May Amazon Update! - Steve and Elba Archives | Xingu Mission

May Amazon Update! – Steve and Elba

This month we had our annual pastor’s retreat.  We were fortunate to be able to bring in Jerry Reddix and Penny Meyer to help minister to the pastors.  The objective of this retreat was to get the pastors to stop and get re-centered back to the Lord.  The pastors lives are mostly give, give, and give some more. It is easy to neglect their own needs and their soul.  Jerry and Penny helped bring some more tools for these pastors so that they can go forward working in a more balanced way and not get burned out.  We are so fortunate to be working with and serving these pastors.  They have such great relationships with the Lord, and they are very faithful and dedicated to His call. 

The church also had the opportunity to go to one of the local schools and share about Jesus.  Such an amazing privilege to be able to go to a public school for the express purpose of sharing the love of Christ.  Elba used a visual display to help the students understand Christ and sin in this world.  She had three containers, one represented Jesus, the other sin, and the other us.  The sin container contained dark colored liquid and she poured it into the “us” container and we became sinful.  Then Christ enters our life.  She then took the Christ container and pour it into the “us” container and then we became clean again.  Here is a youtube video of the demonstration. The children were in awe and loved their time.  Camilly and their dance group also danced for the kids.

Camilly turned 10 years old on April 10th.  She is now in the double digits.  Time goes by so quickly.  We had a birthday party with some of her friends.  The girls also got the opportunity to go horseback riding at a local farm.  They really had a lot of fun.  The only problem now is that they want us to buy them a horse. 

Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.  Thanks!

Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa


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Columbus, Ohio  43234

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