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February 2017 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always so greatly appreciated.

After all our visitors and the busyness of the Christmas season, Denise and I were happy to get back into our “normal” routine. When we say “normal” we say that very loosely because our “normal” is in a season of change. Our day to day tasks are constantly evolving because of some big things coming up in our life.

The next year is going to be fun but wild to say the least. J We have a number of visitors coming to stay with us over the next few months including fellow missionaries Bob Lesher, and Richie and Christie Bouthillier. We also have a trip planned to do some ministry training in Portel, we have a pastor’s retreat in Altamira, and a wedding in São Paulo. We will be receiving a short-term mission team from my home church at the end of May and directly after that we will be heading to the United States for our first furlough in 3 years.

Bob Lesher (who is visiting)

As I’ve stated in past newsletters, probably the biggest thing coming up this year is that we will be sent out by our church to plant a second Vineyard here in Macapá. This has definitely shaped and affected our recent routine more than anything. There is a bit of a balancing act between our current work with Vineyard Macapá and our work and preparation with the upcoming church plant. We are fully committed to helping stabilize and prepare our present church for our upcoming departure and at the same time committed to planting seeds for the new church.

Some ladies from church

Some guys from church

Our home group

Over the last month we have begun to make new connections with people living in the area where we plan to plant our church. A while back we met two brothers named Mateus and André. Both Mateus and André have a desire to be involved in the Vineyard, but because they live on the opposite side of town, the distance has been too difficult. Several weeks ago we started meeting with them at a location close to their house on a weekly basis, and the plan is that our first small group will be in that area. We also recently met a couple who have pastoral experience, but are new in Macapá and haven’t found a church home yet. This week they told us that they felt like God put Denise and I in their lives to mentor and disciple them. We will also be meeting with them weekly and our hope is to start a small group with them as well.

Two brothers Andre and Mateus. We will try to get a small group started at their house.

Visiting a family who live close to where we will plant. Will hopefully get a small group started at their house.

It’s a very exciting time, but also a time of trial and error. Much of this is new to us and the process can feel extremely slow at times. We feel God is directing us to make the process simple and to not overcomplicate it. We feel that if we can get to know some new people and start a few small groups in this new area, it will put us in a good position when we return from the States and are ready to plant.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for increasing relational bridges in the area of Macapá where we plan to church plant.
  • Pray for the Macapá Vineyard and their leadership team as we move toward planting.
  • Pray for our ability to be good hosts as visitors come and go.
  • Pray for wisdom and protection through this busy season and the upcoming changes.

Thanks again for your prayers and support. We always love to hear from you.

In His Service,

Christopher & Denise

Link for contributions: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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New Years Dance


Emma and the Dance Group presented this special gift on New Years Eve, 2014/2015.

Emma’s Dance Group on New Years Eve, in Maraba.



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Letting Him Lead-Finding Our Home

One Saturday morning in Canada shortly before we came back to Brazil, I was leafing through flyers minding my own business when I saw a picture of a golden retriever.  For those who know us well, wed are often comparing ourselves to those overly friendly extroverted dogs.

But we also really want one and it represents home to me and to my kids who’s only ever house that felt like home had a golden retriever in it.

At that moment as I looked at the golden retriever in front of a cage I felt the Lord say, ‘so when you get to Joao Pessoa, you’re going to find a house that looks pretty great early on.  But, it’s not the house I have for you so don’t rush it, wait on me’.


I told Phil and then forgot all about it.

Two weeks into our time here, and the fourth house we looked at-we were in love!  It was clean, bright, had an extra bedroom for visitors, a bit of space outside, great location.  We were ready to rent it.

The next morning we had an appointment to see it again.  I woke up feeling uneasy and couldn’t figure out why.  So, I said, ‘what’s up Jesus, why do I feel like this?’

That’s when he reminded me what he had told me when I was looking at the flyer.

Seriously?  But this house is PERFECT.  It has EVERYTHING!

But I have something better.

I told Phil, his shoulders sloped and he sighed, ‘Really?’

So, we didn’t rent it.  For the next week or so there was NOTHING new on the market.  We started to panic a little, what if I heard wrong?

But, everything in me told me not to rent it.  Trust, wait, He has something better.

Finally, one day as I was obsessively looking on the Brazilian version of Kijiji a house appeared I hadn’t seen before, a new listing.

The initial picture had two large dogs that looked like golden retrievers in the drive way.

IT’S A SIGN!  I joked, sort of.

I read the description, 3 bedrooms, and an ‘annex’.  I made an appointment to see it at the earliest opportunity.

The minute we walked through the gates and into the house we were all sold on it.  It had so much outside space, which is nearly impossible find here.  There was also the annex, which had a garage below for all of Phil’s fiddlings, and above a full bedroom with ensuite for visitors.  Separate from our own house for the visitors privacy and ours.

We really want our house to somewhere that pastors, missionaries and family and friends can come to find rest.

This place was just that.

Now that we are moved in, I am reminded every day that waiting on what God has for us is ALWAYS  better.  Jesus always has what’s best for us, even when it doesn’t look like it.

We just have to be willing to wait…..and that my friends is the hardest part.

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Can You Give Your Yes?

This past Sunday we had the opportunity to share with our home church about what we feel God has placed on our hearts.  I felt strongly leading up to our talk that this was supposed to be something other than a slideshow and stories from the Amazon.  I felt God pressing on my heart that He wanted people to examine their hearts for the areas they haven’t let him in, the ‘dirty closets’ they preferred to keep closed.  
The worship left Phil and I undone as it spoke exactly of the message we felt pressed to share with our church family.  
I posed the question, ‘If Jesus asked you to say yes before knowing the question could you do it?’ If you couldn’t, why? Is there fear involved? Are there areas of your life that are off limits to Jesus? What are the fears? Fear of loss? Fear of lack?
When we hold back and live in fear we become paralyzed, stop listening to what God wants for us and in turn we choke off the blessings God has for us. 
Our yes comes at a cost, sometimes it’s a great one, but it also comes with great reward. 
We shared a bit about some of the awesome stuff God has been using us for in Brazil and how we came to the understanding that he is indeed calling us to move on to Joao Pessoa where we will be part of planting a church and beginning new ministries that we are yet to discover.
We also shared our financial situation, where are we four years into this thing? 
Reality is the numbers currently don’t add up but we are pressing forward in confidence knowing that God has called us into this and requires our action to activate his provision. 

We shared where the majority of our funding comes from, 80% from individuals who give anywhere from $25-$200/month. That maybe Jesus is asking them to say yes to joining our team, to trust that he will provide. We also stressed that although you may think what you can offer is just a bit, it’s all those bits that make up the majority of our funding. Not to mention knowing we have a team of people rooting for us, praying for us and supporting us is invaluable.
I sighted Exodus 14:12-18 when the Israelites are whining that Moses should have left them as slaves, Moses tells them to be still but God responds, ‘“Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to MOVE on. 16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. 17 I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. 18 The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.”
God wants our yes AND our action. When we do that He gets the glory, people see the impossible become possible.

Sometimes being enslaved by our fear is comfortable because it’s what we know. But that’s only because we haven’t given God a chance to show us what he is capable of. When we do, we taste real freedom and there’s no turning back.
We are so incredibly grateful to the people who have been faithfully supporting us these last four years and to those who have just decided to join the team. We are still recruiting, if you want in send us a message and we’ll get you set up.
We also shared a video highlighting some of the best moments of the last two years.
Here’s the link:

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Merry Christmas 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always very appreciated.

Denise and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Things are crazy and fun here in Macapá. We have Denise’s family visiting for 2 weeks! This is the first we have been able to spent time with them since last Christmas, so we couldn’t be any more excited! We are having a blast showing them around Macapá.

Our trip to see Starwars

Denise and I with her parents

Christmas was always my favorite holiday. I have such fond memories of Christmases in the past. The Christmas lights, the smell of pine needles and cookies in the oven, the sound Christmas carols, the crisp cold winter air, the whole environment, are things I have always loved. Since moving to Brazil, Christmas is very different. I find myself really missing my family and feeling very homesick during the holidays.

A few days ago I woke up feeling a bit down and homesick, so I grabbed my Bible and opened it. The page it opened to was Isaiah 9. I looked down and began to read: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” In this verse Isaiah is prophesying about the coming messiah. My first thought was how fitting the verse was during this time of the year, but as I thought and prayed the words spoke to my heart. I realized that the verse was not just speaking about something that happened 2000 years ago, but was about what Jesus was doing in my life that morning and every day. Jesus didn’t just come to rescue Israel, but is in constant pursuit of saving each and every one of us on a daily basis.

Denise’s and my prayer for you this Christmas is that you will sense Jesus – Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – near to you.

Merry Christmas!

122316 dogs
122316 christopher and denise

In His Service,

Christopher and Denise

Contribution Link: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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December Amazon Update – Merry CHRISTmas!

Merry CHRISTmas.  We pray that this Christmas will be very special for you and your loved ones.   We are grateful to be back in the States to see our family and friends like you.  I also felt like the Lord wanted me to tell you that He sees you, loves you, and that He is with you.   Pray you enjoy the below email and again, have a great Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Before coming back to the States we had a community wedding where 6 couples got married.  It was a really great time and we were very proud of these couples.  Two of the couples had been married at the justice of the peace several years prior but never had a formal celebration.  We also had a Mom and Dad get married, alongside of their son and daughter.  It was a really cool sight to see the Mom and Dad getting married with their children which is something that you do not see every day.  There were lots of smiles of happiness and tears of joy, and the Lord was smiling in their midst as they made their public testimony of dedication and commitment to Christ.  Another blessing was that all of the dresses were donated which went a long way to making this a very special day. 

Also before coming back to the States, Elba went to Porto de Moz to speak to their congregation and encourage them in the Lord.  Thankfully she was able to take a speedboat which only took about 4-5 hours to get there.  They were really excited about her visit and they had many performances and dances for the special time.  As a treat, Elba got to eat her favorite fish which is a hard shelled fish that is prehistoric in nature.  It is a bottom feeder and she grew up eating it.  Personally, I ate it once, and then went to the hospital….no joke. 

We drove up from Florida which had some great weather.  During our trip up we had many competing prayers between the kids and us.  They were praying for snow and cold, and we were trying to rebuke those prayers with warm weather.  When we arrived in Columbus this past weekend, it was a rude awakening, and the girl’s prayers prevailed.   However, we are still praying for warmer weather….brrrrrr. 

Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  

Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:

The Xingu Mission

P.O Box 340785

Columbus, Ohio  43234

Or On-line donations at:

We went on a little retreat with the church and I was just about to lay down in my hammock when I heard these plops on the ground.  I thought it was fruit falling from the tree but upon further investigation I saw that it was poop.  I then looked up and saw the monkeys just above me trying to mark their territory on my head.  Then they started to unleash a poop storm.  Needless to say I moved quickly from that spot.  This was my firsthand experience of an animal marking their territory….they won.  J


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November Amazon Update and Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  As you will see below, we will be coming back to Ohio around December 15th and staying in the Ohio area until February 5th.  We would love to see you.  If this works for you, please send me some dates so we can mark something on the calendar.  OK?  Thanks and we look forward to seeing you soon.  Pray you are blessed with the below email.

I started a small group bible study and we just completed our 26th week.  This bible study is unlike the bible studies that I am used to as we adopted the Discipleship Making model.  It is a really simple model and one that is very easy to facilitate.  The model has been adopted in many areas throughout the world and has really caught on fire.  I cannot do the model justice in this brief email https://idisciple.cityteam.org/ but essentially we ask the same simple questions week after week like:

  • What are you thankful for this week? (Prayer/Worship)
  • What has stressed you out this week? 
  • What do you need for things to be better? (Intercession)


  • What are the needs of the people in your community? (Ministry)

  • Let’s see what the Bible teaches us this week. Read this week’s passage. (Scripture)

  • What does this passage teach us about God? (Discovery/Scripture/Priesthood of Believers)

Our group consists of friends that do not attend church on a regular basis.  I am not sure of the reasons why they do not go to church, however, week after week they continue to invite us back to have home church at their house to talk about their lives, God, and the Bible. 

I like these questions because even if you know it or not, we are honoring and giving praise to God.  Plus, we get the opportunity to open up the scriptures to our friends that normally would not read the bible. 

Elba returned from London, England and we are glad to have her back.  Elba went to London because she serves on the international board for Vineyard Institute.  Vineyard Institute is an educational provider for the Vineyard movement, formed to develop leaders at all levels of church life through high quality theological training http://vineyardinstitute.org/ .  While she was there for her meeting she had the opportunity to go and speak at the Trent Vineyard.  She preached on “God’s People – A Missionary People”.  While she was gone we celebrated our 13th year wedding anniversary.  Thankfully, I was able to send her some flowers for the occasion. 

The girls continue to do well and excel at school.  Obviously, we are very proud parents and are grateful to their dedication to school.  They won 2 gold medals for their school performance.  Camilly, with the help of Clenildo (one of her Brazilian Grandpas), made this replication of a river and Indian community.  They made it out of Styrofoam, paper, and wire. They did an amazing job.  Alyssa is also becoming an artist.  She painted this on Styrofoam tray.  Again, proud parents!

As we mentioned last month, Elba was invited to come and speak at the Vineyard Columbus woman’s conference to be held in February 2017.  Elba is excited about this opportunity and since it is coming up to our time to visit the States, we accepted with great enthusiasm.  We will be coming back to the States on December 10th and staying in the Columbus area until February 5th.  We look forward to seeing and spending time with our family during Christmas.  We also look forward to seeing you.  Would you like to get together?  If so, write me back and let’s get something on the calendar. 

Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  

Much love, Steve, Elba, Camilly, and Alyssa

Tax deductible donations can be written and sent to:

The Xingu Mission

P.O Box 340785

Columbus, Ohio  43234

Or On-line donations at:

Richie Bouthillier took this photo while on a boat trip with the Dentist team.  The dog fell asleep like this.

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Hello to all of our Generous Supporters and Friends!
We are always so grateful for your involvement in our lives despite the distance. Whether it be packages sent or notes on Facebook and email, we know that we are in your hearts and thoughts on a regular basis. Thank you.
In my last blog, I gave you the great news that I was pregnant, and I also explained that I was suffering some severe symptoms. 
The condition that I have is called hyperemesis gravidarum. That’s basically a fancy phrase for a very extreme form of morning sickness. And since the end of September, I have been battling with this condition. I have had days in which I vomited at least 10 times. I have had days in which I only moved from the bed to the bathroom and back. In that time, I have lost 16 lbs. I have gone to the hospital several times for IV treatments for dehydration. In the beginning, I was given a medicine for nausea and vomiting, but with little effect. Although Brazil does offer a public health system, the care is often indifferent and slow. 
A few weeks ago, I was in really bad shape. I was so weak, I could hardly stand. Finally, with the financial help of some family members, we were able to visit a private doctor, and she admitted us in a private hospital for a few days. There, along with IV treatments, they gave me a medication that finally started making a difference. It is a drug often given to cancer patients to treat the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy treatments. With this medication, I was able to get some relief. I was able to eat and drink again, usually only vomiting once a day. 
As I explained before, the assumed cause for morning sickness is associated with the hormones flooding the body in order to develop the fetus. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, these hormones double every few days, therefore, the nausea and vomiting often grow stronger as you reach the end of the first trimester. After that, some of the hormones begin to subside, and most often, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting begin to subside as well. I have just reached the peak end of my first trimester. This week, despite the medicine, my symptoms have worsened again. Thankfully, nowhere near the level of before, but each day is a rollercoaster. My prayer is that now that I am at the end of the first trimester, the nausea and vomiting will start to lessen with each day. There is no guarantee of this, as some women suffer from these symptoms throughout their pregnancy. Please pray with me that this is not my case. 
Despite these hardships, there has been some good things. Ronã, for one, has been amazing. He has gotten me everything I needed, made appointments with all the doctors, cleaned up after me, held me when I was moaning in pain, and so, so much more. He has served me and our baby so faithfully. I am so blessed to have him. 
Another wonderful thing is that our baby is totally healthy and developing normally. We just went for an ultrasound yesterday, and we can already see it’s head and little arms and legs moving around, as well as it’s little heart beating so strong. 
Though I have had to stop most of the things I was involved in before, on my good days, I have at least been able to continue meeting with some of the girls I have been counseling. It makes me very happy to know that I can still walk along side them in this time as they continue to grow.
Our friends and the other missionaries here have been very helpful and supportive of us. We are so grateful for their loving kindness. 
Again, I want to say how much we appreciate your prayers and support. God bless and keep all of you.
Additional Prayer Request:
-A Visa for Ronã to travel to the US and Canada
-Increase in Financial Support
-Continued health of our Baby
-Wisdom as we serve
Love, Allison and Ronã

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November 2016 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. They are always greatly appreciated.

Denise and I have had a good month. It started out with a trip to our annual missionary retreat. This is a time for all the Xingu Mission missionaries to gather and be ministered to. It is extremely easy for us as missionaries to sometimes neglect our own spiritual and emotional needs. This year at our retreat we had Dan and Sandy Thiessen, a couple from Canada who have been professional counselors for many years, come and minister to us. They were amazing, and their insights and perspective into our life difficulties and challenges were extremely helpful. Denise and I, and all the other missionaries were very blessed by them. These retreats are also a time for all the missionaries to catch up with each other and have some fun. Every time we get together with my fellow XM missionaries, we feel so blessed to be part of this family!

From our missionary retreat

Back in Macapá things have been busy. At the moment our biggest focus has been discipleship and leadership training. When it is time for Denise and me to leave and plant a new Vineyard, we would like our present church to be in as healthy a position as possible. One thing I have found is that training leaders is more challenging than I realized. We have been very encouraged and excited by the progress made, but have learned that leadership training takes a lot of effort and commitment from those being discipled as well as those doing the discipling.

Our Small Group watching the testimony of John Wimber (who founded the Vineyard Movement). We watched with subtitles.

Small Group Worship

Over a year ago, when Denise and I were in São Paulo helping out with a worship seminar, we met a young man named Samuel. At that time Samuel had just begun a walk with Jesus. Throughout the week, Samuel began to share his desire to come visit us in Macapá. Before saying our goodbyes, he made a promise that he would visit us. Six months ago Samuel made good on his promise. While he was here, God did some powerful things in his life. By the end of his weeklong visit, he was talking about how he felt God was calling him to come live in Macapá. At the moment Denise and I didn’t know how serious he was, but two weeks ago Samuel moved to Macapá!

Samuel being prayed for at the church

Since arriving here, things have gone well for Samuel. He has found a job, a place to live, made many new friends and has fit right in. He is a very talented musician and can play multiple instruments. He has been extremely helpful with our worship band. We all love Samuel and couldn’t be happier that he is here with us! Although he is overjoyed to be here, he is experiencing many new things. This is Samuel’s first time living away from his mother’s house. In fact, his visit here six months ago was the first time he’d been outside of São Paulo. Please keep Samuel in your prayers!

Our church

Other Prayer Requests:

Continued growth, discipleship and sense of community in our church.

Continued leadership development.

Wisdom, discernment and God’s heart as we care for those inside and outside the church.

Thanks again for your prayers and support. We always love to hear from you.

In His Service,

Christopher & Denise

Link for contributions: https://xingu.org/opportunities/giving/meyer-ministries/

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Mixed Blessing

Hello to all our Friends and Supporters!

We hope you all are doing well, and as always, we thank you for your generosity and prayers.
As I look on social media, it seems that the United States is going through a very tumultuous time. There seems to be conflict and upheaval in almost every area of life. I pray for all of you that peace would reign in your hearts, above all else. It is important to remember that the Earth is not our true home, and that our ultimate security cannot be found here. We have hope for a better day in a better land!
This year has brought a lot of changes into our lives. Ronã and I are adjusting to married life as well as moving once again. So, in order to keep with the theme of “major life changes”, we have a new one to announce. I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!
Because of my age, Ronã and I wanted to get starting trying to have a family right away. We are both very happy and looking forward to yet another new stage in our lives.
However, I am sharing this news with you a little earlier than is usually recommended. The reason is that since becoming pregnant, I have been experiencing some severe symptoms. 
You have probably heard of “morning sickness” being pretty common in pregnant women, and although it is actually a good sign for the health of my baby, it has been pretty debilitating for me. I have been having severe nausea and vomiting, accompanied by extreme weakness and fatigue. I basically can’t do anything. There are only a few foods that I can manage to eat, and if I am careful, I can get them to stay down. I have had to stop almost all my other activities, including teaching at CDR.
I am simply taking it one day at a time, trying to find out what works for me. I have already been to the doctor, and they have given me some medicine, but it helps little. Here in Brazil, they do not have all the resources available in the States for this condition. However, Brazil does offer free medical care, and the doctors and nurses here are helping me with all my prenatal care needs.
As an American with a innate flare for independence, this has been difficult for me more than just physically. I am weak and in need of the help of others. Basic things like cooking and cleaning, I can no longer do for myself. Of course, Ronã is doing everything he can to help me, but it is a challenge for him as well. We are blessed to have some faithful friends and other missionaries who have been very willing to do what they can.
In most women, the morning sickness lasts only during the first 3 months of pregnancy. It is believed to be caused by a rush of certain hormones filling the body during those first 3 months as the fetus begins developing. However, there are other women who do experiences these symptoms throughout their pregnancy.
We are asking for your prayers. I really hope that these symptoms do not last the entire time. Of course, we have no control over the results, but we hope for the best.

Also this week, Ronã is traveling with a group of missionaries from another denomination. He will be translating for them as they visit their churches and provide training. This is a great opportunity for Ronã, but it is also very challenging. Translating can be mentally exhausting and require a lot of focus and attention. Please, pray for him that he would excel and that the Holy Spirit would give him strength and endurance.
While he is traveling, I will be staying with Art and Cyndi Rae. They have been so kind and generous to open up their home to me in my time of need. Please, pray that God returns to them the goodness that they have given to me.

Ronã and I are so grateful for your support, so grateful for your sacrifice and prayers for us. As I said before, it takes a lot of humility to rely and lean on others. You all have been here for us from the start. Our desire is to take what you have given us and use it to advance the Kingdom of God. That is our daily mission from our hearts. Every time we serve someone else, it is a testament to your loyal support. Thank you.
If you are interested in supporting us as missionaries, please click on the link below to make an online donation. God bless all of you!!!

Love, Allison and Ronã


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