the mother she needs. Maevia continued to tell us about all of her challenges and victories in her short time at the center. It was a bittersweet moment for all of us.
This afternoon, Jen got a call from the center saying that Maevia had decided to leave. We were all shocked. We wondered if our visit did more harm than good. Jen tried to encourage her to stay, but she insisted that she needed to be with her family. As you can imagine, we are all very sad and disappointed by this. We know all too well what will probably happen if Maevia goes home right now.
Please, pray for her. We want to keep trying to help her in whatever way she will let us. The journey out of addiction is often a long one with many bumps along the way. Please pray that God breaks the power of the enemy in her life and sets her free.
On a positive note, we are very happy to have learned about Missão Resgate, as we believe we will be able to work with them again in the future as we continue to try and help more women like Maevia.

This is a very exciting time for Ronã and I as we embark on this new adventure as a family. We are praying everyday that God will show us more how he plans to use us here. We are also just trying to figure out day-to-day life in a new and foreign place. At least this time, I already speak the language!
Please, pray for our family during this time as we step out into this new world.

Prayer Request:
We were unable to sell our car before we left Altamira, so it is still there now. Please pray that we are able to sell it soon, so that we can buy another car here. Thanks!

Thank you all for your support and love and for being on our team! We love you and miss you and are so grateful to you! Please, let us know if you have any questions about what we are doing, and as always, we love to hear you comments and encouragements.


Love, the Moura Family

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June 2018 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,

When I was in middle school, once a year we had a day called “career day”. On this day, instead of coming into school, we were allowed to shadow a professional at their place of work. One year I decided to shadow a pastor. My dad set up the day with his good friend and fellow pastor, John Moriarty. To be quite honest, I remember very little from any of my career days, but there were a few things that happened during my time with John that have been etched into my mind ever since. After meeting John at the church, much to my surprise, I was informed that we weren’t going to be hanging around the building all day. As you can probably guess, I was more than okay with this. Hanging around the church all day didn’t exactly sound fun as an adolescent pastor’s kid.

The first place John took me was to the newborn unit of a hospital. As we stood there looking through the glass at all the newborn babies, John began to explain that one of the great joys of his job was how he regularly has the privilege of witnessing new life. As a pastor he would often be invited into the hospital to share the special moment of a baby entering this world, but also regularly would be witness to individuals turning towards Jesus and experiencing new spiritual life. Our next stop was very different… John took me to a cemetery. As we walked around the cemetery, he began to explain a whole different side of his job. He explained that a large part of his job was also walking with others through great hardships, dealing with crisis, sickness and even death.

I’m not really sure how much of what John was trying to teach me really sunk in at that point, but during this last month, I have reflected a lot about his words all those years ago and how true his words really were. We have had many blessings this last month. Our church continues to grow and mature. We are having amazing moments – experiencing God in tangible and awesome ways. We even had our first baptism.

Our first baptism

But it was also this month that Denise and I faced probably the most difficult ministry experience in our lives to date. It was just a few days after our first baptism that we received the news that our dear friend Kazu, a member at Vineyard Macapá (our former church), had taken his own life. The news was heartbreaking to say the least. Everyone in the Vineyard family here in Macapá was devastated. Many from both Vineyard Macapá and Vineyard Viva had close connections to Kazu and his family.


Denise and I have been doing our best to assist the family and the two churches through this process. Because there are so many who have been deeply impacted by this, our job has at times felt overwhelming – not to mention that we ourselves are trying to process what happened as well. We realize how important it is to be well connected to God through times like these. Wearing out or burning out would be inevitable without the God’s presence in this. We have been encouraged to see how the churches have gathered around the family and the ones hurting the most, and also have been touched by the way God has continued to come and meet us in the midst of tragedy. We still have a long way to go, but God has definitely been guiding us through.

As is always the case, there has been great joy even through the hard times. As I mentioned, the church is doing super well, and of course, Jonas brings us daily joy.

Jonas and Denise

Jonas and me

Enjoying the World Cup

We woke up one morning and this animal was stuck in our pool. It is known as a “lesser anteater” or here in Brazil it’s called “tamaduá”.

Luckily we were able to save it!

Prayer Requests:

1) Pray for Kazu’s family.

2) Continued grace and strength to help our friends who are grieving.

3) Wisdom in planning and discipleship as Vineyard Viva continues to grow.

4) For Denise and I as we take care of Jonas and each other.

Thank you as always for your prayers and support. We love to hear from you!

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Contribution Link: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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One Year Ago, Girls Home, Vineyard Jampa, Faith’s Challenges

that was us, a year ago
One Year Ago

   A year ago on June 9th we went out on a limb and trusted that God was calling us to reach out to show His unfailing love to the girls and women in prostitution here in João Pessoa.  We had no idea what to expect, how we would be received, or what it would look like going forward.
 We have been amazed and encouraged by God’s constant guidance, the openness the girls have had with us, and the relationships that have blossomed.  There have been many mountain top moments and recently some very deep valley moments.


In our last update I shared that one of the girls who had left prostitution had returned, this month we had another blow.  The girl who left prostitution six months ago whom we have been meeting with weekly, trying to help her find work, figure out education, is back on the street.  This was a really hard hit, even though we knew it was a great possibility, there are often many false starts before someone is able to really break free, it’s hard not to feel like we should have done more.

But the situation she found herself in was almost impossible.    

 Her husband had been shot, miraculously he wasn’t killed since the bullet passed through his groin, narrowly missing his artery and vein.  But because he wasn’t killed, he needed to go into hiding, they had to move from her Mom’s house and into his mother’s house which was at the end of a impassable bumpy road governed by a gang faction that would mean at least the people who tried to kill him couldn’t get at him.  We visited with them there, prayed with them and encouraged them to pray together.  But they were stuck, he is a fugitive from prison and now escaping gangs. 
I sat with her to go over her education and work experience (grade 4, no work experience), and monthly expenses and income.  We are trying to connect with other organizations that also connect people to work while also finding out how we could help her get back on to sorting out her education. 
They have little to no income.  She was helping her mother sell snacks at the market to the truckers who were unloading in the middle of the night, asking for fruit and vegetables or finding some that had fallen, unwanted to the floor. We were helping where we could with some basic food goods, but also trying to find a balance between helping become independent and her becoming dependant on us.   A very desperate situation that ended with her back on the street, feeling like she was out of options and us feeling a lot like we had failed her.
 Despite the fact that we know women who are trying to leave prostitution often make several attempts before successfully transitioning, we still felt sad and disappointed, not in her but in ourselves, in the system, we want to be able to do so much more but it takes time, resources and more people to do it.  
The next time we saw her on the street I was intentional about having a very frank conversation with her, I could see she was acting differently around us.  I assured her that nothing has changed about the way we feel about her, the hope we have for her or that we are walking with her.  She cried and I hugged her and we promised to continue to fight with her.
I recently read an article about women trying to leave prostitution, this is a quote from it,
Prostitution, if it is anything, is a choice between homelessness and having men we don’t like, do things we hate, to bodies we don’t know how to love.
For this reason, those in prostitution have a tendency to boomerang in and out of it, like the jaded wives of an unfaithful or cruel husband. We pack our bags, we leave in a triumphant storm. But we find few options available to us.
    Leaving Prostitution and Staying Out-Nordicmodelnow! The article was written By Alice Glass, a survivor of prostitution
We dream of a day when we see these girls freed from this emotional, spiritual and financial slavery.
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Missão Restauração

Not long after we moved to Joao Pessoa we were introduced to a couple who care for young at-risk girls.  Over the past 20  years, they have cared for over one hundred and eighty girls.  Some of which have been adopted by other families, some have been returned to their extended families, others lived there until they turned nineteen and then they were helped to find work and a living space.

It was obvious from our first meeting that this couple has poured a lot of their life into these girls.

We decided early on that we wanted to help, we just weren’t sure how.  Homes like this for girls can prevent them from ending up on the street.

Working alongside another group called Ezekial 47 who had been looking for an opportunity to serve, we have started an Alpha and games night.  We go once a week with a snack and a fun game and then we watch a video and chat.  The girls are loving it and every time it’s over they say, ‘already?’.

We look forward to continuing the relationships with these girls long after Alpha finishes.

Vineyard Jampa

Three weeks ago we held our first Sunday with our wee baby church.  Right now it’s more like a small group but the times we have had together have been rich.  We are forming the foundations of a leadership team, so we are focusing for now on getting to know each other, the values we hold, and praying about what God wants for this new gathering.  We all want to see a strong foundation built so we will take it slowly in these first steps.
For a month or so before we began we had been meeting with Ricardo and Nadir, current pastors of the Recife Vineyard, as well as a family from Joao Pessoa who are very eager to take part in planting a church with us.
    Sunday, June 3rd was our first official service here in our house, in our outside kitchen that God has so abundantly blessed us with.  We sang and prayed together, discussed the values we want to carry in this church and ate lunch together, it was a rich time and we are so excited to see this seedling of a church being planted.

Faith: Dyslexia+ADD+Central Processing Disorder + Second Language= A Layer Cake of Learning Challenges

Faith turns 12 on Monday! She celebrated early last week.

A month or so ago we were asked to meet with the coordinator of Faith’s grade.  She sat us down to discuss Faith’s performance in school.  She had been helping her on her tests and noticed that Faith couldn’t remember the context of something she had read, that she read very slowly, and that had difficulty writing as well.  She felt strongly that this was not only because she is working in her second language.

She was saying what I had already suspected for a while.  She recommended a psychologist and we began the process of having her assessed for dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder.  At the end of the testing we sat with the psychologist and she told me what I already knew in my heart; Faith, like her Daddy, is dyslexic.
 I cried.  Not tears of sadness or disappointment but instead of relief.  Now we knew why- now I knew it wasn’t because I had failed her as a teacher.  We now knew what we were dealing with and could confront it appropriately.

We were referred to a psychiatrist to complete the evaluation for Attention Deficit, she then referred us to an audiologist to see if Faith also has something called a Central Auditory Processing Disorder, which basically means her ears and her brain is not communicating properly.  This can happen with kids who had a lot of ear infections or who had hearing issues early in life.

When Faith was two her eustachian tubes were full of fluid, she heard as though she was underwater, for more than a year while we went through the process of testing and waiting for surgery.

This disorder can show itself with many symptoms that look like dyslexia and ADD.  The good news is there is a cure.  Several sessions of training will help to rewire her brain.  It doesn’t rule out the possibility that she also has dyslexia and ADD.

On Wednesday we started the testing for this issue.  For those of you on Facebook, that is the explanation for the photo I posted.  Faith is in the little sound booth trying to decipher different sounds.  One of the hardest parts about this disorder is being able to hear in loud places.  Faith has often complained she can’t hear what the teacher is saying when there is noise in the class.

This week Faith will finish the testing and we will know more.

 We prepared her for this possible outcome by ensuring her that dyslexia, ADD or this new possibility doesn’t have anything to do with her intelligence, that in fact, most dyslexic people are smarter than your average bear, Einstein, for example, was dyslexic, Phil likes to emphasize this fact.

We have already begun working with a psychoeducational therapist to help Faith with reading and writing.

 Please pray with us that she can find her way with the help of the specialist and that we can help her too.

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June 2018 Amazon Update!

Aside from CDR providing English and Computer classes, and teaching people how to sew, all at a discounted price compared to the other schools in the city, they also went to one of the local schools as they have for the last several years to teach the students about “safe touch”.  They got the chance to sing worship songs, as well as present a puppet show, a dance, and dramatic play.  Afterward they taught the students the importance of safe touch, and then prayed for the students, then provided a meal.  It is our great hope that by teaching these children some principles about what is safe, and general safety tips it will help prevent these children from being abused.  Also, if abuse is happening, it may give the child the courage to tell someone in authority so that they can be helped and protected.  Prayer request:
  • Please pray for these children and that sexual, physical and mental abuse will never happen!
  • Please pray for CDR.  Even with lower prices, the school is suffering due to the poor economy. 
  • Please pray that this improves and wisdom for us to lead the school through this time. 

We were back a week when I left for a week to Belém to go to our Senior leadership meeting.  It was really good to be with some of the missionaries that I serve with.  Once I got back, Elba left and is still gone as of this writing to Santarem for a week long training of caring for Pastors.  We both had adventures getting to our places of destination.  I went right in the midst of
a trucker’s strike, and on the way to Santarem a truck overturned causing Elba to take an even rougher terrain to get around the truck.  In addition to the training, Elba shared the word for Valentine’s day which was celebrated in June 12th here.  I am sure the word was a lament because we were separated from each other on Valentines day.

On the first day back on the preaching schedule we had a couple of guys come up and receive the Lord.  So cool to see people surrendering their lives and start to follow the ways of the Lord.  It is the first step of many along their path but we are privileged to be able to share this moment with them.  Thank you Lord!  Please pray for these fellows.

Prayer request: We shared this prayer request last month and we thank you for your prayers.  We believe that we are going to try to sell our home and see how God will either confirm or not.  If He wants us to remain here then we want to do that of course.  We really appreciate your continued prayers for the Lord’s will to be done.  Thank you!

Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.   

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A Trip I’ll Never Forget

Hi everybody! This is Ronã.

We are finally back home after one week of traveling. But all this trouble with the airline company didn’t damage the great experience I had with you guys. That was definitely the best trip I’ve ever had.
When I was denied for my tourist visa the first time, I felt so disappointed. I had prayed so much for the visa, and God knew I really wanted to visit the U.S. What I didn’t know at that time was that He was preparing a greater experience. He wanted me to enjoy the U.S. and Canada with my son.

Some people asked me what was the best experience in the trip. The answer is hard to tell because I had several great experiences.
I loved getting to know Allison’s family. They were so good to us all the time.

Family in North Carolina
My mother-in-law, Mona
Family in Columbus
Family in Montreal
Family in NYC
Visiting Allison’s home church and the other churches that have being supporting us was also a great experience.                                                                                
Morrow County Vineyard 
VIneyard Tuttle Crossing
Alive Vineyard in Neward
Northside Vineyard
I enjoyed having meals with our friends and supporters. So many stories and paths that connected to us because of Jesus.          
Home group of Jim and Jo Ann McCann
The Lovely LaVerne
The Helsers
And all the adventures I had were very pleasing and exciting.    
Climbing Stone Mountain in Atlanta with my mom-in-law
Going to the spring OSU football game
Seeing Niagara Falls
Going Ice Skating
Seeing the snow for the first time
NYC blew my mind!
Visiting the Columbus Zoo
Oly and his cousins

I want to mention here how proud I am of Oliver. He did so well on this trip. He’s definitely a blessing. With all these travels, we expected him to be very upset, but instead, he was spreading his joy everywhere he went. Allison also put a lot of work into planning this trip. I’m so grateful for the wife I have.
Now is the part when I tell you what I took away from America. I know that you guys have your own issues, but I never felt so safe and never saw so many opportunities and high quality of life as I did in America. You guys share of what we wish we had. And when I see that almost all the missionaries that I know are from the U.S. or Canada, and how the churches in North America has being supporting churches all over the world, I understand why God blessed you all.
In a few days we’ll start our new mission in João Pessoa (Jampa). We want to honor your prayers and support. Pray that God uses us in many ways.
I also want to ask for your prayers for one of our supporters. His name is Steve Kocher. He recently had a heart attack, followed by triple bypass surgery. Let’s pray for his healing and recovery.

Steve Kocher

As you can see from Ronã’s pictures and comments, our trip was truly a blessing in so many ways. I want to thank you for welcoming our family with open arms into your homes and hearts. Your generosity and faithfulness through prayer and support allow to do this amazing work God has put before us here in Brazil. Thank you!


The Moura Family


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Memories for a Lifetime

Hello Everyone!

Our time here is beginning to come to an end as we will be leaving to go back to Brazil on June 1st. I can’t say enough about what this trip has meant for our family. It will be an experience that we will hold onto for many years into the future.
Since our last update, we had the privilege of taking a 2 week road trip up through New York and Canada to visit family and friends. What an adventure!
I have a cousin on my mother’s side who lives in Brooklyn, NY, so we spent a few days there doing some sightseeing.

Ground Zero Memorial

A stroll through Central Park

Time Square

 In Canada, we visited family in both Montréal and Toronto.

Family in Montréal

Family in Toronto

Oliver playing with cousins!

We also had the pleasure of spending a few days with our very good friends and mentors, Art and Cyndi Rae. Art and Cyndi have been on sabbatical for the past year in Cambridge, Ontario, and they will be headed back to Brazil in August to continue training leaders in the Living Waters program. We had missed them so much!

Since coming back from our road trip, we have started meeting with our supporters again to reconnect and making some new connections. This week, we had the pleasure of visiting the Schoppelrei family who are apart of the Morrow County Vineyard.

Out to dinner with the Schoppelrei family

Financial Goals:

We believe we are about $500-$700 away from our monthly goal! This is amazing! So many of you have already signed up to donate monthly, which has been so encouraging. Your desire and commitment to support us has confirmed even deeper the calling that God has on us for our new mission in João Pessoa. We know that we truly have a great team backing us as we move our lives and our family to this new work. Thank you!
If you have already signed up to support us monthly, it would be really helpful if you would send us an email to let us know how much you have committed to. This will help us to know exactly where we are at and how much more we need to raise.

If we have not met with you already, we still have a little bit of time available. We would love just to catch up with you and answer any questions you have about our work in Brazil. Let us know.


Love, the Moura Family

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