Ivanildo Catches Some Fish
We are experimenting with our pond.
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We are experimenting with our pond.
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Ronã’s parents with baby Oliver |
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Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. They have been greatly appreciated.
This past month has been great for Denise and me – and we have an extremely exciting month coming up! I just wanted to take a moment and share a few highlights.
We just returned from a pastor’s retreat that took place in Altamira. It was a wonderful time catching up and connecting with the Vineyard pastors from northern Brazil!
On our way to Altamira on a boat. This is Pastor Felipe’s son, Davi, with me.
This is a view from the room we were in on the boat.
The Amazon from the boat.
A couple pictures from the pastor’s retreat.
Denise with some amazing women of God at the pastor’s retreat. From the left: Elba (one of Brazil’s National Leaders & pastor in Altamira), Marsha (missionary & pastor in Pacajá), Mônica (pastor in Marabá), Denise, and Deanna (missionary & pastor in Marabá).
Again, we have some huge things coming up! We have a team from Vineyard Church of Delaware County (my home church) arriving here in Macapá in less than 2 weeks. We are in full “GO MODE” trying to get all the details worked out for the team. Before we started hosting these short term teams, we really had no idea the amount of work that goes into hosting a team. Transportation, food, sleeping arrangements, fun activities, and most importantly, ministry all needs to be worked out beforehand. It is a lot of work, but it is very enjoyable work. We absolutely can’t wait for the team to arrive!
Last year’s Vineyard Church of Delaware County team.
One week after the team leaves, we will be headed to the States for our furlough! It has been 3 years since we have been back and we cannot wait. It has been so long since I’ve been able to see most of my family and friends. We are very excited to catch up with many of you!
If you would like to get together or have us visit your church or home group, please contact us through email so we can try and set that up. We would love to see as many of you as possible.
Prayer Requests:
Thanks again for your prayers and support. We look forward to seeing many of you soon!
In His Service,
Christopher & Denise
Link for contributions: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/
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Hello to Our Beautiful Friends and Supporters!
It’s always a pleasure to update you all on the latest news from the Amazon. I hope you are enjoying the Spring as it opens its doors to you. I must admit, it is easy to forget about seasons living in a climate that doesn’t change much throughout the year. Luckily, I have facebook pictures and posts to remind me of what you all are experiencing. I remember the freshness of Spring and that feeling of freedom after a long winter.
Well, I am officially 9 months pregnant, but as turns out, pregnancy is actually a little longer than that. My due date is May 23rd, but things could happen any day now. I am simply waiting….and waiting…for this baby to come out! I feel both a lot of anticipation and discomfort. Anticipation at holding for the first time my little baby boy, and discomfort because I am carrying around a bowling ball in my stomach…lol! Please, pray that everything goes as planned.
Last month on April 23rd, Ronã and I celebrated our one anniversary. A friend of ours invited us to spend the day at a local club that has a pool, and later that evening, we enjoyed a dinner out. Our first year has brought many challenges and adjustments, but we both feel grateful for how the grace of God has carried us through each of them. And now, we both get to welcome this new gift of a son into our lives. We feel so blessed in so many ways.
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Out to Dinner |
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A day at the club |
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Cyndi Rae praying for me |
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Dear Friends & Family,
Thank you for your prayers and support. Denise and I greatly appreciate them!
Denise and I have had an exciting month! One thing that was a blast was Macapá Vineyard’s yearly youth conference called Cristoval. This year we had our good friends and fellow missionaries Richie and Christie Bouthillier as our guest speakers. They are from a small city named Portel which is about an 18 hour boat ride from Macapá. Over the last year there have been many discussions between us about trying to unite the two bases. Richie and his son Hezekiah visited Macapá a few months back and our church instantly fell in love with them. It was an obvious choice to have Richie and Christie as speakers this year. They did such an awesome job and many lives where changed.
Cristoval has a special place in Denise’s and my heart. Our first trip to Macapá was two years ago as the guest speakers of Cristoval. At that point Macapá wasn’t even in our mental hemisphere when it came to a place to live, but God had other plans. About six months after our first visit, we were on our way to Macapá! In the last two years we have seen God do many amazing things. One example of this is the increase in our youth ministry. The Cristoval two years ago had about 15 people in attendance, last year’s event had about 45, and this year’s Cristoval had just short of 90! It has been such a pleasure being involved in this process and seeing God at work.
This is a group photo of Cristoval from two years ago when we first visited.
This is a group photo from this year’s Cristoval.
More from Cristoval
When talking to Richie about the possibility of he and Christie coming for Cristoval, it was decided that following the conference Denise and I would return with them to Portel to do some training in their church. Years ago I heard a friend and fellow pastor, Jay Pathak, say that whenever he is invited to go and speak at another church he tries to find something in return to bless his own church. I discussed this idea with Richie when inviting him to Cristoval. We agreed this would be good because it is always hard for a pastor to be away from his church, but much easier when you know there will be a blessing returned to your own church.
New church building in Portel
Denise and me with the Portel worship team
While in Portel we did some training with their leaders, spoke at small groups, Denise did some vocal training, and I preached at their Sunday service. Richie really wanted us to focus on interacting with the Holy Spirit, so I made that the theme of the week. Any chance I got, it was the Holy Spirit I was talking about. Throughout the week it was awesome to see how the Holy Spirit showed up and did some really cool things.
Leadership training on Richie & Christie’s boat
Prayer Requests:
1) As you recall from last month’s newsletter, Denise and I are planting a second Vineyard in Macapá. Please pray for continued wisdom as we seek the Lord and make plans.
2) Pray for the Lord to be in our planning with short-term mission teams and visitors who come to stay with us.
3) Pray for wisdom and protection through this busy season and the upcoming changes.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. We always love to hear from you.
In His Service,
Christopher & Denise
Link for contributions: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/
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Hello to All of Our Amazing Friends and Supporters!
First of all, I just want to say how much I enjoyed being able to spend time with so many of you during my visit last month! It was very refreshing to my soul just to be home and in familiar places with loving faces surrounding me. Thank you all so much for being so welcoming to me!
Also, I want to especially thank all of you for your incredible generosity! I had 2 baby showers while I was there and received so many gifts to help in Oliver’s first year of life. One friend gave me a lot of maternity clothes that she had used while she was pregnant. Another wonderful couple allowed me to borrow their car while I was there which made my trip so much easier. And many of you gave so generously that Ronã and I have been able to buy a few new, much needed appliances, and we are in the process of looking for a car!
(That means we won’t have to drive Oliver around on a motorcycle 😃)
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Opening Presents for Oliver |
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Baby Shower with Family |
While there, I also had the wonderful opportunity to share at Vineyard Tuttle Crossing about what is happening here in Brazil. I shared about the struggles of the Brazilian people and how God is working to bring healing and restoration to many. Ronã and I was so grateful to be even a small piece of God’s plan to bring his abundant life of grace and love to Brazil. If you would like to listen to that message, you can follow the link provided below.
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Sharing at Vineyard Tuttle Crossing |
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The church surrounding me in prayer |
Upon arriving back to Brazil, I had the privilege of attending a conference held by our local Vineyard churches. They invited a group from LifeLine Ministries ( https://www.facebook.com/lifelineministriesJimAnderson/ ) to come and speak to both our families and our youth during the annual festival of Carnaval. What an incredible time in the presence of God!
As I explained in my message at Vineyard Tuttle Crossing, there are a lot of broken families in our region. So many of the people that we work with had very troubling family environments growing up, and of course, they bring the traumas and wounds from the past into the present. Many have problems in their current families because of it. This conference spoke directly to those wounds and gave hope for a different future. It was so awesome to watch God move among so many families in our churches. It was an answer to our prayers, and we will continue to pray for God’s healing work. Please join us in praying for the healing restoration of Brazilian families! Below is another link to a short video of the conference.
Family Conference
Over the next few months, Ronã and I will continue to prepare for Oliver’s arrival at the end of May. Ronã is continuing to teach English and help out with our worship team. I will begin to meet again with the women that I counsel, as well as look for new opportunities to help those struggling with addictions and trauma.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and donations. We could not be here without you!
Prayer Needs:
A visa for Ronã
A healthy pregnancy
A reliable and affordable car
Increase in monthly support
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